Being a mapper, I've created maps specifically to avoid RSO upon joining. Its as simple as creating a 100% sealed room. Joining the servers, I noticed the firt place you spawn is in the open. This means upon loading, you also have to load every model in the game thats visible. In order to prevent RSO, you need to take gradual loads. The player creation menu cameras are positioned in a way where some will create this gradual load where others will create a visibility over the entire map, loading everything too fast.Here's the fix:1. I will be creating a spawn room in the next version of outlands to prevent initial RSO (if thats where non-character players first spawn)2. Move the cameras in a spot which only a portion of the map is visible (i dont mean a wall, I mean looking off where beyond is the void)
RSO is a result of the pracaching of models. It starts at around 600/1024. I was on the server today and it was at 734/1024. If you are in a sealed room, you do not precache all models on the map which is why sometimes if you step outsied a sealed room, you get a minor lag spike. RSO has nothing to do with your computer or its internet connection.Cleaning up props does not fix RSO either UNLESS those props cleaned up do not exist on the server elsewhere. IE. the server has a table, two chairs, and three mugs.The table is MODEL:AThe chairs are both MODEL:BThe mugs are all MODEL:CThe server may have a total of 6 props in it, however there are only 3 different kinds of models in the server, thus there are only 3 models precached on the server.Conclusion?A prop clean up is ONLY effective if the MODELS removed are no longer existant on the server. Removing 10 tables of Model A while another 2 tables of MODEL A still exist on the server will not help the precache.And yes, the map has a LOT to do with this. The more different models used in the map, the higher the precache will be. It's similar to Textdata on a map. A map which uses the same materials in different places will have a smaller textdata then a map with different materials in different places.Get it?TL;DR to temporarily fix RSO on the map, place the spawn or spawn cameras in a room where models will not be precached.
sealed room doesnt work, cameras are the issue yesalso, this isnt a "fix", RSO will still be there if we use the same shit maps