Author Topic: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.  (Read 12488 times)

Offline Nicknero

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The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« on: May 11, 2012, 05:39:53 PM »
Disclaimer: You might be thinking? "Oh no! He broke the rules! Only pony shit in spam!" Well no, I did not. I made this thread in general discussion exactly because of this rule. This thread does not contain any pony material at all, and to keep it like that, it's in general discussion. This thread is pure about the discussion of bronies in a serious manner. So no flaming, trolling, or spamming any kind of shit!

Where did this hype come from?
Only the god emperor knows... It all started on 4chan where a couple of users discussed about the newly TV show MLP and eventually more and more users began to watch it, and eventually like it which came to the name: Bronie (Bro pony)

Why did this even start?
I wish I could tell... I have no idea why so many people are obsess with this certain show. I mean, aren't there anything else that is just as awesome or even better? Lots of people say MLP is so good because of the animations. Now I have to admit, I've seen a couple of episodes just out of curiosity, and indeed the animations aren't that bad. But seriously? There is nothing special about this TV show. Nothing at all that tops any other TV show. Why is it that so many people love it?
Now I can tell you for sure, and I just KNOW it that at least 90% of all you bronies out there are only liking MLP, because others do. But that is what hypes are. NONE of you ever came to this TV show all by yourself. You've all been dragged into the hype by other people and all think you are cool because you are 'part of the group'.

What makes bronies so different?
Now don't get me wrong here. There is nothing wrong about liking or even loving a certain something that may in this case be a TV show. Everyone likes TV shows. But what makes bronies so different? That ain't hard to tell. Just look around on the internet. Every website, Every forum, Every corner of the junkhole we call the internet. EVERYWHERE you will find this shit people keep on spamming.
So once again: There is nothing wrong with liking or loving a TV show. But why in god sakes do you have to be so overly obsessed with it by putting ponies all over your signature, avatar, websites, forums, youtube, blogs, anything you can think of.
I can only find one obvious reason: Because you think you are cool because you are 'part of the group'. Exactly as I explained before.

The ancestors of bronies.
Of course, 'brony' isn't the first internet hype out there. The previous very popular one were furries.
And to be honest. There isn't much difference between bronies and furries. They are both about animals. People make tons of drawings of them. And uhh.... I can't believe I actually say this: But yes, also TONS of rule 34 drawings. Just like furries.
But the main difference between furries and ponies, is just like any other hype: They come and go. Furries were spammed all over the internet, but now it is getting old, and furries retreated to their own special forums. So, when will brony die out? I personally hope very soon...

'Hates gonna hate'.
Do some people think brony is a form of trolling? We all know that those who don't like MLP (Like me) really dislike seeing MLP pictures anywhere we go. The reason is because this subject is so overly obsessed and overused and the fact that those responsible for posting them purely post them in the manner of trolling those who dislike them. Why? Are they all just a bunch of trolls? Or do they actually have an unknown reason behind it?
As said before: Everyone likes his own things. Including TV shows. So bronies like MLP, while other people like for example South park, Family guy, the Simpsons, or any of those popular animated TV shows. But do you see anyone spamming pictures and thread about South park, Family guy or the Simpsons? Well I know I don't. All I see is pony pony pony pony pony. And that is not because people like them so much. No, it's because it is a god damn hype!

I don't know what more I could add. Anyone else have anything to discuss? Remember to keep it nice. I don't want anyone to spam this thread with either pro-pony, or anti-pony. The general forum rules will prevent this to happen, so anyone breaking this rule will serve consequences.

You may discuss why you either hate or like MLP, and what your reasons are behind your actions regarding the subject. But once again, keep it nice, and keep it 'pony meme picture'-less!
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Offline wag1

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 05:56:06 PM »
being completely honest, i don't give a shit, even if they shove it down my throat. this being because those that hate bronies do the same, they take a shit if someone's avatar is some pony cunt.

as i stated above, i honestly couldn't care less about either. if you're so offended by this on the internet you obviously need to see a gore thread...

Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2012, 06:06:09 PM »
I don't care, just like I don't care about basicly anything else people are interested in, why? CAUSE JUGGERNAUT DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

But yeah I don't care, its easy to look past, and as much as you hate it nick something worse will take its spot.
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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 06:26:22 PM »
Tell you what's funny: I don't know anyone who is a brony who I can actually call a friend. The only reason I got into the show and fandom because I heard people talking about it on these forums. I try not to associate myself with other so-called "bronies", I find a lot of them to be bitchers and whiners, no offence; and that is why I also don't go on any forums dedicated to MLP. O yeah nick I do post pony pictures just to troll YOU specifically because I know how much of a cry baby you are and how you seem to constantly overreact. Seriously grow-up.

I'm glad a lot of people just honestly don't give shit.

Offline Nicknero

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2012, 06:32:25 PM »
O yeah nick I do post pony pictures just to troll YOU specifically because I know how much of a cry baby you are and how you seem to constantly overreact. Seriously grow-up.

I'm glad a lot of people just honestly don't give shit.

Really? YOU telling ME to grow up?
Just for your information, but most bronies are in a range of age somewhere between 14 and 17. Anyone of my age and above laughs at bronies and just calls them stupid.
So that just proves that grownups are actually more mature.
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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2012, 06:39:05 PM »
it's similar to having a dick. you can have one, you can like it, you can play with it, just don't shove it down my throat
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Offline Taylor

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 06:43:51 PM »
^ lul

Warned for single word posting/postwhoring. ~Nick
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 06:50:58 PM by Nicknero1405 »

Offline Nicknero

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2012, 06:52:02 PM »
it's similar to having a dick. you can have one, you can like it, you can play with it, just don't shove it down my throat
Yeah I believe you said this about 10 times in the past. :P
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Offline CrazyNinja

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2012, 06:54:38 PM »
I sense that a lot of butthurt and what not is about to take place.

I will give out my opinion however.

I find that those that call them bronies are nothing more then just an individual that has no confidence in themselves and are followers, not leaders and think it is cool to "join the group."  Kind of like in highschool, where teenagers get influenced by those group of people they think are friends and get convinced to smoke, drink, or do drugs.  There are also those who use this to troll those who use this to troll those who hate MLP or bronies such as people use memes, furries, or what have you.  Now, I myself, I don't really care if someone is a "brony" as long as, well like RoflWaffle said: "As long as they don't shove it down my throat." Seeing bront avatars, posts, and what not constantly is quite annoying as well.  This is just one of those stupid hypes that you need ot just keep to yourselves, privately amongst MLP fan group websites, or grow up and get away from it, as it is ridiculous.  I do feel slightly sorry for bronies though and think they need to grow up and become mature.  Let's face it, someone in their house, looking and posting brony stuff isn't very mature.  Just another thing people do to try to escape the real world, most likely have problems with their life or etc...   This is my opinion though, deny it all you want, this most likely goes for over 85% of the brony population.  Now, I am not trying to troll, flame, or what not, just giving out my opinion on the subject.

Offline Taylor

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2012, 07:39:16 PM »
Bronies need to go away, the really annoy me how they shove their stuff down your face.

Offline Somone77

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2012, 09:01:59 PM »
I give a shit, you guys are annoying because your signatures are 2,000px long. Going to be restricting the signature size soon. Bronies ain't gunna like it.

Speaking of which, all signatures have now been limited to a max of 1 *x150px image. Settings have been applied to all existing signatures so you may have to update part of it that may get cut off.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 09:22:40 PM by Somone77 »

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2012, 09:29:49 PM »
Honestly I really don't give a shit as long they don't like many other people said it, shove it down my throat. In a sever I go to with youtube player is a bunch of brony shit and I don't like how they shove it down my throat by watching every single video over and over. Anything I play is rarley played like nostalgia critic, such and such, try to put some change once and a while and they just skip it because they cry about there pony shit not playing. So, I Just left. I think it's infested due to like a fad just like justin bieber or...or furries... or fashion. However showing it everywhere is just annoying and downright stupid.
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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2012, 09:36:09 PM »
inb4 you guys start yelling about signatures being cut. But I think the forum is looking better already.

Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2012, 02:55:30 AM »
I myself am not a brony but, they do not bother me...yet. Actually turns out that the ratio of my friends that are bronies and those that are not is about a 50/50 ratio (Maybe a little bit less than 50 percent brony). However, I've never been troubled by one trying to shove a pony down my throat *coughRainbowDashcough*.

Offline Nicknero

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Re: The latest craze on the internet called Bronies.
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2012, 10:35:23 AM »
I'm actually wondering one major thing:
Of all the bronies, how many of them are actually known as brony in REAL LIFE?
How many of them have the guts to go out and tell their friends (if they even have any) and family that they are obsessed with MLP.
Or are they all hypocrites that hop on the bandwagon on the Internet but are to much of a shame to tell anyone they know IRL, because they know it's retarded and shame themselves but don't want to admit it.
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