Player Section
Steam Name: (=LOC=) creepy noob in a corner
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): about 2-3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years
Character Section
-having a 3" steel switchblade
Name: Annie Cameron
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Late one night, Annie was running from two men that were trying to rob and possibly rape her. A man called to her from the canals near the entrance to D6 yelling "Down here!" She ran around the corner before her pursuers could see her and hopped over the bar and onto a train car not far from the edge. She slipped down onto the ground and saw the man.
He motioned to her and she followed him under a bridge where it was very dark. He motioned to hide behind a truck and she did. After she heard the two men run past the canal, she sighed in relief and said "Thanks! I don't know what I would have done if those bastards caught me." Her savior replied "Anytime. I've seen those two harassing people before, they're bad news." Annie nodded and smiled, though they couldn't see each other's faces in the dark.
Then she heard footsteps above her. Then she saw her two pursuers climb down the ladder. She gasped and the two men heard her and one of them yelled "Hey girlie! Come out from back there!" Annie stayed there and the man who saved her came out of the shadows and took out a knife from his pocket. He flicked the switch on it and it came out with a "FIIIIITHT" (sorry for my onomatopoeia, it adds to the story).
The man with the switchblade said to the two men "Get outta her or I'll run one of your bastards though!" The two men looked at each other and one said "Naw, she's not worth it." and they climbed back up the ladder. Annie came out of the shadows and told her savior "Wow, they really are just cowards arn't they?" and smirked. The man with the knife closed his blade and laughed.
"Here" he said and gave Annie the knife. She took the switchblade and thanked him. "You be sure and use it on those bastards!" yelled Annie's savior as her climbed back up the ladder. Annie stuffed the blade in her pocket and thanked God.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-able to defend myself (to an extent)
-showing this could defuse potentially dangerous situations
-possibly more respect among citizens
-a target for citizens wanting the knife
-possibly getting caught with the knife by CCA
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I would like to defend myself in D6. I've got pushed around a lot there, and witnessed a few rapes. Without a knife auth, I can't legitly defend myself from other not so friendly citizens. I would also hide the knife in D6 if I ever needed to go into the city or for rations.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Which server does this apply for?
Extra Notes (optional):
This actually happened. I never did catch the dude's name that helped me, but he still gave me the knife with rping. I really should have asked his name...