I always had the dreams to become a pilot.Not sure if I rather want a commercial airbus pilot, or a military jet pilot. Both sound rather awesome.Why? Because flying is awesome. That's why.
Well, I'd really like to just have a pension c;
People need to understand (I'm not in the American army or even American for that matter) is that it's not all fun and games. Including being a police officer, most of the time you're pushing pens at a desk for your entire life and most likely wont see any action. The Army is different and you gun hoe Americans shoot anything so I can't really speak on your behalf, but I can assure you if you're one of those kids who are like "I jus wana shoot some1" then you're an idiot and need a reality check.
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.
I envy you :'( Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?