Author Topic: WW3  (Read 4874 times)

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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« on: May 04, 2012, 04:55:14 PM »
So WW1-2 the biggest wars ever, Maybe it could happen again a new war between various countries like the game Homefront most of the things in that game are becoming true and are happening, The game even predicted Kim Jong il's  death by a few days.

So please comment your thoughts and make sure there kept on topis.

Offline EmperorDisasster

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Re: WW3
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 05:08:27 PM »
The game even predicted Kim Jong il's  death by a few days.

In-game he died in 2012, not 2011...

Also, something tells me you've just played and/or you love the storyline it gives. IMO, the game is one big racial stereotype joke, but really, it won't happen.

most of the things in that game are becoming true and are happening

Oh really? I wasn't aware Kim Jong-Un was reuniting Korea and beginning an army that slowly takes over other countries... yeah, no, just because Kim Jong-Il died, that doesn't mean Korea will be all:

Also notice how in Homefront, Jong-Un is portrayed as a very skinny dictator, whereas in real life... he's a slightly chubby dictator.

In all, Korea got not beef with anyone to start WW3...
im bach

Offline [WB] SDS Bandy [CO] [15th]

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Re: WW3
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 05:12:45 PM »
It could happen know one knows.

Offline Globey

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Re: WW3
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 05:29:05 PM »
Generally speaking, China won't be able to do anything major on the offensive. Not only do they lack a proper doctrine, they also can't afford to ship out many troops or supply a long term offensive. Even though they posses one of the largest militaries in the world, that military is tied down making sure their nation doesn't revolt. If troops are deployed overseas, the combination of resulting starvation and relative lack of garrisons would allow revolutionaries to do their thing.

That said, the USA can't afford much more combat either - Not to offend, but any more warfare will send the nation on its way to poverty at a significantly greater rate. Certainly, troops could be deployed regardless of the potential economic factors -American citizens aren't going to rebel any time soon- but it would have hefty long term repercussions.
In general, war is good for the economy; however, too much war can be a bad thing as well. The USA would need to pull out of their current military activities, (Garrisons are still being maintained even in Seoul, for Pete's sake.) recover, and generally get on track before engaging in another world war.

Another factor that would most likely come up during WW3 is the coalition of African nations into a semi-cohesive fighting force. I think that we could expect things such as large scale revolutions, aggressive nationalism, and other such factors in that area. Africa as a whole isn't anywhere near as dependent upon the capitalist system, so as to actually prove a barrier to combat. The endless civil wars in the continent have shown us that.

In short, the main combatants would probably end up being: African nations, Britain, Canada, European nations in general, and Australia. We might see something out of Asia, but it's questionable. Russia is a bit too fractured to provide a major contribution, at this point, and nations such as India would probably cancel out each other in old feuds such as the whole India-Pakistan thing.

Of course, it's impossible to predict the whole thing accurately... But I do think that we can reasonably predict some common trends.
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Re: WW3
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 05:57:58 PM »
This thread was already made a few months back:

Read through it, it pretty much answers the questions (mainly by me and Journeyman *smug*)

The thread was full of people who were basically saying "LOL it happened in a video game so now its gunna happen IRL" or "LOL I have no idea about anything in History and I don't understand politcs or any form of warfare that isn't call of duty".

So yeah - read the last thread and please don't start this derp fest again - WW3 will not happen. Evar.
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith

Offline EmperorDisasster

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Re: WW3
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 01:59:27 AM »
WW3 will not happen. Evar.


Society is more advanced and secure than it was years ago. If a so-called "WW3" were ever to start, it would be over just like that due to the offenses of nuclear warfare.

But in all, no countries are showing vendettas to each other on a scale so high that another World War would commence. Notice how in current wars, like Afghanistan, we're not fighting the whole country, but the supporters of Al Qaeda.
im bach

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Re: WW3
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 02:21:30 AM »
Agree with all the above.  World War Three is as likely to happen as Justin Bieber hitting puberty (Excuse me for using an overused phrase).  The four most thought of countries to start it (North Korea, China, Russia, and USA) can't afford a total war.  As was mentioned before, if either of these nations were to get into an international conflict, the USA would probably HAVE to use nukes because they wouldn't be able to afford a long term conventional conflict, China would be split between the warfront and the homefront, and Russia and North Korea, please, they don't even HAVE an army.  Every time I play another WW3 FPS (MW, Homefront, BF) I can't help but roll my eyes at the writer's lack of creativity.  However, Battlefield 3 at least had the creativity to imagine a war between the US and Iran, which is rather original, considering the other games out on the market.

Offline Rory

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Re: WW3
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2012, 11:27:27 AM »
Homefront is a fictional piece of shit that has the chance of never happening, North Korea is too smart to create imperialism on America and other European countries. Not to have Patriotism or Nationalism, but if they touched a country they are not welcome to, they probably would have gotten they're asses handed to them.

America was involved in both World War's because of some other country fucking with out country, we didn't help with the European countries. WWI has Germany blow one of our ships up, and Japan killed Pearl Harbor. And i can tell you right now, my Chinese teacher told me that if i wanted to visit North Korea from China, they can invite me anytime, they don't want to blow me up for being at one of they're parades. It's open for tourists, same with Moscow. Nobody is a terrorist and i think people have to know that. Out culture wants us to believe in WWI that Germans were scummy sons of bitches and we needed to kill them, today it's the al-Qaeda that America wants us to think they are the terrorists. If you were a citizen to the opposite country, they would switch it right around and do the SAME thing... The American's are terrorists is exactly what they CAN believe about us.

I don't want another fucking war, I'm sick of war and every fucking war is stupid. Threads like "WHEN WILL THIS WAR HAPPEN?" Is another way of saying "When can I be Patriotic again?". Or maybe not, maybe people like to predict things for the fun of it only to over exaggerate the way of predicting things like wars. War and money are the two most dangerous things in life in my opinion.


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