Author Topic: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING] - [INFORMATION]  (Read 11541 times)

Offline Globey

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Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon

In essence, this is a forum RP set in the Caribbean during 1657. As one might tell from the title, it's primarily centered around the golden age of piracy that occurs around this time. Britain had just taken Jamaica, Tortuga pirates were being based out of Port Royal, and letters of marque were being handed out like candy.

As a participant, you have hundreds of options as to what you can play as. For example, one might roleplay a press-ganged drunk in a small Spanish town, or the surgeon aboard a pirate brigantine. Players are allowed to RP as pirate or navy captains - However, permission must be requested from myself. Obviously we can't have everybody running around with their own ship.
It is very important that you read up on the canon before participating.

You may not RP as a monarch, but, if you request permission, you may be able to play as a governor.  We probably won't have another governor, though, unless we get more players.
It is encouraged that you play as pirates, merchants, or naval lads. Townsmen don't drive RP as much, but can still help quite a bit.
New vessels require authorization - We don't want everybody running around on their own ship.

For those who have read this far, but are still clueless about what forum RP is: In essence, you write a story centered around a character in a certain age. The main differences between forumRP and serverRP are the graphics and writing quality. When roleplaying on a forum, one must be much more descriptive in his or her sentences, and possess much more creativity overall. You're expected, on this thread, to make posts of about 400-500 words at a time; you won't have another player butting in to help drive the plotline.

To define some terms:

'Non Player Characters': are just that - A character that isn't directly controlled by one of the players as if it were his or her main. An example of this would be of a player's crew, when he acts as the captain. If there are players serving underneath that captain, they would not be considered NPCs.

'Power gaming': occurs when you force major actions upon another player's character in one of your posts. For example, if Player A and Player B were involved in a laser battle with some NPCs, Player A would not be permitted to roleplay Player B getting killed. Your character is your own, and you must permission from the other player before making a major commitment for them.
It is *NOT* powergaming to force actions upon NPCs.

'PTL - Playing To Lose': is, as you know, a vital concept in all role plays. This comes into particular effect when going up against another player. For example, Player A and Player B are in a sea battle aboard opposing ships. Player B, with the inferior ship, should roleplay losing the battle; vis-a-vis, Player A, the superior, should not completely annihilate Player B and his or her vessel.

'God Modeing': consists of tanking through dozens of NPCs under improbable odds, or else refusing to PTL when interacting with another player. Essentially the opposite of PTL.

Roleplay Expectations:

- Posts must be at least 350 words long. The recommended range is 400-500, although you're encouraged to write more if you so choose.
- Do not powergame or god mode.
- All characters must be registered in the information thread before you can use them. Each character you register must have a thought-out backstory (ie. profession, birth place, general upbringing, etcetera.)
- Each story post you make must be titled. Titling format is '[character name], [location], [profession]. [optional: activity]'. Eg 'Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Embarking on a Voyage to Guadeloupe.
- Post at least once every two weeks for each character, or it can be killed by another player without your consent. This standard may be raised or lowered.
- Do not take on more characters than you can maintain.
- Follow major aspects of canon, but feel free to slightly alter it to suit the betterment of RP.
- If you choose to become a captain, first get approval, and then fill out the ship registration template.

Character Registration

Antigua: John Gatsby, Surgeon aboard the brigantine Brimstone --Globey
Samana, San Domingo: Santiago Drake, Mercenary Captain aboard the caravel The Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas --EmperorDisaster
Tortuga, 'Haiti': Fenix Watson, Unemployed 'Captain.' -- The Joke

Havana, Cuba: Renaldo Benito, Captain aboard the sixth rate Felicia --hockeygoalie5
Havana, Cuba: Enrico de Madrid, Lieutenant aboard the sixth rate Felicia --Hazard Time

Port Royal: Ernest Cumberbatch, Governor.  -- Globey
Port Royal: San-Maria Esqueno, Prostitute. --Nick
Port Royal: Gorbechev 'Rum' Tavern, Bartender. --Tyler
Port Royal: Linara Trefferson, Thief. --Challenge of death sex<3

Cayo De Marquis: Enrico de Madrid, Trade Magnate --cfitz22- lolwat

Nassau: Jonathan Langley, captain --Globey

Code: (Character Registration Format) [Select]
Character name:
Character profession:
Character affiliation:
Character location:
Character nationality:
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them:
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words):

We may be getting a separate story thread, and be using this as the OOC information thread. In any case, RP won't occur until we have at least 6 different people.

Code: (Ship Registration Template) [Select]
Ship name:
Ship type:
Ship affiliation:
Player controlled crew:
Number of NPC crew:
Number of guns:
Ship location:
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):

Spoiler for Caribbean Map, ~1657:
Click to see the original size.

Registered Vessels

Spoiler for Felicia, Spanish Navy, Captain Benito:
Ship name: Felicia (ESPS Felicia to non-Spanish; Spain does not use prefixes internally)
Ship type: 6th Rate Ship of the Line
Ship affiliation: Spanish Navy
Captain: Captain Renaldo Benito
Player controlled crew: Lieutenant Lorenzo Moreño (need: 1 more lieutenant, maybe surgeon, less maybe marine lieutenant)
Number of NPC crew: 162 (including 19 officers and 23 marines)
Number of guns: 28, and 4 swivel.
Ship location: Docked off of Havana, Cuba
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):
Lt. Renaldo was in Havana with his Captain when he was promoted. Offered a smaller frigate, he refused, and purchased a larger Sixth Rate. The ship has not seen any service, and is waiting for its crew off of Havana.

Spoiler for Brimstone, Pirate, Captain Morton:
Ship name: Brimstone
Ship type: Brigantine
Ship affiliation: Pirate
Captain: Peter Morton
Player controlled crew: Globey - Surgeon.
Number of NPC crew: 18
Number of guns: 10 fixed.
Ship location: Antigua
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):
Originally made in Bristol, the Valiant was dedicated to transporting high profile cargo and passengers along trans-Atlantic voyages. One one such trip, a severe navigation blunder was made by the Captain. Concerned for their own lives, the crew committed mutiny, tossed the captain overboard, and installed a new one. Eventually, the ship drifted into Havana, where it was hastily renamed to the Brimstone. Not yet officially charged with an offense, the crew prowls the waters, looking for a plump target.

Spoiler for The Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas, Pirate, Captain Drake:
Ship name: The Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas
Ship type: Caravel
Ship affiliation: Pirate, Spanish
Captain: Captain Santiago Drake
Player controlled crew: N/A
Number of NPC crew: 10 men, 5 fighters.
Number of guns: 3.
Ship location: Stationed in Samana docks.
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The ugly little ship was built by tradesmen for 5 years with thoughts of trading in mind, but the ship's design was so crude that none had bought it. That was until Santiago bought it for 500 gold pieces, asking for it to be equipped with three cannons for just 50 pieces a gun. The merchant agreed, so long as Santiago was able to keep it safe. Somehow, in the years it was abandoned, it had grown on him. The ship was redesigned with a new flag, had his men wash down the deck and filled it with his supplies bought from merchants. He estimated that if he charged 100 pieces a job, and spent 50 on supplies, he could work around gaining profit from his work. Still, the ship was now his, and although tiny, it was ready for almost any senario... ALMOST.

Spoiler for PFTC Trade Empire - Fleet:
Ship name: Barco de Arrenez
Ship type: Light Frigate
Ship affiliation: PFTC
Captain: Juan Vasquez (Formerly commanded by Enrico de Madrid)
Player controlled crew: 0
Number of NPC crew: 20
Number of weapons: 3 cannons (each side), 15 rifles, 10 pistols (flintlock), 20 cutlasses
Ship location: (Location will vary, trade ship)
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): This ship was made in Pascua Florida. It only had one owner. It is commanded by Juan Vasquez. It now trades with many factions all around the Carribean.

Ship name: Friend of Sherman
Ship type: Medium Galleon
Ship affiliation: PFTC
Captain: Sherman Abernathy
Player controlled crew: 0
Number of NPC crew: 20
Number of guns: 20 (per side)
Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The Friend of Sherman is an old ship. It was made before Columbus sailed to the Americas. It was sailed to Florida and abandoned after Pirates attacked. But the British Royal Navy recovered it and brought it back to port. It was then taken command of by Sherman Abernathy who in turn, joined the PFTC.

Ship name: The Black Widow
Ship type: Medium Frigate
Ship affiliation: PFTC
Captain: James Quincy
Player controlled crew: 0
Number of NPC crew: 30
Number of guns: 4 (per side)
Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The Black Widow was originally named by a Pirate. But when he retired from his work, he sold the ship. James Quincy later purchased it and sailed it everywhere. He later joined the PFTC and now trades as one of them.

Ship name: Lord Simon
Ship type: Man-O-War (Yes... Read the backstory of it and understand.)
Ship affiliation: PFTC
Captain: Jackson Hake
Player controlled crew: 0
Number of NPC crew: 40
Number of guns: 15 (per side[used to be 20 per side])
Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): This massive beast was built in Port Royal by the British Navy. Ten years of service passed until the British sold it for having major issues with the masts. But Jackson Hake's crew came along and fixed it up and sailed it. They later joined the PFTC and removed 10 of the guns so that they could hold cargo.

Character name: Ernest Cumberbatch
Character profession: Governor, Port Royal
Character affiliation: Townsmen
Character location: Port Royal
Character nationality: British
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yush
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): A British governor installed after the recent invasion of Port Royal. He was born in England to a rather incohesive family, and was well educated throughout his youth. What he lacks for in physical skills, he makes up for in financial prowess. His father, a British noble, came to a major disagreement with Ernest; the choice became to take a post as the governor of a rowdy, unkempt town, or face political squalor. While many men would leap at the chance, Ernest quailed. Nevertheless, the consequences if he didn't leave were too much to bear. Ernest gathered a retinue and chartered a ship to Port Royal, where he has since remained.

Character name: Harry Langley
Character profession: Merchant Captain.
Character affiliation: Merchant
Character location: Nassau
Character nationality: British
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): Harry Langley is a sailor born and raised. He was born in Grand Bahama, and lived there until the age of six. From then on, he started to serve aboard navy and merchant ships, either as a powder monkey or cabin boy. He quickly became adored by all of the crews he worked with, whether military or civilian. After seeing what a cannon ball could do to a man at close range, he decided to start serving only on merchant ships. Come the age of 20, and you would find Harry serving as a helmsmen. By 22, a lieutenant - By the age of 28, he was the captain of his own ship.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 06:29:21 PM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline Nick?3

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 01:01:59 PM »
Character name: San-Maria Esqueno.
Character profession: El Prostitute.
Character affiliation:
Character location: Port Royal Docks.
Character nationality: Native Spanish; Mohikan.
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Ja-Ja-Ja.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): "I make people feel goo' honey. You wanna' buy... or you just going to stare." And her cries during... 'work.' "OH M-MAH LORD'EH. A-AYE CARRUMBA! M-MUY BUENO, Y-YOU DIRTY BOY! A-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

She was born on the Mohikan islands a rather poor girl, traveling to the Port Royal Docks where she was instituted as a 'relief' for sailors. She walks the dock, licking her wax-pop, waiting for her next victim to shuffle of the pesos. Ariba, bitches.

...totally being serious.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 01:14:10 PM by Nickâ?¥ »

Semper Fi~

BOS: Marines, United States.
Name: Nick Lucci.
POST-ID: 298-31-0615.
Current Position/Rank: First-Lieutenant, Senior Airman and Aviation Officer, O-2/A.
M.O.S.: 7500's; Aviation and C.A.S. support. MV-22 A.S. "Osprey."
S.R.: Roughly three years; second T.O.D.
A.O.S.: Badghis, Afghanistan; Montri; Kuwait (Not D-P Yet)
Unit: VMM-264, 2nd MAW A.S. Division-C, Company F "Black Knights."

Offline Tyrex

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 01:09:05 PM »
Character name: Gorbechev 'Rum' Tavern
Character profession: Bartender
Character affiliation: Townsmen
Character location: Port Royal Market
Character nationality: Russian
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words):  Gorbechev was born a lonely child, his father was an alcoholic, as he would spend his time in bars, drinking the day away.  Gorbechev didn't understand what it was until a much later age, yet he has adapted well to the environment, his father bringing him along daily at a young age.  He started his own bar in the Port Royal Market, staying here as he served alcohol.

EDIT: Changed affiliation from Business to Townsmen, slight confusion.

By the way, what is the type of currency used?  Just Gold?

5% warning for double posting
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 01:25:06 PM by FuckFace »

Offline Globey

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 01:37:43 PM »
Character name: John Gatsby
Character profession: Surgeon
Character affiliation: Pirate
Character location: Antigua
Character nationality: British
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): Originally an indentured servant brought over from England for cheap labor, John Gatsby served his master for three years before finally winning his liberty. Now in the Caribbean with a reasonable amount of wealth, he took a job as an apprentice doctor in Havana. However, as the years passed, his salary dwindled as the doctor he served went out of business. One day, a pirate corvette made anchor in the port. Throwing caution to the wind, John abandoned the doctor, and took a position aboard the Brimstone as a surgeon for a 4x share of prize money. The boat, fully restocked, made sail and eventually arrived in Antigua.

Currency during the era would have still been metal-based. In the Caribbean, many businesses accepted currencies from outside their 'owner' nation. Some examples would be  British guineas and sovereigns, as well as Spanish escudos. (Which happened to be the origin of 'kudos') For our purposes, we'll just use gold, silver, and coppers - Unless players want to get specific, that is.

Ship name: Brimstone
Ship type: Brigantine
Ship affiliation: Pirate
Captain: Peter Morton
Player controlled crew: Globey - Surgeon.
Number of NPC crew: 18. 16 sailors, 2 officers.
Number of guns: 10 fixed.
Ship location: Antigua
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):
Originally made in Bristol, the Valiant was dedicated to transporting high profile cargo and passengers along trans-Atlantic voyages. One one such trip, a severe navigation blunder was made by the Captain. Concerned for their own lives, the crew committed mutiny, tossed the captain overboard, and installed a new one. Eventually, the ship drifted into Havana, where it was hastily renamed to the Brimstone. Not yet officially charged with an offense, the crew prowls the waters, looking for a plump target.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 05:06:03 PM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline ?????¬??

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 01:40:47 PM »

Character name: Renaldo Benito
Character profession: Captain
Character affiliation: Spanish Navy
Character location: Havana, Cuba
Character nationality: Spanish
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Si.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words):
Coming of age in Spain, Renaldo had a good life. His family had money, possessions, and happiness. Well educated, Renaldo loved nothing more than to sit by the water and read. He smiles as he inhales deeply, taking in the wondrous smells. The sea, the sand, nearby bread rising from dough. The sights were more, but Renaldo loved one sight the most: the large, wooden ships docked just off of the shore. He could see their tall masts, rising into the air. Their flags wave in the wind. He would give anything to board one one day. When he became a man, Renaldo did not hesitate to join his navy's officer program. A young lieutenant, he stood proud on the ship, directing his part. He played by the book, and soon, began writing the books. He was an astounding officer. In no time, he was promoted and offered a ship. Renaldo refused the ship, he knew what he wanted. He used his status and wealth to buy a top-notch 6th Rate Ship of the Line, which he named for his love, Felicia.

Ship name: Felicia (ESPS Felicia to non-Spanish; Spain does not use prefixes internally)
Ship type: 6th Rate Ship of the Line
Ship affiliation: Spanish Navy
Captain: Captain Renaldo Benito
Player controlled crew: N/A (need: 2 lieutenants, maybe surgeon, less maybe marine lieutenant)
Number of NPC crew: 162 (including 19 officers and 23 marines)
Number of guns: 28, and 4 swivel.
Ship location: Docked off of Havana, Cuba
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):
Lt. Renaldo was in Havana with his Captain when he was promoted. Offered a smaller frigate, he refused, and purchased a larger Sixth Rate. The ship has not seen any service, and is waiting for its crew off of Havana.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:56:40 AM by hockeygoalie5 »

Offline ?Y-E-C?Trollone

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 04:00:55 PM »
Character name: David 'Cannon' Hunters
Character profession: Captain
Character affiliation: Ottoman Navy
Character location: At his own ship
Character nationality: Turkish
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words):  David was born in Turkey.When he is 15 years old his father going for be military at sea.After 10 years his father not come back home.David thinks hes dad is dead and he want find his dad at sea and want finish this job what his father starts.When he is 23 years old he go to army and sing up for be military at sea.After 2 years he is ready for join military. When he is at sea he make more wars aganist pirates and his crew is always wins but he is cant find his dad.

Ship name:Night Stalker
Ship type:Galleon
Ship affiliation:Ottoman,Navy
Captain: David 'Cannon' Hunters
Player controlled crew:N/A
Number of NPC crew: 320 (includies every job)
Number of guns:40 cannons (20 on right 20 on left side)
Ship location: Florida harbor
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service):
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 11:37:01 AM by ?Y-E-C?Trollone »
Trolololololol yeyeyeyeye....
HL2RP Characters:
David Mumbai: Alive
Lara Helms: Alive
Jessica Fox: Alive
Rico Hunters: Alive

Offline Globey

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 04:09:19 PM »
Trollone: Which navy, and where is his ship? There is also a minimum grammar requirement, which you don't seem to be meeting at the moment. Your character backstory implies heavy god moding.

Additionally, are you serving aboard one of the ships already made? Or do you have your own vessel? If you're aboard your own ship, you'll require very good RP skills to make it enjoyable for others. If you're aboard another player's ship, they'll ask you to step it up, so that they can enjoy it too.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 04:11:32 PM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline ?Y-E-C?Trollone

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 04:20:15 PM »
Trollone: Which navy, and where is his ship? There is also a minimum grammar requirement, which you don't seem to be meeting at the moment. Your character backstory implies heavy god moding.

Additionally, are you serving aboard one of the ships already made? Or do you have your own vessel? If you're aboard your own ship, you'll require very good RP skills to make it enjoyable for others. If you're aboard another player's ship, they'll ask you to step it up, so that they can enjoy it too.

I forget add and im edit it and sorry my english bad and god mode at where? lol
Trolololololol yeyeyeyeye....
HL2RP Characters:
David Mumbai: Alive
Lara Helms: Alive
Jessica Fox: Alive
Rico Hunters: Alive

Offline Zail

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2012, 04:46:09 PM »
Character name: Linara Trefferson.
Character profession: Thief / assassin.
Character affiliation: Townsmen.
Character location: Port royal, docks.
Character nationality: Danish.
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words):
Linara was born in Denmark, near the larger city, named Copenhagen. At the age of 9, her parents died and her left alone in the world. Linara quickly learned the ability of surviving on the street, grouping together with some other childrens, left without parents. Here she stole from the local markets, attempting not to get caught by the guards.
At the age of 16, she got her first dagger, still living on the streets. One of the days, a guard caught her when she was pickpocketing a male for gold. In natural instict and survival, Linara accidently killed the guard using the dagger. In panic of getting executed, she fled to the docks and took the first possible ship she could get on. On the ship, she kept herself hidden, trying to train slightly with her dagger against a barrel. Soon she earned the ability of being sneaky and where some of the most vurneable spots are on the human body. When she remembered back on the kill of the guard, she feels a slight rush of adreanalin. When the ship arrived in port royal and had docked, she sneaked herself out, now standing in a completely new, different city, with another langauge of hers.
She quickly met a few folks, who were willing to help her understand their language.
Now, she's trying, like in copenhagen, to live on the street, stealing from the townsfolk and are willing to make a kill for a few golds or food.

Offline Globey

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2012, 04:54:03 PM »
You can't be a part of the Turkish Navy - Turkey didn't even exist during the time period. The Ottoman Empire, Turkey's predecessor, wasn't involved in the area either. Your vessel cannot be in Turkey, as that is not a location in the Caribbean. Your vessel does not have a backstory. Your vessel's crew is too small for the size. Galleons typically had ~40 guns, ~320 sailors, and ~100 marines. A skeleton crew would be 180.

When he is at sea he make more wars aganist pirates and his crew is always wins but he is cant find his dad.
'Always wins'.

If your English is bad, you really shouldn't be forum RPing.

THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE BARBARY PIRATES. This is set in the Caribbean during 1657.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 05:06:20 PM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline EmperorDisasster

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2012, 05:10:20 PM »
Character name: Santiago Drake
Character profession: Pirate Mercenary for Hire/ Captain
Character affiliation: Pirates
Character location: Samana, San Domingo
Character nationality: Spanish/Native American/British
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Aye.
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): "The Bunker of Davy Jones" was considered one of the roughest bars in all of the Caribbean territory, meaning Santiago could feel right at home with his kind. A long, trench-coat attired man walked up to Santiago, carrying a small sack containg gold in his hands. As he arrived at his table, he laid the bag down, sitting next to Santiago. "My clientel would usually give me the money after." Santiago spoke, sipping his cold brew. He gazed at the man as he lowered his hood. This man was a local merchant from the market, who came from British decent, as did most of the inhabitants of the Island, who had driven the natives to the forrest land. Santiago never voiced his opinion on the British, but such words would be, let's just say, of a gross manner in front of a woman. The merchant began to speak to Santiago, after he gazed at his brew. "Well, you see, I've heard you are the best, and... tell me about yourself?" He said, almost confused about every word that passed his lips. "Okay... If you must know, my mother was a Spanish maiden, before I was born she was exiled from our farmland so that we could make way to the new land, England. Surely, whilst King Charles was in charge of the country, she would be safe, although plots of assasination rumoured heavily amongst the townsfolk. Whilst there my mother met a local banker, half Native American and half British, who'd returned from the land of hope. It was love at first sight, and that love lead to me. We move to America in a small cabin where my mother passed away from curses brought onto her by my "bastardo" father. As he passed away he gave me his riches, 10,000 gold pieces. I've used it well." He said snidely, as the man corrected him. "I've heard you bribe the officers who try to arrest you." He said. "Well, those who take them. Some claim they are loyal... as am I in battle, so as you can guess," he said, turning his face to reveal many scars. "Only one is able to leave the scene." "Do you have a ship?" The merchant asked. "Of course, "The Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas", a ship of disgusting proportions. And only 10 crewmen so far, and half of them are unable to fight." He said. "But... we can get the job done, depending on what you need." The merchant kept thinking it over, until Santiago convinced him with one final statement. "We leave this Island tomorrow, your choice." "Okay, okay, fine dammnit..." They spoke of the deed, as Santiago remembered his past, vowing to never do so again...

Ship name: The Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas
Ship type: Caravel
Ship affiliation: Pirate, Spanish
Captain: Captain Santiago Drake
Player controlled crew: N/A
Number of NPC crew: 10 men, 5 fighters.
Number of guns: 3.
Ship location: Stationed in Samana docks.
Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The ugly little ship was built by tradesmen for 5 years with thoughts of trading in mind, but the ship's design was so crude that none had bought it. That was until Santiago bought it for 500 gold pieces, asking for it to be equipped with three cannons for just 50 pieces a gun. The merchant agreed, so long as Santiago was able to keep it safe. Somehow, in the years it was abandoned, it had grown on him. The ship was redesigned with a new flag, had his men wash down the deck and filled it with his supplies bought from merchants. He estimated that if he charged 100 pieces a job, and spent 50 on supplies, he could work around gaining profit from his work. Still, the ship was now his, and although tiny, it was ready for almost any senario... ALMOST.
im bach

Offline Globey

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2012, 05:15:51 PM »
Great post, Emperor :)

Going to put the temporary cap on vessels to what we have now - The Felicia, Brimstone, and Morbid Eel of the Seven Seas. Each player does not necessarily have to have their own ship - People signing up should get positions aboard the ones already there :)
If we get more players, we'll get more vessels.

Remember that you can have more than one character :)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 05:24:44 PM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline EmperorDisasster

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2012, 06:29:45 PM »
plox remove
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 03:12:15 AM by EmperorDisaster »
im bach

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2012, 06:35:25 PM »
Character name: Enrico de Madrid
Character profession: Merchant Leader
Character affiliation: PFTC (Purple Flower Trading Company)
Character location: Pascua Florida (Florida), PFTC Trade HQ
Character nationality: Spain
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): Enrico Arrenez was born in Madrid, Spain. He is commonly referred to as Enrico de/of Madrid. Enrico became interested in trade by his father, Juan Arrenez. He moved to Pascua Florida at 21 years old. He lived there for a few years and finally was able to get his first ship, the Barco de Arrenez (Ship of Arrenez). He set out as the Captain of a small 20 man crew. They first only traded in domestic Florida ports. But when they had become rich enough, he bought more ships, and sailed to different places, like Cuba, Colombia, or the present day Bahamas. They have a total of four ships, all with captains. At the age of 43, Enrico settled back in Florida, where he built the PFTC HQ and leads the companys trade ventures. They own two ports in Florida and Colombia. Enrico is not in bad standing with any faction, even Pirates, who have agreed to not raid their ships after Enrico agreed to do trade with them. But rogue ships still try to loot PFTC ships. But none have been sunk, yet.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 07:11:23 PM by cfitz22- lolwat »
Don't make fun of me just because I say i'm stressed... I'm a person too.

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: Cutlass, Sail, and Cannon - 1600s Pirate Forum RP [RECRUITING]
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2012, 06:38:13 PM »
Character name:  Lorenzo Moreño
Character profession:  Lieutenant
Character affiliation:  Spanish Navy
Character location:  La Havana, Cuba
Character nationality:  Spanish Colonial
I have read the expectations, and promise to follow them: Yes
Character backstory (Summary in ~100words): Lorenzo was born to rich colonial parents, his father a merchant and friend of the colonial governor of Puerto Rico at that time.  In his late teens, his father was killed in a pirate raid.  When Lorenzo came of age, he joined the Spanish Navy without hesitation, working his way through officer academy.  After graduating, he was assigned midshipman aboard the corvette, La Perra de Mar.  Lorenzo distinguished himself by taking command of the ship and fending of an English privateer after his captain was wounded.  He was eventually promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Captain Renaldo Benito of the sixth rate Felicia.


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