**Gunfire, explosions, and screaming can be heard throughout the following radio message.**"Hello? Is anyone still on this frequency? We've got OTA everywhere, we can't hold this position for long. Anyone left to hear this, you need to get out of the city. I repeat, you need to get out of the city! Command's been destroyed, and the OTA are taking back key positions. The rebellion's failed, get to the Outlands and get as far away from the city as possible. There's a supply station open near the old warehouse by the South Canal HAP, it's only a matter of time before they retake that too. *A large explosion sound occurs* Shit, they've broken through into the RDT, we're headed out through the- *STATIC*..........
The Uprising in City 39 has failed. OTA has full control of the city, or what's left of it anyway. 87% of the civilian population is dead or imprisoned awaiting their fate. The remaining 13% of the civilian population has been scattered across the Outlands, fleeing from OTA patrols which now hunt them down with one order: No mercy.
City 39 was always a hot spot when it came to anti-citizens. Featuring a deep, long underground system of tunnels as well as many back alleys and small narrow streets, the city was a breeding ground for anti-civil activity. All they needed was a fire to trigger the gasoline. That fire was Marc Davidson, who fled City 36 after stabbing two officers, detonating a bomb near the trainstation, and gunning down a loyalist. Marc settled quickly among the Resistance, and due to his pure hatred towards the Universal Union, he took over the leadership role and began to set things into motion.
In the months before the full scale rebellion, anti-civil activity spiked. Shipments of high level contraband were being shipped into the city on a regular basis, and units were be killed more often in the outer districts. CCA Underground watch stations began to go dark, and less and less citizens were accounted for each day. Finally, after 4 months and 12 days after Marc's arrival, the city rebelled at 11:02 AM, 4/1/2016. Almost instantaneously, the Resistance gained control of the outer districts, removing almost all traces of the CCA. By 4:36 PM the same day, Resistance troops were already making assaults on HAPs as close as four blocks from the Nexus building. Due to the increased threat over the past months, OTA were already active and on scene in the city, but the Resistance quickly managed to overtake the OTA with shear numbers.
By early the next morning, Resistance have full control of the undergroun system, and have taken over many of the HAPs near the Nexus building. While OTA and CCA forces managed to keep the Resistance a comfortable distance from the Citadel, the Nexus building was already close to falling. With rebels setting charges at the Nexus airlocks and the building running on back-up power, the outlook was looking grim. At 1:33 PM, 4/2/2016, OTA forces from both City 37 and City 40 were on-route to City 39. But barely five minutes after the order went out, rebels broke through and began to swarm the Nexus. In four hours of bloody fighting, the Resistance members controlled the Nexus. Reports were also coming in through Resistance comms that they were making progress on the Citadel front. Slowly, they were taking block after block and advancing towards the Citadel.
After two more days of fighting, the rebels were a mere three blocks from the Citadel when OTA reinforcements from Cities 37 and 40 arrived. The tide of battle quickly turned. With the Nexus invasion and the push on the Citadel, the Resistance lost a substantial amount of their forces and were becoming fatigued. With fresh boots on the ground, the OTA began to push the Resistance into a defensive mode. No longer attempting to secure the city, the OTA forces began to use any means of destroying rebel strongholds. The Nexus was destroyed by a heavy scale bomb payload that was deployed in the plaza outside of it. By this point, nearly 68% of the population of the city was either dead, extremely wounded, or left burried alive under the rubble of collapsed buildings. The Resistance went onto a full scale Exodus of the city.
With OTA controlling the outer districts, manmy were unable to escape. A mere 13% made it out of the city into the Outlands, only to be pursued by OTA forces. Marc Davidson was killed while attempting to drive a stolen CWU vehicle out of the city with stolen supplies. Other Resistance leaders such as Karen Heartsford and Hale Netson were killed in firefights with the OTA. What few survivors remain have fled to the Outlands near other cities, hoping to escape the OTA's wrath.
So, what's this event about, really, now that you've read my backstory. Well, remember that fine City 20 event? Well this is similar to that, except it had the opposite outcome. Former Resistance members from City 39 would have fled great distances, and some came even as far as around City 45. Also, seeing as they are being chased by OTA troops from City 39, some City 39 OTA units could be introduced into the scenario as well.
This event would lead to both passive and non-passive scenarios. On the passive side, people who would be chosen to create a City 39 refugee would be able to share their experience with others in the Outlands (Because we don't have enough Outlands event suggested already, Imirite?). Also on the City-side of things, units could again be able to read logs from units from City 39. On the non-passive side of things, there could be planned events where City 39 OTA appear in the Outlands. Notice, these units were specifically assigned to target the refugees from City 39! However, this doesn't mean if you go up and say "hi combine ota hows it going sir", they won't put a few rounds in your face.
Of course, this would need quite a bit of looking over. Various parts of this are open to changes, and I'd like you commentary on the whole thing. If this idea is accepted, I'd like to personally be involved in the process of who get's to be chosen for what (Except for the OTA deal, that's a whole seperate issue someone else can handle D:).