Author Topic: A apocalyptic story in Ukraine.  (Read 3179 times)

The Mysterious Stranger

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A apocalyptic story in Ukraine.
« on: April 06, 2012, 08:18:15 PM »
 This story takes place in the city of Kiev that was once a beautiful place but is now a desolate and yet dangerous living area for a place. The surface is filled with radioactive particles, hostile humans and zombified humans (who lost there mind and act like humans, not eat the flesh from others) and mutated wild-life and humanoids. The main character is a young Ukrainian man who survives with himself. He meets a few other people who become his companions throughout the storyline, which include a Canadian husband (from Halifax. Nicholas Millerson) and British wife (Catherine Brunswick), a Russian female (Lisa Alexandry) and a German Shepherd ('Buddy') who all speak english (except the dog ofcourse.) His closest friend is also included who is a British man (nicknamed 'Lenny'). Each companion(s) will be included in a section of the storyline. I aim to create something loosely based off Metro 2033, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise and Fallout franchise.

Narrative introduction:
 My name is Dimitry Alexandria and I live in a city called Kiev - which is the capital and main city of Ukraine - and that is where I was born and raised. I am a former police officer member who did some objectives in the City with other members. I never ever left this city before and a few things changed around me. I just aged 24 a few days ago and that "birthday" was horrible because I had radiation in my cake, if you get the joke ofcourse. All I stole from the market was a low-radiated cake in the bakery shop, I was hungry and besides, who operates the area? Anyways, there is dangerous hostilities just outside the hotel because some lurking mutants or hostile humans might attack me and anyone of my friends on sight. This is a story that I want to tell you so sit back and relax because we don't got much time to leave the metro station.

Chapter 0 - The beginning of a manmade hell:
 "Alright Dimitry. You know how to handle a G3A3? Fuck dude, it has a lot of recoil but it punches a few good shots into your enemies. Here, take this." The man tosses a G3A3 with a scoped attached to Dimitry. He catches it and starts to observe the design of it. "Alright, follow me." Dimitry nodded as they went down the staircase with their flashlights on. The dark lurked throughout as the beam of light guided their way. A few rats crawled around their feet and flee'd into another direction. "Ack! Fuck! Goddamn rats, I hate them. Do you? Heh, don't worry, there is a ton of rats aroun' here. Oh and preserve your ammunitions too because I hate to waste them on rats when I miss all the time." He let out a small chuckle and kept walking.

 A female scream was heard within the tunnels as it echoed. "Who the fuck was that? Someone callin' for help?" Dimitry hesitated back, "I guess so. Let's check it out." A few people with gasmasks and numerous gear were beating up a Russian female who was wrapped in a ball on the ground. "Alright, don't do anything yet. Wait until the time is "ready", no?" He whispered to Dimitry and raised a fist. "On me broski, wait until we cleanse out these two freaks. Moonshine for the two!" He whispered and slowly turned off his flashlight with Dimitry.

 The two made their way with their G3A3s raised. He attached a silencer on his weapon along with Dimitry and raised their iron sight at the man. One for Dimitry and one for Lenny. They squeezed the trigger as rounds began to eject from the slot as a "Trrrst!" was heard each time a bullet ejected from the barrel. The two men were already dead as they fell to the ground on their back, letting off a cough before dying. "Auuuugh! S-s-..." The man let out before he fell to the ground. The female started to cry as Dimitry approached her. He grasped ahold of her collar and raised her upon her feet. "Alright, let's get you outta' here." He put away his G3A3 and put his arm around her hips with his other arm under her two legs. He felt her arm around his neck while she put her head on his shoulder. Dimitry knew she was exhausted. "Hey Lenny, provide me some cover while I take the woman back at the hotel. From there, our men and women will get her fixed up." "Rodger that pal." He smiled at Dimitry as he took a packet of cigarettes from the man. "Aye' pal. Looting from the dead is bad and you should've known that." He let off a laugh but stopped all of a sudden, he knew that she was either laughing or crying but he couldn't of known. "It's good to loot some fella's who were doin' bad shit aroun' the area, no? They don't deserve it, Dimitry."

 As the two left up onto the surface. The howling wind and slight screams were heard. Nothing but that along with their boots were heard. As they entered the hotel, a few people were looking at him. "What happened Dimitry and who is the girl?" "I don't know who the girl is but she is in pretty bad shape. She is unconsious right now, that state only happened a few minutes ago." "Fuck, get her in the second floor, third apartment quick because we need to fix 'er up." Dimitry went up the staircase and into the apartment he was ordered to. A bunch of people were looking at him and some even nodded, said a couple of positive words and some even let off a groan. The hotel was filled with a high population that even clauustrophobia settled in for Dimitry. As he put the woman down on the bed, she slept peacefully and it wasn't a concern if she was barely or critically hurt. She knew she was fine so Dimitry sat down and played a few cards on the table.

 A man came in. It was Lenny. "I'm going to play some cards with ye' mate." He sat down as the two started playing Poker. The woman didn't bother to move as she faced the wall. "Whose she Dimitry?" "I don't know but she looks... ummm... beautiful for a russian." "Aha, she fits you." "Aye', fuck off man." "Sorry, sorry... a Ukrainian and Russian work great for a couple but... as you wish. Let's keep playing."

 The curtains near the window was put aside as a flock of birds began to pass by like nothing happened. Some ice started to stretch over the glass like a spiderweb.

 "Alright, I'm heading to bed Lenny." "Later mate." He raised himself amongst the chair and approached the woman. He then put tucked the blanket around her shoulders and kissed her on the forehead, "I wish you good luck in the future. No consequences must await you. You are taking the right path. G'night and sleep tight." She let off a struck smile as she groaned (happily ofcourse), she then moved her shoulders abit. He put the key in her hand and closed the door. A group of people came by, "Where is she to? This apa--" "Aye' fella's. Leave her to get some rest. Tell that to the other medical staff alright?" "Alright Dimitry. I'll just put a bowl of soup and some fresh bread on the table for her. She looks malnourished." He nodded and went off into the apartment next door. He put down his equipment in a closet and some in the corner. He put his Makarov under his pillow just for certain circumstances. As he put the blanket over himself, he shutted his eyes and moved into a comfortable position. What does the next day await? He thought and afterwards fell asleep.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 12:56:41 AM by STALKER »

Offline Tyrex

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Re: A apocalyptic story in Ukraine.
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2012, 10:42:03 PM »
Looks good, hopefully you don't get writer's block as much as I do when I write. :3

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: A apocalyptic story in Ukraine.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2012, 01:01:05 AM »
Looks good, hopefully you don't get writer's block as much as I do when I write. :3
Thanks for the advice, I'll get that in mind for the next section of this. :>

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: A apocalyptic story in Ukraine.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2012, 04:40:39 AM »
Narrative Introduction:
 I went to the armory with Lisa and filled her out with supplies that she will need. It appears she got her rest when she was fatigued and exhausted yesterday. She seemed to look so much beautiful once she had her sleep and she didn't seem to look as much as malnourished as before when she ate the soup and bread that was given during yesterday. On the otherhand, 'Lenny' looked quite happy and was abit of a loud mouth today. There was a requested objective that I needed to do once I had some sleep. Someone laid my notepad on the table and marked in "Head to the Grocery Market and get as many food as you can for the inhabitants in the hotel." I had something to do atleast.

Chapter 1: It all counts down to the dough!
 He awakened in the middle of night and grasped ahold of his equipment before heading out of the door, including his blanket. He looked down at the notepad grasped upon his palms and noticed the new objective that was assigned to him. He wandered who did this when he was sleeping and felt curiousity arise in him. He looked around and saw a darkened figure just in the distance. It was a female silhouette ofcourse as it approached him closer and closer. As she faced him, he knew that she was the russian female who was attacked in the earlier encounter yesterday.

 "What's your name?" Suggested Dimitry. She hesitated nothing but still ate her bread, she then gulped afterwards and said in a quiet and calm voice, "M-my name is L-Lisa Alexandry." She moved some hair out from her eyes and looked at him. Dimitry grabbed ahold of her hand and took out a small gasmask. He put it within her palm and said, "Put this over your face. We are heading outside with 'Lenny', okay?" She nodded quickly and swiped the gasmask over her face. As they went down the staircase, they approached the armory first which had a man sleeping on a comfy blue chair. Aside from that was a woman smiling at them, she asked, "You are in need of equipment? You need to have some money once you pay up." It was Nichole who tended the armory along with Patt. "I am in need of some kevlar, a female uniform, a gasmask with spare filters, a medical kit, a storage kit and uhhhh... ammunition, and a AK-47U. How much?" "That will be 5021 dollars." Dimitry takes out 5030 dollars from his wallet and swipes it across the counter.

 "Keep the change." He nodded to her before letting off a smile. Nichole snapped her fingers to Patt and said, "Give the man what he requested." "Uhhhh... wha'? I w-was... uhhhh... sleepin'... heh." "Just give him the standard equipment." Patt rose onto his feet and went over to the back of the armory in a slow way. He came out with a large box and slid it inside a slot, which fell to the bottom. Dimitry slid the box out and opened it, giving Lisa the equipment. He then slid the box back inside the slot and looked at Lisa who was wearing the equipment. "Yeah, it's heavy. You didn't wear a suit before, right?" "Y-yes." "Alright, let's go to 'Lenny' now." As they went up the staircase, they spotted 'Lenny' heading outside. The two followed him.

 "Hey, where you heading to?" "Aaaaahhhh! Dimitry! I was looking for you. I thought you were outside. Gave me a fright for sure. Whose this?" "It's Lisa Alexandry." The girl smiled at 'Lenny' and said in a shy tone once more, "We are heading to the Market to get some food." Dimitry noticed that she was looking over his shoulder at the yellow paper he was holding filed with objectives. All of them were scratched out except one. It listed:

Objectives that need to be done:
 Head to the Metro and save the swarmed soldiers as requested. - 2000 in payment.
 Pay the "bills" that Patt wanted. - Nothing in exchange.
 Go with 'Lenny' to the gas station for some gas in order to refill the APC the soldier needs. - Keep the stash and 1000 in payment.
 Steal a radio from the shop as requested. - 550 in payment.
 Kill or rob from the man who is insane. - Keep the stash and 300 in payment.
 Lock and load, then drink some coffee.
 Head to the Grocery Market and get as many food as you can for the inhabitants in the hotel.

 Additional cash: 6000 payment each five months from your five contacts. ~Sincerely, your contacts.

 "Alright, let's head there. 'Lenny' and Lisa, follow me." As they walked and walked, the talk and the sound of multiple vehicles began to disappear. It seems that the hotel was a great place and they were leaving the safety of it. Someone has to do the job and all the three of them did so.

 It was only a few clicks away, he thought.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 04:53:26 AM by STALKER »


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