Author Topic: Violet Collins Character Template  (Read 2052 times)

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Violet Collins Character Template
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:02:34 PM »
Character Name: Violet Collins

Age: 29 (March 16th 1987)

Fatal Flaw/Defect:
Self-Esteem: Violet has troubles feeling good about herself. If someone says something offensive to her, mental breakdowns are possible.


Physical Description: Violet is five foot nine with brown eyes and long black hair which is commonly tied back out of the way. She stands and moves in a relaxed manner under normal circumstances. Violet has an average female tone in her voice and when busy, wears a serious look on her face. She has a medium built body with a few laceration scars on her limbs along with a fair amount of burn scars on her back and upper arms.

Violet commonly wears tattered tan cargo pants with a pair of light brown combat boots. She wears a stained white undershirt with a worn out green jacket overtop that has Valley EMS logos on each upper arm. She carries an old blue backpack with a red cross sewn on the back. It contains some food, lots of first aid supplies, and a little bit of ammunition. She usually carries a MP5 strapped to her pack with a quick release in the event of a combat emergency.

Here's a photograph of Violet before the war:

Mental State: Violet doesn't have the same hatred toward the union and all its affiliates that everyone else seems to have, however she knows about their danger and knows that if caught, she'll be dead. She didn't leave the city due to hate, rather left for freedom and peace. Violet does however have a strong hate towards people who insult and harass others.

Physical State: Violet is in a fairly healthy state and has overcome malnourishment. She is still rather thin for her body. She gets tired often from lack of iron which her body seems to need more of then normal. Her skeleton is fairly strong and her muscles are regaining their strength rapidly.


Spoiler for Short Version:
Violet was born March 16th 1987 in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan (a province in Canada) to her mother and father, both who worked in the military. She grew up as an only child, during which her parents were posted to Chilowak, BC in 1990, taking her with them. She was bullied and tormented from middle school almost up to the end of high school. She graduated from high school in 2005 and got a primary care paramedic certificate in 2006. She worked up till the 7 hour war as a primary care paramedic for BC ambulance, making it to the Supervisor level. After the war, Violet lived in City 7 (Toronto) for five months where she learned a fair amount of information about the combine and the universal union. She never hated the union but was always interested in how they worked. After her five months, she was transferred overseas to City 45 where she learned about an escape rout to the outer areas from a group of resisting citizens. Violet lived in the canals for several weeks till it was shelled, causing a headcrab and zombie infestation. She missed the transport and ran out the the countryside, taking refuge in a farmhouse, finding weapons and supplies in a bomb shelter. After a couple months, she saw a group of people heading toward the mountains. She decided to follow them and lost sight of them just south of Ineu Pass.

Spoiler for Long Version:
Violet was born March 16th 1987 in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan (a province in Canada) to her mother and father, both who worked in the military. Her mother an orderly in ops and her father, a SARTECH. She grew up as an only child, during which her parents were posted to Chilowak, BC in 1990, taking her with them. She went to elementary school as an energetic imaginative child without a care in the world. She loved playing and pretending and all the colourful happy stuff every child deserves. Her parents loved her like a precious gem, but were never home to show that love except on weekends and holidays. Her mom, still being an orderly, worked late nights, sometimes till 1 or 2 in the morning. Her dad was almost always on SAR missions or on call at the base and saw his daughter less then her mother. Thus, a sitter was in need weeknights while her parents worked. They found a sitter who became best friends with Violet for the years she babysat her. Violet loved her father and he loved her. When he was home, they played together. He helped her with her homework. Violet was daddy's little girl and she wanted to be just like daddy when she was older.

When Violet moved on to middle school, her life changed for the worse. Society began to manipulate her view on the world and ultimately, herself. Her peers were also manipulated by society and they way they see the world. Violet didn't exactly have stunning looks and an attractive body. She also still had a somewhat childish state of mind. Unfortunately, in the society she lived in, that wasn't allowed. She was constantly bothered about the way she looked, how she acted, and her view on life. She made friends, though she only had a couple. This constant harassment made Violet hate herself and the way she looked. Daily, she wished she was skinnier, prettier, better. Her self-esteem went down the drain in a matter of 2 years. Despite what her peers said and did, she continued her dream to be just like her dad. She studied hard achieving a high average mark each year. Her father began to move further away from her due to work increasing and a couple promotions. Her mother still worked those late nights, however she was old enough to say home alone. Violet had nobody to talk to. No guy liked her. She did however, still admire her father and worked toward being a SAR Tech,

In high school, the teasing and harassment continued on for a couple years. Violets self-esteem never increased due to all this stress and expectations. She lost a couple friends, made a few, but ended up with one good friend in the end. She began dating one guy in Grade 10 but it only lasted a couple months when she found out all he wanted to do was use her. Violet changed her mind half way through high school. She didn't want to join the military anymore. She wanted to stay in the civilian world and work as an EMT. Violet studied hard and did her research to get into this profession. She loved every little bit of it and admired any EMT she came across. Over time, she began to lose her childish personality, becoming more mature in life. In grade 11, her peers began to back off and focus on their own life. By the time Violet got into grade 12, the harassment and teasing stopped, the scars of all this unfortunately remained, leaving her self esteem down a deep dark hole which she was afraid to look down.

She graduated from high school in 2005, applying at a college in Kelowna for a Primary Care Paramedic certificate, and getting all her qualifications done early. She got in that fall and began studying paramedicine. She devoted her time to the course to ensure she passed with flying colours. She had no problems with her peers regarding her appearance. In fact, she met a boy through this course. His name was Jared Isaac. He was so sweet to her. She loved every bit of him. They were the perfect couple. He helped her when times got tough, she helped him when his homework got tough. They ended up moving in with each other half way through the course term. Violet and Jared were madly in love.

They both passed the course in Summer 2006, earning their PCP certification. It wasn't long before they both found jobs. Jared found work at an ambulance station half an hour out of town in October. Violet got a job at the local station in Kelowna. Eventually, they both worked to full time levels. After a few years, Violet worked her way up to Supervising Kelowna EMS. Jared got a job at the air ambulance in Kelowna so he didn't have to make the half hour commute anymore.

They worked up till the 7 hour war. At the start of the war, Jared was at work where Violet was home sleeping from her last of four days working. Violet barely had time to get dressed when the alien force barged in her apartment, dragging her out into a carrying pod. She was stunned by this whole event. When she asked around, she heard about an air ambulance helicopter getting shot down shortly after takeoff. Violet couldn't accept Jared might be in that helicopter. She kept telling herself that it was all a bad dream and Jared would be waiting for her at the end of wherever it was they were going.

Violet found herself in the destroyed city of Toronto, now called City 7. She learned all about the new world order and the universal union and how life's change was for the better. She actually agreed with some of their points. She kept searching, waiting for Jared to show up, but nothing ever came up for her. There were a few regular assholes walking the streets who would give Violet a dirty look or whisper an insult under their breath as she walked by. She tried to ignore this best she could, however she couldnt help but see herself ad the ugly girl she was back in school. She was losing hope and the assholes weren't helping. She gave up looking for Jared after a couple months living in this new world.

After about five months, she was transferred overseas to City 45. She was welcomed by a group of not-so-compliant citizens who quoted themselves to being "A group where you can set your thoughts free." She learned all about the horrors of the universal union and even an escape route anyone brave enough to take could use to get out of the city. She then began planning with some friends on escaping safely, what to bring, how not to get caught. What do do if they did get caught. After a couple months of planning, they finally did it, making it to the city outskirt canals.

Violet lived in the canals with the people she escaped with. SHe learned all about surviving. What to eat. How to cook it. How to build shelter. How to survive the cold winters. However, this new found life she called 'freedom' was put to an abrupt halt. The Universal Union didn't like what was going on in the canals and decided to move in and attack it. There was word of a transport that was heading to a place far from the city in the mountains. Violets friends however, didnt bother waking her up at the time of the transport leaving. What did wake her up was the sound of a mortar crashing into the roof of her concrete shelter. Violet narrowly escaped the canals, making it to the barren countryside.

She located an old farmhouse after a couple days of travel. She checked the building out and found it was vacant. She also found a few other interesting items. Violet found a bomb shelter under the house. In this shelter, she found plenty non-perishable food items, treated gasoline, a generator, books (most in another language), and some weapons with ammunition. Unfortunately for the owners of the farm house, they never got to use their own bomb shelter. Violet lived in this shelter for weeks. She familiarized herself with the weapons in the basement and fired off a few magazines at boxes outside the farmhouse. She couldn't help but feel lonely though. For two months, she hadn't seen a single human being or animal, except for the odd bird every now and then. One of the books was an instruction book on how to draw. It wasn't in English but she learned quickly just from the diagrams.

One day when Violet was sitting outside drawing a bird, she saw a group of people walking in the distance. Violet hesitated, but then decided it was now or never. She found an old blue rucksack and stuff it with as much food and medical supplies as she could. She then filled some of the pockets with 9mm rounds for a MP5N she really liked that was in the shelter. Violet ran to follow the group, but noticed they were all armed with shotguns, handguns, and one had a sniper rifle. Instead, she decided to follow them colsely.

After four days of hiking, Violet slept in one morning. She lost track of the group. Violet followed the road, trying to find this group but had no luck. The sun was going down and she had came across a town at the top of a hill. Vioet decided to sleep in the forest just outside of the town under some rocks. Little did she know this area was very high is refugee activity...

Strengths - Skills/Traits:
-Medical Skills
-Strong Body
-Artistic Drawing

-Anger Management
-Low Self-Esteem

Research Notes:
Character is somewhat based off me as well as someone else I know IRL. Her physical appearance is similar to Moon Bloodgood. Her cloths are based off a character I had on TRP

I've recreated most of the character except the vital parts such as the paramedic, leadership role, and basic story. She's based off a lot of bits and pieces from my life merged together. (Not myself entirely, but other people and things in my life as well) Her attire comes from a character model from the TnB Megapack.

Research References:

Accent: Common North American accent.

Mannerisms: Violet plays with her hair often. She also has the tendancy to keep her nails cleaned and trimmed. When nervous, she will have her hands in her pockets to avoid fidgiting. She casually stands with her left arm down and her right arm across, gripping just above her elbow. Her feet are placed in a 'bus stop' stance.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 05:29:05 PM by Statua [CMD] »

Offline Tyrex

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Re: Violet Collins Character Template
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 11:36:13 PM »
// Is she on Outlands?

Offline Statua

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Re: Violet Collins Character Template
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 11:57:51 PM »
// yes

Offline Tyrex

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Re: Violet Collins Character Template
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 12:01:50 AM »
// This will be interesting.  :)

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Re: Violet Collins Character Template
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2012, 08:29:42 PM »
Updated this majorly. She's more flavourful now. And not so cliche.


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