Author Topic: John Gatsby's Authorization Application  (Read 3421 times)

Offline Globey

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John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:04:05 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Globey
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 3 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About 2 years.

Character Section

- Advanced knowledge of chemistry.
- Advanced knowledge of pyrotechnics.
- Advanced acting ability; To lie flawlessly, impersonate perfectly, etc.
- Knowledge of make-up application and technical theater.

Name: John Gatsby
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Rebellion

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
John Gatsby was born in London, England, in the year of 1982. He had a somewhat unusual upbringing, his father working as an an actor in the movie industry, and his mother in the profession of a cosmetologist. He was an only child, and throughout his life, he found himself pressured to perform at the absolute top standard. During his early childhood, John's mother dedicated every spare ounce of her free time to him. She read to him, played with him, and did her best to interest him in the family's industry. Naturally, she players up the role of cosmetology, and regularly invented games involving make-up.
During the intervening time between jobs, John's father, Alan, played his part as well. Between the two parents, they imparted a lot of knowledge upon him throughout his childhood.

By the time John was 13, he was heavily involved in acting and technical theater lessons; Simply put, all aspects of acting and tech, be it for a movie or theater, had become his life. He took to new elements of the trade with a passion, and he approached them with a determined intent.
And then misfortune struck; His parents, coming to the conclusion that their prospects would be better in North America, decided to move across the Atlantic, to Canada.
John, his heart having been set on acting for so long, almost couldn't bear it. He found all of his connections, all of his friendships, suddenly torn away with the move to Ottawa, Canada. He had a rough fresh start - He was an outsider from the very beginning, and his rigid pursue of theatrical arts earned him few friends, and much teasing. Nevertheless, John persevered, soon finding himself like-minded friends in new acting and technical theater courses run outside of school.
Every cloud has its silver lining; although the move was hard on him, John soon found a new passion, one almost as alluring as theater. Chemistry. Though the curriculum of the science program at his grade did not afford him many details, John knew from the start, that it was going to be a big deal for him.
Time progressed. The New Year found John with Canadian citizenship, and he had fully recovered from his parents' decision. He continued developing his passions, happily living his life.

And then misfortune struck again, just as John was entering high school. John's mother was suddenly promoted to a higher position in her company - She could no longer act as the support and guide John needed, particularly in such a major year. Her presence in the house waned, and she was scarce to be seen on John's first day of grade 10.
The school year ahead was rocky from the very onset. Without his mother to constantly nag him, he quickly fell behind in his subjects -excluding Chemistry and Drama, both of which he was taking at a grade 11 level already.  He simply couldn't find the motivation to keep up on what didn't interest him.
And of course, unsupervised, he quickly fell in with some of the more negative elements at his school. Although he maintained a strict attendance to the subjects he enjoyed, John soon found himself skipping his other courses completely. Matters proceeded to decline from there. One night, his misdeeds reached a climax, when he was peer-pressured into applying his knowledge of chemistry towards arson. A public building burnt to ashes in the middle of the night.
Naturally, this acted as a major wake-up call for both John, and his parents. Due to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, he escaped a criminal record that would forever brand him an arsonist, and his mother, out of concern for her baby's welfare, resigned her new post for the old and hurried back to their home to look after her son. With much effort, she marshaled John's life back into order. After a brief consultation, she and her husband also decided that their son 'ought to be given lessons in pyrotechnics by a family friend; after all, John appeared to have an interest in it... And they both knew what that he would pursue it to the end of the world, safely or otherwise - Just as he had chemistry, acting, and tech. Better to have taught it safely and to a legal application, that for him to educate himself.
Contrary to his parent's opinions, John's interest in pyrotechnics wasn't quite developed yet. But it soon came to flourish under his instructor's tuition.

All was well. A few years later found him with his high school diploma, a healthy interest in pyrotechnics, chemistry, as well as theater arts, and many job prospects due to his parent's influence. The year was 2000, John was 18 years old, and he was free to do as he would.
John took up an apprenticeship in pyrotechnics, and attended a few chemistry related courses at a local college. His social life was almost completely abandoned to make room for academics. His education was his life now.
Having completed much of the necessary training in high school, John completed his apprenticeship in two years. Choosing to withdraw from his chemistry related courses, he threw his parents' weight around until he landed a job with a mid-scale movie as the chief pyrotechnic.
At about the same time, the internet was making its rise. It soon became a treasure trove for information about DIY and homemade explosives - One that John was all too happy to exploit on his off time.

Over the proceeding years, John grew in prestige. His first attempt at professional pyrotechnics came off as a resounding success, and he was soon hired for a moderately larger production. And then a larger one, and more even larger still. Eventually, John, not used to having any number of admirers, had enough of the incessant emails to his personal inbox. He decided to start using an alias. John Gatsby would fade from the public's eye, and be all but forgotten in the fickle world of movie production. Using his knowledge of cosmetology, he made himself a new face; James Ghareheart was made.
The plan worked well; John Gatsby faded out of public memory, and was quickly replaced by the talented James Ghareheart.

James continued working over the 2000s, and his prestige earned him many unusual opportunities. In his experience, he was called to perform a multitude of tasks; trigger avalanches, dramatically destroy condemned buildings, and, in general, make things explode. A pack rat by nature, he accumulated various odds and ends over the years - Detonators, propellants, some plastic explosives, plastic mortar casings, and black powder, among other things.

The portal storms hit hard. James was traveling in Eastern Europe with the cast and crew for a large action movie, when the storms first started to ravage the countryside. City slickers by nature, the group made a unanimous decision to head to the nearest city available - What would come to be called City 45. There they were, stranded, with no safe means of transportation to North America, and only the sketchiest of communications with their families. Eventually, the cast and crew dissolved completely; there was no point in sticking around together when the situation was just getting worse. Of the entire technical crew, only the pyrotechnics stuck together, sharing a cramped apartment. Out of concern for looters, James and the other two pyrotechnics, Alan and Jerry, started to conceal the supplies they had across the city.
James soon found a problem - Although he had no shortage of capital, supplies were quickly becoming too expensive to afford - Particularly makeup. Choosing to save what little he had left, James removed his 'disguise' and assumed his old identity; John Gatsby. The change came as a relief to him, after having his personality cooped up for years, but it left him somewhat nervous.  However, it just had to be done.
The work of concealment continued. After two years, the job was almost completed; progress grew ever more slow as more refugees poured into the city.
One day, the most junior assistant, Alan, didn't return from his trip. Later on, John learned that a food riot had occurred in the neighborhood Alan had been working in. John mourned his death, and moved on in life, constantly checking over his shoulder, and making sure not to get wrapped up in anything.
A month later, the concealment was done.
John and Jerry lived on. They huddled up in their little apartment, and kept as low a profile as possible. They made monthly phone calls to their families, and lived as frugally as possible. They constantly searched for signs that the portal storms would let up, even looking for patterns that could spell a safe passage. However, as soon as it seemed that they could escape, some new, unexpected twist would occur. They were trapped.
Not much occurred. Until the Seven Hour War, that is.

Everything went crazy - Citizens were gunned down in the streets alongside the already depleted military. It was 7 hours of hell, right from the very begging. The citizen population dropped, and John and Jerry had to use every hiding spot they knew to survive.
Just after Dr. Breen negotiated surrender, there was a brief period of amnesty. Not willing to risk prosecution, Jerry decided to hand in some of the lower grade materials. John never saw him again.

Life resumed, this time under the totalitarian Universal Union. John felt a simmering rage boiling within him. One of his last remaining friends, dead, and all communication with his relatives cut off. He wasn't active in resisting at first; just remaining passive in the conflicts that occurred. However, unused to being physically punished for mere acts such as running, his anger grew. It grew only larger still, when he realized that he couldn't fight back. He moved to District Six in an attempt to get some more semblance of freedom. It didn't work.
But then he remembered a history class, dealing with the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic War. He quickly realized, that there's more than one means of guerrilla warfare.
And so he planned.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The ability to create explosives.
A moderate amount of explosives and related supplies stashed across the city. (Not to be used often.)

A level one verdict, if caught.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I intend to create the occasional bomb threat in the City - with SA approval, of course.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Guerrilla warfare, in the form of IEDs, would be a logical course of actions for many rebellious citizens. It stands to reason then, that more characters authorized to do this would benefit roleplay.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 05:56:55 PM by [S3G][BnT] Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline [CG] Rekyit Merlo

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Re: John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2012, 11:14:30 AM »
dis athurzatin pst s pawp. -support
I've known globey forever. This bitch ass mother fucker knows whats up in the hood, cuz he a hoodrat mutha fucka YEEEEEEEE. But anyways yeah, Globeys been rping for ages. He knows what to do with his shit and stuff man, yeah.

Offline wag1

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Re: John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2012, 05:38:12 PM »
+support, too. I'll wait for others to give me their opinions too, though.

Offline garry :D

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Re: John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2012, 06:22:53 PM »
I'll +support this.

Offline SatN

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Re: John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 04:45:08 AM »
You have my support, Globey.

Offline SatN

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Re: John Gatsby's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 05:21:29 PM »
After speaking with the supportors of this authorisation application as well as Globey and verifying his intentions.

- I ACCEPT your authorisation application. You have the 'auths' you were applying for.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 01:42:33 AM by Kom??Як »


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