I was in District 6 trying to form a rebellion which inevitably I lost my evil, rebel character 3 days later in a fight that was MEANT to be a 3 rebel VS one CP. Well, first things first. After I formed the rebellion, we were exiting the district. Upon entering the first tunnel, an entire blockade, about 15 cops just guarding it, some had Overwatch Standard-Issue Pulse Rifles, and I sware I saw a combine or two. So we had to turn back. The next day, my character got together with Hayden Striker's boys and Jamie's rebel forces, but most of them were killed upon the assualt of the Nexus. My character was nearly killed by two bullets from a pistol but a fellow rebel had gotten him back to D6 where he recovered in the underground bar. Two days later, me and Jamie, survivors of the Nexus attack, and a newbie named Conrad, attempted to tackle a CP officer. Sadly for us, a 3 VS 1 became a 3 VS every single Combine or Civil Protection within two miles. Many citizens joined in as they watched the revolution. Conrad and my rebel character Jim were killed, plus all the citizens that assisted us. Jamie's fate is unknown. And so... Rebel Fail of The Week
So, seriously. Don't start a rebellion unless you've got atleast 15 citizens. Don't try it with 2-10. You'll easily get killed. Or maybe you could try escaping to the Outlands although unlikely with all the Combine around.