Author Topic: Xeen's Authorization Application  (Read 3377 times)

Offline Crayola

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Xeen's Authorization Application
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:15:36 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: scoobybloo2
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About 6 months but I have played Serious Rp like GMod's style for about 2 years.

Character Section

Authorization to make a Fast headcrab character.
Access to the Fast Headcrab Model.

Name: Xeen
Age: 1 1/2 , But he is fully developed.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
(The story takes place with the presumption that Fast Headcrabs are genetically altered versions of the Headcrab made by the combine to be used for war and attacks on rebels.)

The story of Xeel starts in a city, city 11. Xeel was a mutation of headcrabs, a failed attempt to make a stronger headcrab for use by the combine. Xeel and the 100’s of other “Fast Headcrabs” were to be destroyed, and forgotten.
   Xeel stands on his pointed claws, slowly swaying back and forth, side to side, in a crowded dark and musky smelling room. The other headcrabs are anxious, startled and scared, they were slamming and clawing at the walls in hope they would break free. A few of the larger ones had a chain on their left hind leg. They were going wild, swinging viciously back and forth, jumping getting yanked and falling back down, only to try again. Xeel sat there, he knew the walls wouldn’t break down, he had no chain to fight against, so he sat unsure of what lay beyond the walls. As I said earlier, all of the 100’s of 1000’s of headcrabs in the room were at the time called defective, later to be named the fast headcrab. They were all mutations of two healthy large headcrabs, there DNA combined with hundreds of other chemicals and animals. The combine was hoping for a stronger more obedient headcrab that they could use against the rebels, but they had gotten the opposite. Weak and unruly they had no desire to serve the combine, so they were to be destroyed. Xeel heard banging and smashing from the outer walls, then the sound of headcrabs screeching and gunfire. The one wall slid down opening enough for the headcrabs to escape. What had happened was the headcrabs that were experimented on had thought of the fast headcrabs as their children, and they knew what the Combine were planning, so they broke free of their cages and managed to get the door opened. Xeel was about to jump out the door when he noticed the headcrabs stuck by the chains, he went back to them and struggled with their chains. In the panic some Headcrabs escaped but others were gun down by Combine.  Xeel attacked the chains with all his force, finally he broke one free, it turned and broke the others chain. They went to jump the gate, Xeel went first, landing and sliding under a desk and through a Combines legs, the others jumped out and went ballistic, they swiped left and right, crashing into combine and tables and computers. Blood flew all around Xeel, he saw a vent so he rushed as quick as his pointed claws could take him, he managed to slip away, and escape, travelling in the wilderness, hunting on fox’s and any other living things. He managed to travel about a mile or two from city 11’s laboratories when he was attacked by a group of combine near a small broken down farm. He rushed inside skipping past gunfire, dodging and hurling left and right.  He slid into the farm, and ran into a group of rebels stocking their bags and loading their weapons. He fought against the Combines with the resistance that day; all but one Resistance member had perished in the fight. Xeel had gotten hit by a piece of shrapnel in the side of his right leg. The resistance member took Xeel as his pet and helped heal him back to health as they travelled by foot across the wilderness. Eventually Xeel was able to run again, he had run ahead to scout for food, but when he got back his owner had been gunned down. With his new hatred and desire to kill all Combine he went along, running. He ran for a day, then he fell weak, He was laying in a forest by a road near a burnt down house when an airboat pulled up. It stopped and the driver ran inside the burnt house to look for something. Xeel latched his claws into the side of the airboat, the driver came back after a while and without noticing Xeel, climbed in and started driving. Xeel stayed on as long as he could but the wind and his exhaustion had taken the best of him, his claws unlatched and he slid off landing on the grass and rolling into a forest. That is how Xeel got to the outlands.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ More roleplay options.
+ Brand new Roleplay Experience for me.
+ Enrich and change the roleplay for me and those that roleplay with me.
+ To change my roleplay experience and allow for better roleplay.

- Can't Speak English
- New Roleplay To Learn
- Weak
- If Hurt Is Reliant On Help Of A Human

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to help better the roleplay of others and all of the outlands server.
Provide more options in which to roleplay on the outlands server.
To make a brand new form of roleplay.
To have brand new options to passive rp.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nope just me.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
(I know this may fall under Npc rule but I have seen many other headcrabs accepted and roleplay well within the community of Outlands.)
C45.CCA.UA.619 says "<:: You're the shitstain that fell between the resistances buttcheeks."

Offline garry :D

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2012, 11:29:12 PM »
I'm giving my +support because I think we need some new things to spice out Outlands RP.

Offline Crayola

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 06:49:15 PM »
Thank you for the support Jackal, I won't abuse the privileges if I do get them, and I will be sure to spice the Outland's server up a bit.
C45.CCA.UA.619 says "<:: You're the shitstain that fell between the resistances buttcheeks."

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 11:31:19 PM »
Ahh why not! I love your RP and your people skills. Defiantly a candidate for this! Plus Support
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Offline wag1

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 09:39:34 PM »
I'll evaluate your RP in server, then I'll talk to Raiden about it. Even though the backstory is a bit off, you could write a 1000 page one and be a shit RPer.

Offline Crayola

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2012, 09:51:53 PM »
Alright, so are you going to like, tell me a time to go on rp server and rp or just secretly watch me?
C45.CCA.UA.619 says "<:: You're the shitstain that fell between the resistances buttcheeks."

Offline Kevin

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2012, 10:00:21 AM »
He means he will watch you, check console, etc, and make sure you don't powergame and such.
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Offline garry :D

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Re: Xeen's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 05:36:57 PM »
No other administrators have voiced their concerns with this application, therefore you can be accepted.


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