Greetings. I am Major Mario. I am currently 19 years old and in college seeking to become an English teacher with a minor in history. I am not new to roleplay, having started out from the bottom in a DarkRP server. Now, I know what you're thinking: DarkRP is not serious. Yes, that is true. I moved on from DarkRP to a little community by the name of Mobius Game Servers, which at that time was referred to as "The Friendliest HL2RP Community". I became engaged in the HL2RP there, creating citizen characters to fill niches and to speak with others freely. I stayed there for on average about a year and a half, creating a name for myself. Back then, the Combine police force was known as the MPF, or Metropolitan Police Force. HELIX was my division, and I was proud to serve under an Australian by the name of SirDownloadsAlot before his DvL was betrayed and Permanently Killed. He left me, HELIX-OfC.81274 in command of the division. From there, I did all that I could, and I did it to the best of my abilities.
Eventually, things slowed and I looked elsewhere. HL2RP dwindled, no, it just left MGS. Text RP was all that kept me there, and even that was dying. I fled to a place called Infusion Gaming, which I still inhibit for the Text RP board, which I moderate, or try to. A pal told me about this place, a man with an accent who I call Kage Kuro. Upon seeing the player count and map for myself, I was amazed and filled with awe towards this community. I immediately joined, creating an account just a few hours ago.
I'm a good writer, and I usually make Gmod Screenshots when I'm not writing fanfiction or submitting to requests. I hope that I can bring something special to this community with my talents, as already the community has done so much for me in just two hours.