Last night, we had probably half of the citizen population, which was about 10 players, literally attack the Nexus with no RP. People were running in the airlocks, we had to get units on the tower, and roof, citizens were prop surfing to get on top of the nexus and were throwing things at units, we had to setup barriers at the Nexus door, and no admins were on until Purple finally saved us. We had to resort to beating some of them unconcious and just putting them in detainment to even be able to go out on the steps. One citizen even managed to get to the lower levels of the Nexus someone said. At least two people D/C'd upon detainment attempts and to avoid RP. I know there are minges and there are new players, but I think new players are seeing minges doing what they do and thinking its okay to play that way, therefore they inadvertently become minges themselves. I've never seen minge activity like I did last night. Maybe something should be done to give HC units more freedom in making calls on what to do about situations like last night. You could say, "It sounds more like citizens RPing a riot to me." I've seen a few properly RPed riots, and this was NOT one of them. It was a minge attack that everyone took advantage of.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
To your first part: Permaban's don't fix everything, if this was true, I'd have permabanned YOU long ago.
I locked up one "new player" I tried to teach him how to play, and he ignored ALL of it, and he just kept lolrunning around the cell. And yes, that nexus attack was crazy, I was like an AA shooting down prop surfers.
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n
I've tried to teach new players, and I have taught them well several times. But just today while I was trying to teach a person how to RP, a DvL comes up with his AR2 out, and shoots at the ground around us. Telling us to move it. Now, how can I OOCly teach a person when I'm getting shot at?