+ Support a better forums for the CA.
- Support a private forums for the CA.
Is it not necessary for the CA to have their own private forums ( I don't know why but I put government before I changed it to forums)?
1. Though the CA is a special opprotunity, we do not have a need to make our forums private as our operations are performed, though under the employment of a private faction, publicly. Therefore anyone should have the ability to access our forums.
2. By allowng our forums to be accessed publicly, we reveal OOC information to all who access it. But this OOC information should not be limitied to suggestions, logs, updates etc. that prompt some of us to ask for a *private* forums. We can continue to post application opprotunities such as those for loans or civilian positions which, along with the OOC information can aid in exposing the wonderful word of being a CA.
2. The CA roster is not the biggest, and its members not the most active on their respective CA. So by exposing our wonderful, magical world of CA-dom to everyone we can promote immigration into our small and exciting word.