Try keeping small posts like this to the shoutbox, this way you won't get warned for post whoring or anything. Just a heads-up.
become factions on the forums?
People that have created their own group can post anything about there group, except rosters which need to be authorized by Raiden or RoflWaffle here: myself don't think they would need a private forum section like the CCA, it'd just cause a lot of jealousy and is generally not needed.
Roflwaffle doesnt want any official groups on the outlands cause he doesnt want more drama. Makes sense? No. But whatever.
Well, I don't really see the purpose of a group becoming 'official'. From what
I have seen, making official groups and a faction for them in-game usually results in elitism. I think everything is fine right now. Another thing that happens with official groups, is players not wanting to create their own groups because they are discouraged, want to join that group instead - since it's official, or any other reason that ties in with this statement.