Author Topic: The Personal Journal Of A Girl Known As Scout.  (Read 2058 times)

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The Personal Journal Of A Girl Known As Scout.
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:12:48 PM »
*I would like to hope that no one will use anything in here IC. This is an account of the actual things i've been through IC so far and in the future. Nothing in here is made up.*

A journal written by Alex Simon AKA: 'Scout'.

Day 1.

Its been a rough day. Went into D6 for the first time, ended up joining TALON. I have a contact, an old friend of mine, He can supply me with anything I need. Right now I have an SMG and some medical supplies. I want to set up a hospital here in D6, to help these people. Lynch I think his name is, I guess he leads TALON, agreed to let me set up a clinic.

Met a man, calls himself Shades. Nice guy, but hes a little... I dont know... Odd? Yeah, thats the word.

Picked up a shotgun tonight, My contact smuggled it in special for me. Showed it to Lynch and he didnt seem to thrilled. I dont want to sound ungrateful, but these TALON guys arnt radical enough for me... Only been here for a day but already thinking I wont stick around with them.

Day 2.

Met a man, going to refer to him by his nickname in here, Clyde. Hes a good guy and we've decided to stick together. I've left TALON.

Set up a clinic this afternoon, in an old abandoned room. Have had a few patients, A lot of them I diagnosed with depression. One guy had a broken arm, I patched him up best I could.
Clyde decided to set up this brewery thing he has, Make himself some wine. Has it in back.

(hastily and sloppily written): A man came in and was snooping around, went in back while we were helping someone and came upon our little brewery along with some other.. things... Made a comment about wondering 'how hard it would be for the combine to find this'. We were freaked out, didnt want to have the CPs bursting down our door, So I gave the guy something to knock him out. I drag him outside, into an empty lot, I thought that would be fine, we would just leave him there but then Clyde tells me we have to kill him. I didnt know what to say, I dont want to kill fellow people, not robots, PEOPLE, but he has a valid point, the man would tell the combine then what would we do?! So I shot him! Right in the back of the head, I shot him! I never even knew his name. He wasnt some monster or some machine, He probably once had a family, He was a brother or a father or a son, But now hes nothing because we thought MAYBE he would report us.
Does this make me a bad person? I dont know anymore.

Met two more guys, Jarred and Josh, they agreed to stick with us. I guess we could call ourselves our own little rebellion group now.

Tonight, a man came in. I was talking with a woman about how to make burn cream. The man just stood in the corner, said nothing. Clyde was taking inventory of our gauze stock when I heard a scream. Turned around and saw my surgical scalpel laying on the floor, covered in blood. The man has slit both his wrists.
We did everything we could for him but it was too little too late. Josh buried him before his body was even cold...

We didnt have much time to think about the suicide, I got a tip on a D6 sweep that was coming. We will hide in a safe-house the rest of the night.

Day 3.

Ran into a man asking for money this morning. Told him I didnt have any, and kept walking. He followed me for a little, Started to make me nervous. I pulled out my SMG and warned him to back off. He starts yelling at me, saying he knows I have money and I'm not helping out people who need it. What does he know.... But then as I back up, he follows me still. I point my gun at him, telling him to get out of here. He starts screaming at me to just shoot him, to end it. I didnt know what to do, I told him he was crazy and he says 'Am I? what is there to live for?! Give me one reason to live!' and you know what.... I couldnt. There really isnt anything for these people to live for. Is... This what it has come to?
Clyde came as the man was screaming at me. I told him what was going on, and he told me to just shoot him. Shoot the guy, some poor guy whos probably lost everything in life and Clyde says just shoot him. I refused to. More human blood will not be spilled unnecessarily.

Clyde is worrying me. He is quick to just want to get rid of anyone he thinks could be a threat. Not everyone is bad, not everyone we dont like deserves to die... Right..? 

Two guys were harassing a woman in the tunnel to D6 this evening. Tried to kidnap her, lucky we were there. They tried to punch Jarred, but I gave the one a taste of some buckshot. He wont be doing much for a while.

Met another guy, named Vasiliy. Hes joining us too.

Day 4.

The boys all acknowledged me as their leader. Its weird, having them come to me for advice...
Clyde is my 2nd in command. We are both known rebels, or so I've heard.

I decided we should start stirring things up with the combine. We all stood outside the HUD, and when a combine walked by, we ran into the D6 tunnel. The combine stood in the HUD, watching us, so I gave him a bit of a scare with a warning shot from my shotgun. It was an OfC, hahahaha oh did he haul ass away from us.

Worse Idea Ever. We have a plan in the case of a sweep, we all know where to go and hide. After my little shot at the OfC, they conducted a full blown sweep of D6, calling in the OTA and even Synths. Clyde was in the train station, said we should get there. I told him to stay put, that we were safe where we were but Oh, Nooo, He insisted that we get to the train station so we could sneak back into D1 from there. I though 'Hell, why not' and we ran to the station before the OTA arrived.
Once in D1, we split up, Me and Vasiliy went into the sewers under the city and the others went somewhere else. This was not an ordinary sweep, They swept D6, D2, the Plaza, D1 apartments, Everywhere. I was afraid they would sweep the sewers too, so me and Vasiliy went up to a D1 shop thats over top the sewers tunnel. A couple was in there, watching the commotion and talking. Suddenly, A 01 comes in and demands us all to get on the wall. I was loaded, there was no way I could hide all my guns and contraband, they would recognize me on the spot. I did the only thing I could think of... Run.

The OTA were called in on my location and I barely managed to get away from them. I got so close to one, I looked it in the eye, saw the soulless monster that is... and I ran.

Vasiliy, Was not so lucky.

Day 5.

Theres no confirmation that Vasiliy is dead, but they dragged him to the Nexus, I cant imagine whats happening to him.

Met back up with Clyde, hes fine, Thank God.

Met a man, I'll call him by his nickname, Six. Hes an old friend and a good addition to our group.

        Found out that during the sweep, My contact was discovered and amputated. This could be very bad.

I've called in every favor to find out about Vasiliy. He's been giving the Combine false information on us, They are just eating it up.

They've... released Vasiliy... He was mind wiped.


We've found Josh and Jarred again. Good. They are safe at least....

Convinced Vasiliy to come with us, though it will take a long time to get him to understand whats happening. He will probably never be the same.

Clyde recruited a man that hid him during the apartments sweep. The man is a loyalist but Clyde seems to think thats hes OK, i'm still suspicious though... guess we'll wait and see. Cant remember the guy's name...

We decided that our colors will be Orange and Black.

Day 5- Midnight...

Woke up with a nightmare... I'll try to describe it...

The City Administrators lay at the steps of the Nexus, Dead. The combine are all gone. My friends and the rebels who helped us are all carrying big guns and are in heavy armor. They are all smiling, cheering, and I'm standing at the top of the Nexus looking down, Clyde at my side..
Somethings.. wrong.. There are orange and black banners hanging from the buildings, The citizens on the ground are not smiling, they still seem mal-nourished and no one is doing anything to help the sick ones, The smell of blood and the dead is over-whelming......
Then I look at myself... I look and feel healthy.... I'm wearing a fancy suit... theres a speech on a piece of paper on a podium in front of me... And Clyde..... Has a stun-baton on his belt......

This is not the first nightmare I've had, but they seem to be getting worse....

Are we... in the process of killing monsters.... becoming them ourselves....?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 05:16:43 PM by Alex Simon »
[LOOC] Alex 'Scout' Simon: I cant!

Offline igor

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Re: The Personal Journal Of A Girl Known As Scout.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 04:23:01 AM »
Sorry for the necropost, but this brings back so many good memories, it's written like a person, and I genuinely miss Scout, it's written with so much emotion, and I can pick up on what seems like genuine friendship between scout and my character "Clyde". Best RP experienece in my life. I miss that.
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Offline Saints Sasha

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Re: The Personal Journal Of A Girl Known As Scout.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 08:37:15 AM »
Agreed, one of the best RP I had with all of you: It was nice reading back on it.
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