Author Topic: OCRP semi serious removal discussion  (Read 8346 times)

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OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:17:32 PM »
* Degtyarev flips table
I dont see much point of OCRP if rules are enforced as strongly and a 1 weight contraption. RDM is only frowned upon, fail driving gets other players yelling, and so on, and so on, a complete lack of rules in the name of liteRP.
Its funny though, because the semiserious server couldnt have been any more serious, seeing as there were no additional rules. That means that the rules were mildly enforced, and still encouraged failRP and general lack of RP. All it was was a map change, not the creation of a semi-serious server. Not much different than putting darkRP on an hl2rp map and call it hl2rp. I would say the main reason for its failure was that fact that there was no police and no mayor. Half a dozen "regulars" I guess you can call them, that I know of, more or less quit because of this. Why play on  a server where youre not allowed to do anything other than shoot other players and AFK to grow weed? So how can you call it a failure if you didnt let it begin? Craphead said it himself, that it would take several weeks for the server to get started, yet it was shut down this early. Yes, there was fail driving, but those rules were hardly enforced, and there were no police to deal with it in an RP manner. But on the opposite end, there was lots of passive RP. Izzie's almost always had a small party going, and there were often 2 shops going at once, competing for low prices and the public's desire.
So I ask, how can you call it a failure if you yourself, craphead, said that the server would take weeks to start up?
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\\r\\nWe live in the explosion of a bomb that has not yet finished exploding. You and everything you love are debris. Have a good day ^_^\\\'\\\'\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: Who is talking?\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: They sound hot\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: The background\\r\\nDegtyarev: They are 11 :l

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 08:31:29 PM »
It wasn't attracting any new players. I said that we'd give it 2 weeks, and if either
A) v33x pulled in new players(regardless of whether or not V2D was populated)
B) Both servers averaged roughly 20 players for a good amount of the day(and at the same time)
then we'd keep them up. However, none of the above happened and OCRP can't sustain itself on the same players(for more then a few months, that is.)

As I've stated multiple times, I love v33x and agree that it makes OCRP a lot more worth playing.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 08:38:05 PM by RoflWaffle »
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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 08:34:57 PM »
That poll is just useless. All regular players will vote for v33x. But as RoflWaffle said, we can't live long with just all the regulars. We need new players, fresh meat to fill up the servers and eventually bring in donations and such.
v33x simply failed to do this, so we went back to v2d which did.
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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 09:05:00 PM »
That poll is just useless. All regular players will vote for v33x. But as RoflWaffle said, we can't live long with just all the regulars. We need new players, fresh meat to fill up the servers and eventually bring in donations and such.
v33x simply failed to do this, so we went back to v2d which did.

it looks pretty clear to me the poll is not useless, that it provides numbers that lead us to believe that lite should have been removed, not semi- serious or at least put lite on v33x. according to the poll numbers so far its 8* semi- serious and 0 lite.

just my 1,453,232,254.50 cents
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 09:11:46 PM by -GUN- D3AD_S1L3NT- RIP OCRP2 »

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2012, 09:12:41 PM »
If Semi-Serious didn't pull in more players, why would Lite?
The only difference was the map and the name.
If anything, I feel you should've pulled the Lite server since it was not populated.
And if you feel the name "Semi-Serious" was keeping away new players, then just call it "Orange Cosmos Roleplay|#1|Catalyst-Gaming" or whatever.

I loved V33X. People actually bought shops instead of wooden tables in front of BP.
People actually drove around town. There were separate neighborhoods, so everyone wasn't just at Subs1 and Pool.

I think that Lite should've been pulled.

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 09:20:44 PM »
Lite brings in a lot more players because the map is far more popular and far less demanding. Lite being pulled would not have helped the situation at all as  the problem isn't one server being unpopulated.
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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 11:17:25 PM »
Look at the facts, all of the migrated players from OCRP1 were still up to no good, they would still bring over bad habits like Fail Driving/Bad Driving or FailRPing so is this really that bad, or would you rather that the next time you make a left turn of a red light you get kicked/banned?


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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 02:50:28 AM »
* Degtyarev flips table
I would say the main reason for its failure was that fact that there was no police and no mayor. Half a dozen "regulars" I guess you can call them, that I know of, more or less quit because of this. Why play on  a server where youre not allowed to do anything other than shoot other players and AFK to grow weed.

This is very true...
I also saw a few players that came here BECAUSE of semi-serious and v3xx...
I am seriously thinking about leaving CG again for a while untill all this shit is solved. And I know I am not the only member who thinks about this.

Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 04:42:03 AM »
This discussion is so useless. Decision been made, hell, it's been made before. And a second try proves you all wrong again.

Edit: Let me put it in Bold so you understand it.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 04:51:22 AM by Martinerrr »

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 04:49:01 AM »

Not really, it was the only thing (plus the Fallen) keeping me playing OCRP...I'm a bit sad as it barley got off the ground let alone allowed any real numbers started showing. There was no true police force to stop the fail driving and CDMs as stated before, but I noticed that the medics started to passively heal people, as in bringing them to the hospital or forcing people to come to the said hospital if they where not gravely hurt. I enjoyed the one time Jigger(the SA) performed a "live saving surgery" on me with a passive RP. But the only RP I've seen on the lite server is the good cops pulling me over or stuff like that.
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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 06:10:45 AM »
I would also like to mention because of how much time is needed to be either Cop or Mayor. Really should be reduced a bit.

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 09:40:42 AM »
Well most of the Fallen Brotherhood left because of this. Once you guys realize that its not about the people who play here you will understand, its all about donations and playerbase. Unless you want to pay rofl for the map then forget about ever getting it back.

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 01:26:16 PM »
That poll is just useless. All regular players will vote for v33x. But as RoflWaffle said, we can't live long with just all the regulars. We need new players, fresh meat to fill up the servers and eventually bring in donations and such.
v33x simply failed to do this, so we went back to v2d which did.

Or maybe your just useless?
Tell me this, how do you expect to get more members when your going against what the current members want?

The poll has clearly shown that the current members prefer the semi-serious and your just taking it away because you "THINK" the community wants what "easier" for you admins. It's true.

Community has spoken Nick and you and rofl and other admins are going against it. So infact, you are going to soon lose members then gain.
Now before you hate, just stating the obvs.
Nothing to see here.

Offline Jeff2307

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 01:31:46 PM »
That poll is just useless. All regular players will vote for v33x. But as RoflWaffle said, we can't live long with just all the regulars. We need new players, fresh meat to fill up the servers and eventually bring in donations and such.
v33x simply failed to do this, so we went back to v2d which did.

Or maybe your just useless?
Tell me this, how do you expect to get more members when your going against what the current members want?

The poll has clearly shown that the current members prefer the semi-serious and your just taking it away because you "THINK" the community wants what "easier" for you admins. It's true.

Community has spoken Nick and you and rofl and other admins are going against it. So infact, you are going to soon lose members then gain.
Now before you hate, just stating the obvs.

This... Is so true... I have nothing more to say tbh...

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Re: OCRP semi serious removal discussion
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 01:38:39 PM »
It wasn't attracting any new players. I said that we'd give it 2 weeks, and if either
A) v33x pulled in new players(regardless of whether or not V2D was populated)
B) Both servers averaged roughly 20 players for a good amount of the day(and at the same time)
then we'd keep them up. However, none of the above happened and OCRP can't sustain itself on the same players(for more then a few months, that is.)
Yes but think, craphead himself told everyone that it would take several weeks for the server to start up, due to the stupid long playtime. For the average player it can take 3-4 weeks just to have gotten cop. But shutting it down after 2 weeks for "lolfailure" is only setting it up to intentionally fail. How can you say that the server failed under those circumstances?
Spoiler for :D:
\\r\\nWe live in the explosion of a bomb that has not yet finished exploding. You and everything you love are debris. Have a good day ^_^\\\'\\\'\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: Who is talking?\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: They sound hot\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: The background\\r\\nDegtyarev: They are 11 :l


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