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Chapter One
Hail! Speak fast, for the Sky Daemons have come to take our world! Heresy, for they are not daemons, they are our enemies! Our faith in God will do nothing to stop the relentless advance of the Combine, so their called. They are faceless and faithless! They hide behind their masks and use brute force to instill "Peace" and "Compliance". Nay. I call out against this! Their evil can only be stopped by the people! It is men and women, you and I; are the only ones who can even hope to stop them! The nightmares haunt me, but they speak a truth! This Truth is one thing, that we must rise up! Force is the only answer. First we must use more subtle methods, until we are strong. They will least suspect an attack from their own back yard. Help our brothers and sisters escape into the Outlands, into the caring arms of the Alliance. Ah, you must wonder my name. I am High Priest Cornelius Blayke. And I -
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