Should try to make a scavanger hunt type game. You'd need a custom map with a waiting lobby for the scavangers. And the person that is "it" so to speak has to hide a prop somewhere around the map. Once he/she has hidden it, they can press a button which displays a picture of where the item was placed on the scavangers HUD.Then the scavangers need to find it, and try to return the item to a specific location, with all of the other scavangers attempting to take the prop off of them. Idk what you'd do for points though. Maybe the winner of each round is released slightly later then that of the other scavangers, but with increased speed. So like, 100 points per win100 points = +10 movement speed +5 seconds to release time.So by the end of an hour sessions there could be like 10 dudes with super speed running around fighting over this prop XDYou'd just need a system so that when someone wins they get 100 points, but all of the other competitors lose 50 points.Thaught of it just then
YeahAndI'm with Rogi, I'm not really into Fretta kind of gamemodes.. I prefer roleplay..