Author Topic: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream  (Read 12949 times)

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2012, 03:20:43 PM »
Considering so many other people decided to post about their false-realities of sleep, I decided I'd chip in with this REALLY long and strange dream.  First off, I've had this dream around 14 times in my life, and It occurs at random times.  The last time I had the dream was months ago. Anyhoo, let me begin.
It starts off with me being dropped off at the top of a sandy hill by my mother.  An empty beach is in front of me, and I slide down the hill quickly and happily.  She then drives off (and only comes into the story later).  I run to the water, and then look to my left.  There's a hut there, that wasn't there before.  I enter and see a few furries (Yes, furries) talking and eating ice-cream.  I began to talk to them, but for some reason (I can't remember) they violently rejected me and chased me from the hut.  I ran and ran before getting back to the hill, where my mother's van was sitting atop.  I jumped in and we began to drive down the road...which was like a spiral staircase going down a canyon.  The van jutted and veered off the side of the road and flew twenty 'stories' down into the abyss.  We landed next to a cave, and the rocks from the cave pummeled the vehicle.  We both somehow managed to leave, but the cave was, well, caved in and provided no escape for us.  With no other option, we went forward into the cave.  Suddenly, it lit up, and showed a high-tech lab facility of some sort.  We proceeded, dodging strange traps and contraptions. (Buzzsaws, pendulums, turrets) Then, when we got to the next room, a giant reptilian-like creature sprang upon us (It looked like a DeathClaw from fallout, as I recall).  I quickly ran away in complete fear and managed to escape via a ventilation shaft.  I crawled up to the surface where I saw two biker-looking dudes sitting atop a staircase. I clearly remember that there was a desert in the background, and that it was on a roof.  I managed to sneak by them and exit the building (which wasn't a roof, but more of a single-level ledge...Bah, I dunno.)  I walked over to a rock and knocked on it twice.  A small hole opened up in the rock.  I reached in and pulled a lever that was inside.  The rock lifted itself up as I moved my hand back, revealing a trapdoor.  I opened it up and...
That's when I wake up.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?

This might be the most memorable moment within your subconscious, thus while you're asleep your mind brings it up again because it is much easier for your brain to create a dream that it remembers rather than an entirely new dream, you can probably expect to have this dream occur again. Next time in the dream, try to do something different if possible.
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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2012, 06:24:15 AM »
Here is a werid dream that mad me sleep from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm (This is all true!) i cant remaber all of it.

I started off in a dark jungle. It was nightime,I see a giant walking bug looking thing walking over a river.I climbed on top of it and saw two people sitting straight up looking at the night sky,I went to go touch them but the background changed.We were in a library.I dident know what was happening but next we were beside a tree I look at the tree and then a girl comes from behind it holding a book. once i see her i wake up and is usally hours later.

I try not to open my eys to stay in the dream i try to go back to sleep and have the dream to figrure out what truley happend but its always a difrent dream.

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2012, 05:47:34 PM »
Has anything happened to you that is exciting before the dreams? That can trigger adrenaline wich i suppose can mess with you inner thoguhts and even make you have illusions, Only people is a rare type A-B blood type can have these....

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2012, 06:37:32 PM »
I remember having the same dream over and over during the summer when I had lots of time on my hands and not much to do, but when I got busy it seemed to go away, maybe just pre-occupy yourself.

Offline Jimmy Rustling Day

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2012, 05:24:13 PM »
I've had a couple of strange reoccurring dreams. One is just me standing on top of the Eiffel Tower smoking a cigar. Then, the tower begins to collapse and  I suddenly fall into a pit. I wake up at that point.
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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2012, 11:35:52 PM »
I had this one were I would first be in this battle, mages vs. knights and the mages would win. Then i would become one of their ranks and have this adventure and every time, halfway through the story, i would wake up. This dream has happened to me a couple of times. About 12 times to be exact. I finally finished the whole dream while sleeping in on the weekend. No wonder it kept on cutting out. I was stabbed in the back with a sword be a knight assassin. Lolz!

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2012, 01:03:22 AM »
Lol why is everyone asking for assistance ON AN INTERNET FORUM when you can go to a doctor and get professional help? Some of them might have an exact answer.

Offline ?AG-CL? Sheo

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2012, 04:30:45 AM »
He wasn't asking for assistance. He was sharing a memorable dream that he's had in the past.

Anyways, count yourselves as lucky - I never seem to dream very much, but when I do it's usually pretty strange. I actually just woke up from a prime example of this, so I'll share:

Alright, from the whole feeling of the dream I feel like it's a RTS game like Dawn of War, or Company of Heroes, Empire Earth, ect, and I'm actually just a small pawn in it all. It seems to be some sort of odd steampunk renaissance era, and I'm some sort of assassin on this battle ground that has literally no grass growing in it: Just deep, dark brown dirt, piled in hill and roads, and there are trenches all over the place, and explosions hitting the dirt randomly every few seconds. I've got this sort of sawn off shotgun in my hand that's way ahead of the time period, being breech loaded and double barreled, with golden embroidery on the barrels and other metalwork on the weapon. It seems I was wearing dark leather armor with black steel plates with the same golden embroidery as well, with a black cloak, so I'm only going to guess that I was some sort of elite unit in whatever army I was fighting for, because it was most definantly an Army. I felt like I was being guided in towards some where - I had three or four men around me that sort of seemed to carry the same role that I was - Only they were without armor, and dressed poorly, in rags, along with a much more rudimentary version of my shotgun.

From the start of what I can remember about this dream, me and these men were charging up a curved dirt road that was uphill; embankments of this reddish brown dirt were on either side until we got up the hill that lead to a small pier at a large lake that was in the middle of the battleground. I remember scanning around the area with my shotgun at the shoulder - Oddly enough me and the other troops around me didn't communicate to each other at all. There was no: There's a guy over here, or, nervous chatter, or area cleared being called out. Just speechless silence as we all headed for the same objective. There was no one around the pier, only cat tails swaying from the wind of the explosions. There was a small rickety row boat with a lantern hanging over the bow. I remember climbing into it, at the front while two men behind me rowed, and the one at the back covered our rear. I remember picking up the lantern and dropping it into the water, killing the guttering flame as we departed, across the lake. I can almost imagine a minimap at this point, that I was in fact, headed north east, for what I did not know at the time; but I seemed to react to everything that came in my way like an invisible hand was guiding me. I was truly not reacting to anything, nor controlling myself, but rather sitting onward and watching my actions as if I were being played out by someone else.

We ran aground soon, and I immediately sprinted off into the dirt road, which now seemed to lead into an opening of a trench of sorts, the explosions and battle were fierce here. I could see the brunt of our assault coming at the other end of the trench. I seemed to be a part of a flanking party, as none of the enemy noticed my presence. I looked down to see some sort of messanger - My mind in after thought makes me actually want to call him a radioman. A WWII style radioman, with a black pouch on his back, and a map on his knees. He still hadn't noticed me as I climbed onto the dirt embankment behind him, outside the trench, crouching over him. I fired once and peculiarly missed my target entirely with both barrels. He looked up at me and I recognized him as one of my friends from high school. He laughed, as one would taunting someone who missed an easy shot in a video game before I unsheathed a curved blade from my belt and stabbed it into the carotid artery on the side of his throat, working the blade deeper, the resistance I remember feeling now to my mind is sickening, the membranes of flesh parting and stretching before being torn by my efforts. But in the dream, I didn't feel a single emotion as I pulled the blade from his throat, leaving him limp and dead. I leaped across the trench, to the other embankment seemingly behind the enemy commander.

I could tell, even from behind that it was my father. My left hand reached out, pulling his hair back as I jammed the still bloody blade into his throat, he grunted in pain, I felt no emotion as I pulled the blade back out and slammed it in again, this time fatally wounding him as I slashed through both arteries. And that's where the dream ends.

Looking back on it, everything seemed like I was inside a video game, but with real people acting as the pawns. I guess I just played too much Assassin's Creed last night, haha.

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2012, 07:04:05 AM »
Lol why is everyone asking for assistance ON AN INTERNET FORUM when you can go to a doctor and get professional help? Some of them might have an exact answer.
I don't think any of this is important enough to warrant going to a doctor, but that doesn't mean people can't talk about it - forums are for discussion.
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

Offline Globey

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2012, 11:21:58 AM »
lol, Sheo, you have absolutely no qualms about killing a friend and your father in quick sucession? x.x
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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2012, 11:34:34 AM »
Lol why is everyone asking for assistance ON AN INTERNET FORUM when you can go to a doctor and get professional help? Some of them might have an exact answer.

Forum: A place of or meting for public discussion

Internet: An international computer network linking computers

Therefore an internet forum is a public place of discussion between a large network of computers in a wide area. So do you really think that discussing a topic on an internet forums is such a weird thing to do? Didn't think so...
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Offline ?AG-CL? Sheo

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2012, 10:26:45 PM »
lol, Sheo, you have absolutely no qualms about killing a friend and your father in quick sucession? x.x

Well, of course I do. I would never do something like that in real life, but in the dream I sort of didn't feel anything in particular about it. Like I was in autopilot mode, not even feeling the slightest emotion. It was wierd.

Offline Saints Sasha

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2012, 01:57:17 PM »
Nightmares are sometimes mental simulations preparing you for a real thing, also dreams can only be about something you have expirianced. Not actually falling off a cliff, but seeing it in a movie or just thinking of it. Your fears appear in your nightmares a lot. I think it's cool though, imagine being able to costumize your dreams basicaly free realistic video games.
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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2012, 05:14:50 PM »
For a while I had dreams that I was skydiving and I was skydiving directly into Clouds that were saturated pink and baby blue, it was cool to look at except I was scared, which I found very strange

Offline Globey

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Re: Extremely Strange Re-occuring Dream
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2012, 12:33:17 PM »
Man, do you think that your hopes and plans might be hard to achieve? If so, your dream could show your fear of failiure, the bar plummeting from the heavens.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
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John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs


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