Steam Name: Titan
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14295507
Character Name: Hunter "Hot-Shot" Wyatt
Reason for the switch:
I have two characters named Hunter "Hot-Shot" Wyatt, the reason being is to avoid confusion between servers. I am part of the Alliance, in a sub-division and play a somewhat important role so rather than to make two seperate characters I chose to just make two Hunters, different characters ofcourse but just so that I am identifyable by my name, it makes things much easier. But seeing as I have two characters with identical names, to identify the right one, look for the character using the male09.mdl model and has no weaponry in his inventory. Now as you can probally tell, I accidentally loaded the wrong Hunter and was not extremely happy about it due to the forums being down. Anyway that's my reason.
If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:
I don't believe this is required since it was a misclick not to mention having two hunters in outlands would make no sence whatsoever
Time when it happened(if mis-click):
Well. I wouldn't know for sure. according to my time it was earlier today. I really can't confirm the time since I thought it irrelivant and I would check the logs but due to the forums being down, there are none. Hopefully this won't matter.