Author Topic: <::||03.729's Private Logs||::>  (Read 6776 times)

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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<::||03.729's Private Logs||::>
« on: April 26, 2011, 05:40:46 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: 04.
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New Log Started: 0001

Text: Well... The CCA is nice. This is my first log and well... I'll explain what happened. So I joined a couple of days ago, and I joined in the middle of a JW! God... I had no clue what was going on! Radio's buzzing with codes and such... I ended up guarding the Civi's in the CCH building. All that hadn't been amputated or detained... All three of them! I had to borrow some zip ties though. Anyway, after that I went to some training, got inturupted of course, (OOC) Server Crash(/OOC) So... I have yet to be trained at all! I've been studying the codes with myself though... Also... the nexus looks a lot different than I thought it would on the inside. So... that's all for now! For the Union!

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« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 12:16:27 AM by Bokslag »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 05:36:08 PM »
                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: Uniform
                                             Clearance: RcT.
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 0002
Text: Well... I'd say that yesterday went... well. I got up from stasis and went to do some patrol. The SeC decided to give us some agility training! Hooray! But before that I got myself in trouble, like I did when I was a civi. You know I think I'll always be getting in trouble... Anyway. Training went well, i passed. The test was, we had to get an SMG inside the room before a minute. If the minute passes, the whole room explodes. Now I only had 5 seconds left at the end because... well. I forgot to clip some more ammo to my belt for breaching the doors. So i had so look in my bag for some bullets and put them in the clip... So then I breached the second door and found the gun. I think all the other RcT's passed except one... Not sure which one, maybe 125. I can't remember! Well... that's all! For the UNION!

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 05:27:19 PM »
                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: Uniform
                                             Clearance: RcT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 0003
Text: Well, I am very happy with myself! I STILL haven't gotten much training in, I try but it seems everyone's always busy, oh well. On a happy note, I beat 4 citizens! All under the orders of OfC 240. I think he's my favorite OfC. They were all running and after the last one, the 240 told me "You follow directives well, 10-50 with me" I loved it! Finnaly, I did somthing right! 240 if you are reading this, I was honored to patrol with you! Besides that yesterday was boring. I hope I can get my training done soon! This is 729, for the Union!

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 11:13:47 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RcT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 0004
Text: Well... I think yesterday went... well enough.. Can't say much interesting happened... That ADRENALINE OfC keeps getting me with the fact shes a girl. I always say yes sir. Oh well. Speaking of ADRENALINE, I think Hope that is going to be my squad once I get out of UNIFORM. I heard from the OfC,( whose digits I cannot remember) That there are many other unit's striving for ADRENALINE. Well... time to see who's best! I wonder if any of them know more than me about medicine... Well... Better get studying! 729, out. For the Union!

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Name. CCA.C18.UNIFORM-RcT.729
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« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 05:34:45 PM by Joost66 »
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2011, 05:34:15 PM »
                                                    Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 0005
Text: Well... More training! Now I have done my Firearms training, Agility training, Basic training and Radio Codes! That leaves only... Formation and Breach training left! Besides that... We did another inspections... that was fun, OH! It's great.. There is a new DvL for GEAR! I have decided that because of this I WILL be in gear... I must make sure of it. I should have a better chance than others seeing as I have pre-war education in Computer engineering. Well... anything else. Nope. 729, For the Union

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2011, 08:34:17 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RcT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 00006
Text: I just finished my last log but I am compelled to write another... Let me explain what happened... So I was patrolling like usual, another RcT asked for assistance with Detainment so I came to assist. Then all of a sudden, BAM! Exogens everywhere! I was ordered to get to the EVAC point, on the way some of the [Explicit Explunged] Things hit me! right in the leg too. I still havnt found an ADRENALINE unit to look at it... It hurts like hell! Also... 509 got promoted today, good for him!

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||RcT.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2011, 05:28:39 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RcT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 0007
Text: Well, yesterday was, Good. I finished Breach and Formation training yesterday, Nand today I may be promoted! I am so happy to finally be done with RcT training! Besides that, No- OH WAIT! There was a 647E in the nexus with 509 at gunpoint, Me and another unit, 747, or 769.. I dont remember, Anyway, we were heading to break and we saw this! I pointed my sidearm at the woman and the other unit went for backup, She didnt give up at first but when 3 other units arrived, She gave. We found a lot of guns on her! She had about 6 magnums 2 crossbows, and 5 breach charges! She also had a shit load of ammo! Well, that's all for now. 729, for the Union.

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2011, 11:17:58 AM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: LEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 00008
Text: Firstly! I got promoted yesterday! Let me explain, So I was doing patrol, still waiting for 240 to get out of stasis when I though... The SeC is in charge of everything! So I decided to ask him If he could help with my issue. SO! he stands there thinking a moment before saying, 291, 729, follow me. (291 was standing next to me at the time) So we went into the High Command meeting room and he pulled out a LEGION armband and told 291 to apply it to me. I felt so happy! I had been personally promoted by the SeC himself!! Well, now I'm in legion and I am an 04, next time a 647E shows up, he better watch for my bullets as well! Well, 04! 729, Out.

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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 05:49:14 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: LEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 00008
Text: A-antlions, again.. So let me explain, We arrived in C45 right? I think, "Wow these defences will stop them..." I was wrong, we had another attack yesterday... No fun.. I think im in shock... I-I mean, the citizens. I don't care for them! No! B-but... the blood, it was all over the walls... Anyway, I have been taking it easy and staying in stasis... 164 told me too. Now I'm out and well, writing this. Also, I want to join ADRENALINE to help they're numbers and stop more death's.. 602 says it's fine, but 069 says he need's more unit's in his division.. So I will probably have to stay here... Damn. Well... 729 For.. the union

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2011, 06:13:47 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: LEGION
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

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New Log Started: 0009
Text: Yesterday, not much happened, OR DID IT! I was patrolling, and they found a 647E with a shotgun! He went to the apartments, to keep this short, Many units died. I got to go up, we took him down, 3 shots in the leg from me. 527 got him and keeps bragging about it. Other than that, uneventful.

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 10:47:35 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 03
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

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New Log Started: 000010
Text: Promotion! It comes with many benifits. More tokens, an MP7. It's great, besides this. Not much. 729 out!

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2011, 07:31:48 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 03
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

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New Log Started: 000011
Text: S6 sweeps! I loved it yesterday, kinda exciting, mostly scary though. So, there was a wman with an SMG who started firing on units by the S6 checkpoint. I was told to lcamp it for some time. Then, they need 03's plus for injection team. I voulunteered, and was issued an MP 7 for the opperation. We found a seceret room in the S6 Bar. WE also found lots of contraband and a person. We killed at least 3 people and deain 3 more. Over all, I'd say it was a good OP. I am happy about yesterday. 729, out. No wait, also, I am attempting to be transferred to NOVA. Gonna write a message for 707 (Our new Acting DvL) soon to ask. 602 says it is ok. So, one down, one to go. 729, out.

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(Name. Ex: CCA.C18.Unit-Rank.###)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline JoshB

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2011, 08:14:10 PM »
//You DID NOT find that room. Unless you unscrewed the light bulb ICly, you didn't. Luckily the CmD refunded all our contra.
[CG-SA]Toy4x4funrun: When guns are involved RP = basicly void

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2011, 09:54:48 PM »
// Oh, I thought we did, Nevermind then. Void it.
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Re: <::||04.729's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2011, 04:47:28 PM »

                                                     Unit: 729
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
                                             Clearance: 03
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

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New Log Started: 000012
Text: Well, I havn't written a log in a while, so... Anyway, I got tranffered from APEX to NOVA, I was gonna get training from officer 509, but.. He's in long term stasis. So, I had the honor of getting training directly from DvL 602! Now, When I joined noa, I was demoted, as all Nova 03's must have at least basic medical training. We, (849 was there i beileve, anyway, some other 04's w\here there) could not finish training in one session // Crash// I think 602 thought I was the best, the others never raised their hands to answer questions.. The way they acted, i'd think they hadn't read the medical journal all nova units are issued. Anyway, the next session was only me, and I finished up, got my promotion and my field medic badge.

So, this next day (today) I have already had 2 patients. One, was man who was stabbed, he was easy, some bandages, disinfectant, and a painkiller. The other... Well, he has some new diesese, he was throwing up and everything. 602 said we need our contaigen filters. Anyway, says his ration was poisoned. We helped them, by giving them these pills that induce vomiting, and then we gave them some biogel. So, I'd say I like NOVA overall. 729, out.

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File Saved CCA.C45.NOVA-729.03
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Console Shut Down.
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C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."


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