When i was Sectorial Commander at CG, and at other communities. My original intention for the sexual orientation question, here that is, was to identify someone's sexual preferral. The reason this question would be asked would be to identify if this person would be blinded by their judgement, people who are not hetrosexual and people who are hetrosexual, can sometimes take things differently, and act...too uniquely in a sense toward the "CCA". The CCA want their units to be top shape, 100% in all ways. As you would know, Metal Defficiencies and disfunctioning result in an amputation. It is morale to be hetrosexual, it is immorale, out of human-nature to be attracted to the same sex, as male+female=reproduction, any variant of this does not. This in a sense, could be deemed as a defficiency and/or possible long-term threat or disfunctionality.
That is the main reason for the question, Sexual Orientation: