Author Topic: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>  (Read 14074 times)

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2011, 04:49:02 PM »
// holy butt fucking babiess how did I miss this omg omg mg pomg og sdjfklj
that sounded amazing and also who was 240

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Re: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2011, 11:36:19 PM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: FOTO Shoot

<::|| I witnessed something I had never come across before during my time as a unit. Three cases of "External Armour Breach Detected", or something to that effect. This was broadcast over radio, with a location after. I had no idea what this meant as first, but after seeking confirmation from 522, I quickly assembled a team outside of FOTO, and went to breach. Moving in, there were two citizens behind metal barricades, each with shotguns and SISP's.

Being the breacher, I was one of the last units in. Normally, I would have moved to the center, however, the center of the room was an absolute death trap, as that's where the 647e's were firing towards. Instead, I moved right, seeking cover behind a shelving unit, as did other units. Shotgun at the ready, I got up every now and then, taking shots towards the targets. Most missed, however, the one shot I did get, I managed to kill them, even though I only shot them in the arm.

522 requested a status update shortly after, to which I replied that we are under fire, 11-99. 522 responded by throwing a flash grenade into the room. Fortunately, it landed behind the counter, which meant that only the citizen firing at us got affected. Once it went off, I called to move in, and we surrounded the citizen. Once I had ascertained that he was covered, I moved into the rear room, where I found two units, one being a recruit, and a citizen, who were beginning to wake up. From this, I had judged that the two citizens in the main room had held captive both the units and possibly the citizen, as the citizen in the back room was in a similar state. Upon asking the recruit what happened, he claimed he couldn't remember.

That done with, I called for NOVA to tend to a couple of injured units, while I tied the remaining 647e, under the watch of Commander 11711. After a debrief, in which I thought I was going to be yelled at, he ordered me to detain and interrogate, so I did. Once in interrogation, I tried to wake the citizen up, twice, via a kick and a stun to the back. No dice. Not one to wait, I decided to assist in the UCH with a Community Inspection, reason being, we wanted to ensure that no other citizens had access to such contraband.

Done and done, I returned to the nexus to see if our subject had awoken. Sure enough, he had, so I began to interrogate.
I started writing down a standard detainment form. It looked a bit like this.

Code: [Select]
Two Elements of Level 1 Contraband, Capital Malcompliance, Homicide Class C, Assault Class 3C
Indefinite, pending amputation

I laid the contraband on the table for the citizen to see, after asking a few questions. He couldn't recognise it. He didn't seem to remember capturing anyone in FOTO, nor could he remember collaborating with another citizen to perform the acts of crime witnessed, nor could he remember the units breaching the building. In fact, the last thing he remembered, prior to waking up in detainment, was locking his bedroom door, and falling asleep.

After notifying the commander, I transferred him to treatment, where I and 11711 performed further treatment and interrogation. We got nowhere, so we exploded him.

Shortly after, I found GRID Officer 318 nearby. I asked to have a word, because I wanted a wrist mounted datapad. We moved to the firing range, where we began communications. Not only was 318 happy to issue me the datapad, but he also offered me a brand new piece of kit, known as a voice activated Heart Beat Sensor, loaded directly into the faceplate. I also got to see the GRID MoC for the first time. It's an impressive room. From what I could tell, the VAHBS is all software based, using existing kit within my face plate. That's fine by me. It means I can see where units and other citizens are within my general vicinity. The wrist/forearm mounted datapad is pretty neat as well. Makes it easier for me to look at various pieces of data.

After I received my kit, I then went to off duty status... hence why I'm writing this now.
This is 234, Signing off. ||::>

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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2011, 12:28:14 AM »
// FML, I still need to get 882 and 563 wrist datapads! (My varient, I assume you recieved the HC version)
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #48 on: December 22, 2011, 12:53:32 AM »
// FML, I still need to get 882 and 563 wrist datapads! (My varient, I assume you recieved the HC version)

// Yes you do kaz was picking on me earlier about this hurry up


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