Author Topic: Characters  (Read 4463 times)

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« on: December 08, 2011, 05:25:32 PM »
This is just a thread for you to post all of your characters, let me start with a few of mine!

Bothiel Ocato, Arch Mage of the Arcane University, WoWRP.

Bothiel, the all mighty and powerfull Arch-Mage of the Arcane University. He resides in the school, helping new students and children learn, although the University was not always like this. In fact, it was not supposed to be a University in the first place. When the University first started Myrandil Ocato and Sarah Ocato were having their honeymoon on a cottage island somewhere off the shores of Stormwind. So grateful to finally be wed they decided to show each other how grateful they really were... And so Bothiel Ocato was born.

 You see, Bothiel's father, Myrandil was a Knight of Stormwind. While Myrandil would fight till dawn Sarah would study to become a successful Mage. Spotting each other quite often, they soon became quite acquainted. When ever Myrandil had time off he would swoop the young girl off her feet and take her away. They favored each other for many years. Finally with they wed, and as a result of the wedding, a baby was born. This baby, Bothiel Ocato. Bothiel wasn't very social and kept to himself. Following in his mothers footsteps... Well, forced to he began to study with his mother. Becoming quite a successful mage, Bothiel began to learn more and more about what he was doing. The boy actually had something to look forward to in life, until his mother took it away from him.

While Myrandil would battle for months, Sarah was lonely. In need of a new lover, she found one. Every night she would go outside for a "Walk" in the mages quarter, she would then follow a strange figure down the back alley into a shop. Bothiel would peek his head out the window trying to identify the figure that she pursued, but it was always to dark. He would ask his mom but she would always find a way to shake it off. One day, very eager to figure out who this was, he followed his mother... Until the figure and his mother began to... "Engage" eachother. Screaming, he caught his mother where as the figure and his mother began to "disengage". Both of them were staring at Bothiel with blank faces.

 For weeks, it had been an awkward silence between the two (Son and mother) while they awaited Myrandil's return. Once he did come home, he heard the news. Furious and enraged, he took the back of his palm to Sarah's face, where she unleashed something she had been holding back. Dark clouds floated around her palms, she shot to shards of what seemed to be Fel magic at Myrandil. His face turning blank with confusion, stood still while his eyes widened. He thought to himself, "Sarah, a warlock? What is this?". Not knowing what to do he gazed upon the door and tried to break free while tossing his sword from his sheath to disorientate Sarah. Bothiel saw this all and stood still out of fear. As Myrandil ran towards the door he soon became just a pile of dust as another shard of fel magic hit his back. She looked at her son, and told him that if he we're to speak of this to anyone he would end up like his father, but within hours she had been arrested. Before Bothiel was brought into the orphanage in Stormwind he found a letter and what seemed to be an heirloom from his mother explaining her past as a Warlock and the item. The letter was hard to read but he could make out the words that they will find him if he does not find them and give them the heirloom. It also explained that she tried to leave but she was worried for the safety of him, as they would want her dead.

 After many years in the orphanage he began to continue his studies, completely forgetting about the note. He began to tutor children and teach them Magics to an extent. The cult soon found him and tried to induct him into it. He told them no, and as a response their new goal was to hunt him down. Not understanding why they did not just kill him there he tried to forget about this. Continuing his business, it unfolded, until it got to where it was now. While the University was still small, some strange students began joining, Bothiel could sense something was wrong with some of them. A few only wore black, or tried to avoid eye contact. That was when the Guard first caught a group of them practicing fel magics, they were... Taken some place else for the rest of their lives because of that.

 Soon realizing that the Cultist had come for the artifact. The strange thing was, for years they stopped attacking the University, stopped trying to break in and snatch the heirloom. And now at the age of seventy six, they have still yet to attack... Or are they just planning? While the University was doing fine, Bothiel came across his new best friend. On a journey with some Scholars to Loch Modan, they found a caravan of bandits with a blood elf being help captives. They tried to avoid combat by sneaking around, but the poorly equipped bandits strike the hiding mages. Bothiel, looking at the blood elf notices that the captive quickly slips out of his binds, engaging in combat. The rest of the Scholars, finishing off the rest of the bandits approach the captive. The blood elf attempts to draw a spell and shoot one of them down, but is stunned by Bothiel. Malanior quickly shakes out of it, continuing to attack them. Injuring two (not killing) the blood elf quickly hides behind cover that is quickly burned. He is cornered. The blood elf quickly surrenders. Turns out the blood elf, Malanior Morningtreader, is also a mage. As the brave mage he is, Malanior accepts his death, but also offers his eternal service to Bothiel. The blood elf soon becomes granted favoritism and is given the rank of Arch Mage.

Tarodin Dariad, Knight of the western valliance expidition. WoWRP

Since birth, Tarodin was a child who never seemed to earn much respect, since birth he constantly felt the pressure of his parents and school reign hell upon his soul. Despite his families past, it seemed he wasn’t following anywhere behind it. The fact that he was even confronted by his own parents and teachers made was depressing. Tarodin lived a hard life in summary.

As a child, Tarodin lived with his family on a house that had been passed down for generations and generations. The house was home the families farm business, which had also been passed down generations. They sold pumpkins in autumn, Apples, oranges, and milk in the summer, and by winter they used the older cows for meat to nourish themselves and sell to locals. Even though his family never seemed to have any problems, Tarodin still felt he was lacking something. The boy was unable to focus on anything (that doesn’t involve him moving or exercising) making it extremely hard for schoolwork to be completed. He was no match for his other students when it came to intellectual matters, but physical? That was a completely different story.

Tarodin would usually spend the days arm wrestling with kids, or on the farm milking the cows, collecting the crops, or learning how to fight. His father wasn’t so encouraging of him not doing his work at school, but would let him go on in life without knowing how to fight. While his mother hated the idea, his father would still continue in Tarodin’s trainings each day. Growing into his teens, Tarodin was the boy he always was, and didn’t feel the need to change. He would go around with his friends from school and try and rebel against the community. It was usually never anything big, as Tarodin still cared for the well beings of others… Somewhat. His parents we’re told that this was just a phase, something that would eventually go away, something that you go through in your youth.

Tarodin was finally aging into a man, realizing that his behaviour had to leave. In his late teens (18-19) he decided he needed to take faith in something… Something that would guide him through life with standards. It was a hard decision until he had a dream that would write his fate. Still living in his parents on the farm, he worked there, and would take it over once his parents passed away. One night, he entered deep thought about the subject of religion, and the holy light that he heard of, that thought turned into a dream where he had discovered his destiny. He could see himself, standing amongst the crowds with light flowing around him. The crowd was chearing for him, as he stepped up and spoke to the crowd. The dream switched with a flash over to a scene of him fighting a blurry creature, and in his hand was a blade, glimmering with light.

This dream was a clear statement showing him the life of someone who devoted themselves to the light, it took him a while to gather his head after his sleep. He got up, sprang out of bed, wondering if this is a sign. Deep in thought once again, he thought he knew what his answer to his question of religion. He decided that he was going to become a paladin. Thinking to himself about devoting your life to the light, swearing your mind, body and soul to it he questioned if that’s really what he wanted to do. There was a lot of conflict that arose inside the young mans mind, what would he do with the farm? What about training, learning the ways of the light. On the inside he felt something pushing him towards it… And something from the outside pulling him away.

It took him some time until he presented this idea to his father, which he knew he would be more accepting of it. As his mom was preparing breakfast, him and his father strolled outside to get ready for a day of hard work. Approaching his father, he explained what he had thought of, his father dropping his hoe stared at him for what was seconds but felt like hours. His father had shed a tear, Tarodin not knowing what it was for. Either acceptance and being proud, or deciding his son was a disgrace to the family. Anxious, the young man opened his mouth to ask his father a question, before his spoke, his father swooped in for a hug. Tarodin was shocked, his heart warmed knew that this was the one thing he would do right in life. They moved into the household to speak to his mother on this, and her response wasn’t what they we’re expecting. His mother, slammed the door, crying as she wondered down the road out of frustration. His mother was completely outraged once again, and wanted to make her own path for her son. This was a horrible feeling for Tarodin, a lot of blame struck him that day, and stayed with him as permanent scaring.

His father, Garret, understood his decision, and told him they would figure a way to fulfill his dream. But becoming a paladin had to wait ‘till tomorrow, because his mother wasn’t showing up for hours. An hour got to five, five got to a day, a day got to three, when they found his mother. The local guard confronted him and his father on the ranch, confirming the death of his mother. She was brutally raped and murdered, as on the day he told her that he wanted to seek his fate in light, she went out drinking. She got tipsy, and eventually was persuaded by another man to go home with him. One thing turned into another and soon it all happened. Tears rolled down both of their faces, as both of them knew they would never see her face again. His father, balling in tears, and following was his son.

Almost half a year had past by now, and Tarodin was finally ready to seek his faith in light. His father told him to make his mother proud.

The boy traveled to Stormwind to seek out becoming a paladin. His father, was able to send him to a boarding school which preached the ways of light, where he would learn about the light first. Then years of learning he would finally be able to train to become a paladin itself. Many people on the way had told him to stop trying, but he strived to continue. Every step he took he would have to push even harder, if it was dealing with a love, or fighting for what’s right it was a painful journey for Tarodin.

Tarodin, now training to become a paladin had to prove to himself that he was ready for it. His father knew someone in Dun Morogh, someone who could train Tarodin in the ways of the light. He journeyed there for weeks, eventually arriving after a long, painful journey. From the arrival his new trainer: Ishtoff Yamir, didn’t give him any breathers or breaks. He worked each day, sparring, meditating or even labour to care for his land. He became someone else entirely, and loved himself for it. He mastered the use of blade and mace, while he is still perfecting the use of Light.

Finally, his schooling was over, and Tarodin was finally ready to become a paladin. Much joy filled him and his father who frequently wrought to him. His father was proud of his boy, aging on taking care of the farm. He had something to be proud of too, Tarodin eventually finished learning the ways of the light and became a -true- paladin. But, all those years have passed away now and so has his father. Tarodin knew that his father would finally be at peace with himself somewhere now, and he would miss him. Paladin or not, Tarodin had to join the fight against to protect Azeroth from it’s demons, and spread the light amongst it. He served as a guard for Stormwind, where he worked as a Jail Keeper for the Stormwind Guard. He started to advance within the Guard, soon becoming a Captain. During his career in the guard he witnessed many things. At one point he was sent out to fight a raid on a tiny village near Duskwood. The battle was fought against a group of Orcish bandits that wanted to raid the village. Tarodin had met many people while on the guard, but one of them Kael was his new brother in arms. During this battle both were strained and pushed around. The battle was hectic, the strength of the Orcs intimidating. One push could send you flying. The Orcs were armed with their maces, made with stone and wood, were cruel rough weapons. Eventually Kael had to take a breather, while Tarodin joined him. Sitting against a tree, far away from the fight itself they we're able to breath. The aroma of heat and sweat drifted through the air making it impossible to breath. Kael, leaned over only to see one of his own die. Cringing, he looked over at Tarodin. Before Kael got up and went back into battle, a Orc had ran over unknown, when he smashed Kael's skull in right before Tarodin's eyes. His blood lay on the ground in a pool, Tarodin's ocean blue eyes gazed into the Orcs, he was furious and it showed on his face as he struck the Orc multiple times leaving it to fall onto the ground. Tears we're pouring out of Tarodin as he watched Kael's body bleed out from his skull. Crying and screaming over his body, this was a loss Tarodin would never forget. Tarodin now had to deal with this pain for ever. He was just like a brother to Tarodin. Nothing would get in the way of them, except an Orc's brutality.

Tarodin was subject to pain, agony and loss during his life on the guard. It was not soon enough until Tarodin given a recommendation from the Overseer of the Guard himself to join the Valiance. He was more then happy to join the Valiance, and did so. Stationed in Northrend it was a hard thing to get used to. First of all, he wasn’t a captain anymore, just a mere soldier to fight on the front lines. It was a hard change at first, risking his life for the Alliance and his people. Tarodin showed strenght and courage. One of his first battles as a footman was a fight against the scourge. They had decided to take hold of a town on the outskirts of Dragonblight. They had told him that he could not go, as he was not needed for this battle. Tarodin stood up for himself, objecting. He said he would not allow his brothers to die alone, or fight alone. His courage was shown greatly, where he fought an excelent fight. No one was killed, only some injured from an explosion at the camp. Tarodin's Captains were very pleased with his combat and bravery that he displayed. Including his mastery of Light. As a reward for being so skilled he was given the rank of a Knight. From that day on, he was going to brutally impale every evil being on Azeroth... For King's Honor, for Sarah Dariad his mother, for Garret Dariad his father, for Kael his brother in arms, and for Azeroth's well being.

His new rank gave him respect, people really liked him. Not one person had spoke harshly or acted harshly towards him. He remembered of his dream he once had, looking at himself now, the man he became. Every battle he entered, his blade sang the words of light and brought the souls of demons to rot in the earth beneath him. Tarodin started to get a little full of himself, showing off to other footmen or getting cocky. This all ended during one of his battles in Grizzly Hills. The battle was fighting against the Warsong Offensive, they wanted the land that the alliance controlled to expand there camp so they waged war against the camp. Burning down tents and stealing supplies. The footman pushed the raiders out as the archers picked off the Warsong's re-enforcement's. They managed to clear the area while there was still a battle afoot on the outskirts. Tarodin was ever so bold enough to charge straight through the soldiers to attack the opposing captain. Swiftly, he struck the captain down, putting his blade to the captain's neck. The battle around him was quieting down and moving further back. Almost completely pushed out no one was there to see what Tarodin and the captain were doing. His blade ready to chop off the head of a brute orc that showed no fear. A silent movement of the hands quickly turned into disarming Tarodin, switching their positions. Tarodin was about die to his own blade. Inching his neck away from the blade, the orc looked into his eyes, until they rolled back into his head as he coughed up blood. Falling beside Tarodin, he stood up looking at the orc. A dwarf, one of the Commanders of the Valiance cursed at Tarodin, yelling about how if he was to do what he did there again, his head would be ripped off... Or discharged.

Samuel Shiffer, NOVA 03. HL2RP

Samuel Shiffer grew up with parents of crime. It wasn't everyday he would come to a breakfast table with some sort of drug on his table. Life was tough, and not everyone cared for him. Sometimes his parents wouldn't have enough money for there own house and end up on the streets, eating anything they could find or salvage. Growing up he would witness multiple drug deals and scenarios. Learning from his parents he learned how to deal with pressure and quick decisions. Growing up in the ghetto, he had to attend elementary school. He would achieve flawless grades, surpassing every student in the class. Even though his remarkable grades would amaze teachers, his parents still found no interest in there own son. Every, he didn't exist.(Would that be ", he did not exist for his parents, and also his fellow students, "people didn't even bother to learn his name. No one cared, no one bothered. He didn't care either, the only thing he would really do during school is work, and during breaks was work. Finishing homework ahead of time, he would be chapters ahead of his fellow students some points in the years.

Half way through middle school, Sam's parents started to grow bigger in the drug buisness, although now, they we're getting careless. Samuel could tell that something bad would happen soon. You can't just run around the streets with $10,000 worth of cocaine in your trunk can you? Later on that year someone had ratted the family out. A swat raid had been issued on the house. With Samuel in it. The Swat did not know a child was in the house, and they we're told they had to use lethal force, only because of the weapons they had stored in the house. Storming in through the house, shouting to get in sight of the swat or they would open fire, the swat had counted down to three. The shots we're fired and in a attempt to run, Samuel's father pushed him into the swarm of bullets darting across the room. Just missing him the swat pulled him to safety while immobalizing the father and killing the mother.(Why has she been killed, give it details, anyways I'm enjoying this a lot.) Samuel has never seen or heard from his parents ever since.

Because of these events, that have happened to him, through middle school he would be pulled out of his classes and sent to see a therapist. Of course he was also transfered to a orphanage. Life was much better there. Although no one really ever noticed him, there was something he didn't feel that he felt with his parents, this was a good thing. Sam was still highest grade of all his classes. This talent for knowledge would never be put to use. Teachers suggested the math team, but he has always declined their offer. Everything his teachers offered him he would just decline.. Sam's therapist became somewhat of a mentor. His mentor(The therapist or his actual mentor) worried about him though, he thought the boy had a very sad life, yet the mentor didn't even care for him(That does not make sense, a therapist should feel sorry and pity, even a mentor should either keep it out or change it). 

By high school, he signed up for as many classes as he could, not caring, not even taking stress. He never really had to worry about this thing called "Social life". It was alien to him as he was to it. Although his life was not the greatest and very hard to cooperate with, he didn't know how to apply stress to himself. Again this thing was alien to him. He didn't really have to worry anymore because he didn't know what worrying was! Although being very quiet and helpful around the school, the teachers felt bad for Samuel. They felt like he was acting like a slave to all the work he had done for them. He started getting honor roles and other Acedemic rewards but it just didn't matter for him. Although most people who thought of Samuel, the very little amount that actually existed, knew him as a overly kind person, what they didn't know, nor himself, had a dark side unknown to everyone. By the last year in highschool, he started getting into fights, and he never lost one.(Never?) Joining the sports teams, he thought of this as something to do after finishing all everything else he had to do. Again, he was gifted at something he never bothered to try at. Bringing his school teams to almost the top, no one still noticed him, and that was the way he liked it. He didn't like being seen or heard. (Be very aware that if your character joins the CCA he would have to be noticed and heard a lot.)

Once sam hit the age of 17 years old, he left the orphanage for law school. He wanted to become a lawyer.(Lawyers are always noticed and heard.) He grew strong and big in his late teens, hoping to make the world a better place for everyone. His life was at it's best, high on life he would say. Everyone in the world he knew would agree that this infact was his muse, this meant a lot for him. In law school for three years he met with another person. This person became his brother he never had. Samuel and his new found friend Moe, agreed once out of law school they would start a lawyer franchise, together. But a two years into law school Moe was killed in a gang drive-by. Samuel swore he would change the world for Moe.

Out of law school he became a lawyer. Even though he promised Moe that he would change everyone, he felt to weak.(So at first he was a big steroid junkie and now he's feeling weak.. :/) No franchise just himself in a corporation. Life became more miserable for Samuel. He felt life was like a routine now. One rich white man after the other blaming some criminal of something stupid. Or some company in debt he had to deal with. It wasn't the amazing life he wanted. He then went into depression and no longer a lawyer.
When the portal storms and the seven hour war occured,(Portal Storms happened after the resonance cascade in 2004, 7 Hour War was in 2009) Samuel had no clue what was happening. An onslaught on Earth? Why? Who? What? Where? The streets were empty, and everywhere was a ghost town until he had been transfered to City 18.(How did he get transfered there, huge gap in your story) Realizing the good this mysterious force known as the "Combine" had done for us, Samuel thought that this is what he was going to do to keep the promise he had made for Moe. He knew that what the Combine were doing was for the greater good of the entire world. All that had happened in his life, his parents, his job, Moe, this would be the chance to try and fix the world... Once and for all.(Give more details about what happened when he had been transfered there, first day, second day, month later etc.)

Your turn!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 11:44:23 AM by Tundableat »

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Characters
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 05:44:04 PM »
I can see you put much effort into this. awesome post! PS: Great backgrounds!
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline wag1

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Re: Characters
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 05:55:19 PM »
I can see you put much effort into this. awesome post! PS: Great backgrounds!

Thank you! :3

Post your characters too!

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Re: Characters
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 09:48:12 PM »
Oh god the text, my eyes.

Nice characters though,

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Characters
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 11:44:01 PM »
I can see you put much effort into this. awesome post! PS: Great backgrounds!

Thank you! :3

Post your characters too!

I would love too when I get a chance to kill myself by typing this much.

hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline cookiesofamerica

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Re: Characters
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2011, 12:23:15 AM »
I like how you put very good detail in your characters even though it's a wall of text (trololol), but that makes your character(s) interesting and more diverse.
I Am The Living Coookie!
C17.S4L.04.864 Does projects I guess
UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56294- Does OTA stuff I guess
Alexander Burton- prays in the outlands and is from the Eastern Orthodox church.
Calvin Dufresne- I have no idea what he does

Offline wag1

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Re: Characters
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2011, 11:42:59 AM »
I like how you put very good detail in your characters even though it's a wall of text (trololol), but that makes your character(s) interesting and more diverse.

Lol. I was going to paragraph Bothiel's story but... Screw it I'll do that now.

And I tried to make my characters as original as possible, no golden boys or what not.


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