Author Topic: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal  (Read 3561 times)

Offline Darkshifter98

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Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:27:36 AM »
(// EDIT: The only person who can write in this journal IC is Alice Blue Scott)

Log #1:
So I decieded to get a journal to record my last final days of being a citizen. Even if my first app doesn't get accepted I'll just wait and make another one. Anyways I'll start with what happened after I made my desision. After being awarded my loyalist armband one of my best friends, Katey Shanton, Got very angry because she doesn't like the CCA after what happened to us in detainment (More on that later on) So she yelled at me and hasn't talked to me since. Most citizens have been treating me like an outcast. Although there are a few people that like me its probably because they haven't found out why I got a loyalist armband in the first place. For now I'm just waiting for my app to be checked. I'm very excited to see if I get accepted or not. The suspense is killing me.
Well enough for today.
-Mike Daring.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 11:09:07 AM by Darkshifter98 »
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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 04:47:50 PM »
Log #2:
Okay well today was kind of weird... awhile back I was getting a ration and when I told the officer my name and CID he told me to get out of line without a ration. The same thing happened except I was taken into the nexus and all I remeber is waking up in a room and my head was hurting. I just hope they have the wrong guy or something. But I guess I'm an "Anti-citizen" because apparently I assaulted someone. I mean what the hell! I hope this doesn't affect my loyalist status or my CCA app. Because that would suck.
Anyways I'll write in this later.
-Mike Daring
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 04:53:32 PM »
Log #3:
Okay well now I feel better. So I went to the ration center to get my ration. I was trying not to shake but I couldn't help it. So after it was my turn I told the officer my name and CID and for what seemed like a centurary he said "Cleaned" Instead of "Anti-citizen, get out of line" I took the ration and almost ate it right there but I contained myself atleast until I got to District 2. Then I ate it. Well I saw this nice shop called the "Katio-cafe" or something like that. It had some pretty good food. I got this round thing called a "Doughnut" It was amazing!
Maybe things are actually starting to go my way!
Enough for now.
-Mike Daring
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 08:22:58 PM »
Log #4:
Well today one of my good friends, George, was detained for kidnapping. Which I think is wrong. So far I haven't seen him come out but I hope to see him. Today me and some guy named Fred found a guy who had two broken legs and was bleeding intrenaly. After what seemed like forever of dragging him around we managed to find a CWU doctor to fix him up. I haven't found out how he's doing yet.
More later
-Mike Daring
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 10:44:40 AM »
Log #5:
Well today was nice then turned out to be not so nice. So this guy wanted to start a fight with a few officers. A NOVA and a APEX. So after getting them pissed off he ran into the apartments the NOVA tryed to shoot him but ended up shooting the APEX in the foot (more on that foot later) So I unlocked my door to see if I could help. He ran into the apartment above me then the APEX ran into it. I blocked the door so he was trapped. After I redirected the NOVA I believe they amputated him. After that was taken care of the NOVA started to notice his limp. So she patched it up for him. I decieded to stay and watch to see if I could learn something. After they she was done they started walking down the stairs to get him so more medical attention. I was going to offer a shoe shine but they didn't really look like they wanted one.

This girl I know, Alice, let me be her roomate in her topfloor apartment and I kind of like the top floor. We were mostly setting up the apartment and looking up at the citadel. We went to the slums to find some cooked food then some guy who said he has a "Permit" said he would sell us steroids. I told him to dump that stuff or I was calling the CCA. After a short argument he called me a snitch and walked away. Alice seemed worried about my armband and personally, I can't blame her.
Enough for today.
-Mike Daring
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Offline Phalanx

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 12:40:06 PM »
// :O I was the apex shot in the foot!
//I'm supposed to be in bed for a day D:
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 01:05:46 PM by Phalanx »

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 04:16:00 PM »
// Now go rest! Before 399 gets mad!
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 04:25:02 PM »
log #6:
Well the last few days weren't so fun. So Alice asked me why I have my armband. I cracked and told her I wanted to join the CCA. She wasn't happy. She moved out of our apartment and avoided me for a few days. While I was resting my eyes on the street she leaned next to me but didn't say anything for a few minutes. Then she said she was sorry for avoiding me. I said it was fine and I understood why. After that an Officer came up to us and took off his mask. I don't want to write everything he said but basiclly He told me to think long and hard about joining the CCA. After putting his mask on Alice said "Your not a bad chap under that mask" and the OfC of his unit was RIGHT behind him. He chewed him out and took him to the Nexus. I felt so bad for him. Well I'm very confused of what to do. I could stay as a citizen and stay with Alice and everyone else but I wouldn't be making much of a differnece and thats what I want to do. Make a diffenece. If I join the CCA I could become GRID and make inventions that could benefit the CCA and maybe even the citizens. If I join NOVA I could make things to help people that are hurt. If I join APEX... I basiclly torture peole. Which I don't really want to do. God this is hard. I need to think.
Hopefully I will fix this.
-Mike Daring
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2011, 12:03:21 AM »
Log #7:
Well the last few days were hectic. So George kind of had a girlfriend named Cora. Once he told her he was joining the CCA she slapped him, threw his candy at him and yelled at him. She got detained. George was sad then got angry. So I helped him through it. It happens to all loyalists. Then the D2 burst into flames. Exposions were everywhere and the CCA was trying to put out the fire. Something expoded and the shrapnal hit an officer and he fell. The other two officers ran off so he was hurt on the ground. Even though he Yelled: "Help!" and was an 01 they still didn't help him. I ran up to him and helped him get to the D3 entrance. He then awarded me three loyalists points. But those points came at a price. I enhaled too much smoke and ash so I was coughing basiclly all day (more on that later). Apartment block B was so bad that it collapsed! After the dust settled the CCA ordered us to clean up the mess. After a few minutes I collapsed from enhaling too much Ash. An officer pulled me aside to rest. After awhile a Synth came in and dropped off a big container. Probably for the Debris. Eventally a NOVA unit came in and hooked me up to an Oxygen tank and turned it on to full power. I really owe her one. Then another officer came up and gave me a whole shipment of special breens water! I think Alice was wrong about the CCA being abusive. So after I could breath regularly I got to work cleaning the Debris. Then took a nap. After that when I was talking to Alice I found out she joined a resistance group. I couldn't bring myself to tell an officer so I told her I wouldn't tell them. But only for her. While I was sleeping someone knocked on my door. No one was there but instead a note layed at my feet. It said 'Don't join the CCA' I know it was Alice and almost started Crying. After abit of a pacing Alice revealed herself and we talked for a bit. While we we're talking she said "If you do join the CCA... Don't be the mean ones." I almost cryed when she said that. But instead I said: "I won't, Alice. I'll make you proud." She then smiled and said goodbye. I found three radios and reported it to the CCA. I hope Alice isn't involved in that.
Well Enough for today
-Mike Daring
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:09:10 AM by Darkshifter98 »
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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2011, 10:25:44 PM »
Log #8:
Nothing that intresting happened today so instead I will tell the story of what happened to me and Katey in detainment and why she hates the CCA. So back when I lived in City 18 there was a small circle that formed in the lobby. I decieded to join it and after we talked for awhile someone suggested a game of "Truth-or-dare." After a minute or two of playing a man I would later Know has Graham suggested we finish the game in his room. But a few minutes later someone called the CCA and they came bursting in. Eight of us were detained. We were all interagated I went first. They didn't hurt me but they did give me a good scare and put me in a cell, alone. There was a GRID unit and I believe one or two APEX units. So once Katey once interagated we thought they were killing her so me and this other guy started yelling for them to stop. But she came out and she was fine. Then the GRID unit asked who was yelling. The other guy fessed up and so did I but I guess he didn't hear me. So they beat the stuffing out of everyone in group detainment. Katey got it the worse though. I finally started yelling that I did it. Finally an APEX unit came in and beat me till I was out cold. The GRID unit was on 01, now he's an OfC. I know its him because I recognize that emblem on his vest. Anyone to make a long story short. about 8 people went in... 4 went out. Me, Katey, Ryan, and Graham. Graham got us all in trouble by saying things like our detainment record. But I heard he was mugged and killed later. So really only three came out alive. So me, Katey, ann Ryan whom I haven't seen in awhile were friends. But Katey hates me and I haven't seen Ryan.
Enough for today
-Mike Daring
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 10:50:38 PM by Darkshifter98 »
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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 10:41:34 PM »
// You wouldn't know grid exactly does determent processing without metagaming the roster titles or someone telling you exactly.

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2011, 10:49:18 PM »
// Good catch I'll make sure to revise that part.
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2011, 05:19:29 PM »
Log #9:
Well my app wasn't accepted (darn) but it wasn't for the reason I thought it was. So I feel slightly better that it wasn't for the reason I thought it would be. Now... I wait.
-Mike Daring
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Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Mike Daring's final days of citizenship journal
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2011, 11:00:59 AM »
Log #10:
*A few tear droplets are on the page*
Well this is probably going to be my last log, Heres why:
Alice decieded she was going to the outlands, which I think is crazy! Well she is going to go tommorow and I'm going to tell a short story. So while after waking up I walked outside of my apartment and saw a piece of paper saying

"To Mike,
You know who this is, I won't be using these tokens anymore."

I nearly cryed when I read it. So after finding Alice I asked when she was leaving. I told her I was going to give her a gift. That gift is this Journal. I hope she'll read it and understand why I want to join the CCA, to help people. I want to make some kind of transportation to get units where they need to go and maybe even citizens in critical condition to a med bay. Or maybe I'll make some kind of medicne to heal wounds. I could also take down citizens that that are holding other citizens hostage at gun point. So if your reading this Alice, I didn't want to join for authortiy, Power, or just to beat the living stuffing out of people. I wanted to help people and I hope you can understand this.
This is Mike Daring signing out.
-Mike Daring

*Many more pages are avalible for writing in*
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