Author Topic: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread  (Read 2785 times)

Offline Kiruclanz

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NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« on: June 21, 2011, 04:21:57 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
: All IC and OOC chat regarding the Citadel Daily will be posted here. Along with Applications as a few people quit.


Code: [Select]
OOC Section
How long have you been in the community?:
Do you understand that you must be active on the faction?:
You do realise you cannot let anyone in the Property when it's closed or the Staff Only area, right?:
Give atleast a 2 paragraph backstory regarding your character joining the Citadel Daily(Must be a Backstory of you in the city, you cannot have you character be under the age of 19, and you cannot have you being a child or any gay shit in the Backstory, must be a week or so before you joined the Citadel Daily):
Extra Comments:

IC Section

Why do you wish to join the Citadel Daily?:
What Job do you wish to have?(Writer, Journalist, Editor, Supplier-need business flags-, Secretary, Advertiser):
Have you ever been detained? If so, explain:

Sign here


Jobs Open:

Co-CEO(You cannot apply for this you must earn it): 0/1
Writer: 1/3
Editor: 2/3
Journalist: 2/2
Supplier: 1/4
Secretary(You work at the front desc to help keep minges out): 1/3
Advertiser: 1/3
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 06:26:13 PM by Kiruclanz »

I. HATE. BRONIES. Bronie haters will rule the earth some day.

Offline Zomboing

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2011, 05:16:43 PM »
OOC Section
Name: William
Age: 17
How long have you been in the community?: 8 months
Do you understand that you must be active on the faction?: Yes.
You do realise you cannot let anyone in the Property when it's closed or the Staff Only area, right?: Right.
Give atleast a 2 paragraph backstory regarding your character joining the Citadel Daily(Must be a Backstory of you in the city, you cannot have you character be under the age of 19, and you cannot have you being a child or any gay shit in the Backstory, must be a week or so before you joined the Citadel Daily): the first day I was transfered from city 45 to city 18 was terrible. During that day I missed the rations was mugged by some citizens and beaten by the CCA for absolutely no reason. The day after I witnessed a man being publicly amputated by the CCA. Two days later the CCA had a lockdown over the city me and a ton of other peopple trapped inside the CCH. A few hours after it had started a couple of people got out only to be stopped by the CCA and killed. The next day the lockdown was lifted and all returned to normal. At noon we went to get our rations when I realised I was losing money fast the 60 tokens from the rations werent cutting it so I said to myself I need a job now I am going to join the Citadel Daily.
Extra Comments:

IC Section

Name: William Stanford
Surname: William Stanford
Age: 22
CID: 80108
Why do you wish to join the Citadel Daily?: Having nothing to do all the time and simply waiting for my next meal is not exciting enough.
What Job do you wish to have?(Writer, Journalist, Editor, Supplier-need business flags-, Secretary, Advertiser): Writer
Have you ever been detained? If so, explain: Yes I have. I was in my apartment when I heard a struggle downstairs I went down to notice two men fighting. I watched for a moment when the CCA came in and arrested everyone on the scene i hkad nothing to do with it.

Sign here

William Stanford

Offline Bromine

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2011, 05:33:25 PM »
OOC Section
Name: Bromine
Age: 14
How long have you been in the community?: Since the UCA's first application cycle.
Do you understand that you must be active on the faction?: Yeah.
You do realise you cannot let anyone in the Property when it's closed or the Staff Only area, right?: Yeah.
Give atleast a 2 paragraph backstory regarding your character joining the Citadel Daily: William Smith is the CWU's Co-organizer and thus, he must be informed of most citizen's activities and events going on in the city a lot of the time. Unfortunately, due to unheard of drama, the local newspaper had fallen into chaos and stopped providing news. Smith would not have it. Smith headed out into the city trying to find the newspaper's headquarters. After a while, Smith lost hope due to it's obscurity. William wandered into a nearby warehouse and happened upon the newspaper's HQ. William spoke with the employees and devised a plan.
     William ordered plenty of paper from the Union and recieved it. Smith decided to donate all of towards the newspaper, but alas, they had disbanded. William has since been awaiting reformation. Suddenly, one day, William noticed a tacked paper saying "Citadel Daily applications are open! Apply at the old headquarters." Smith didn't hesitate to head over and apply. A few days later, William received a paper delivered by a worker. The paper was from the Newspaper. The result surprised William.
Extra Comments: +support because I'm cool.

IC Section

Name: William Smith
Surname: Sir
Age: 37
CID: 16477
Why do you wish to join the Citadel Daily?: So I can help spread localized news around the city.
What Job do you wish to have?(Writer, Journalist, Editor, Supplier-need business flags-, Secretary, Advertiser): Supplier (Have LBM and all purchasable business options.)
Have you ever been detained? If so, explain: No.

Sign here
Dr. Mr. Sir Robert William Smith

Offline Vegas

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2011, 06:13:26 PM »
// when were you decided CEO, Kiru? I protest.

EDIT: // OH WAIT I KNOW WHY, Because you're a self centered asshole who claimed that 'lol i r ceo now k guise', so, as far as I know, we all had to agree on one. Damien isn't going to do whatever shit you want him to do.

Offline Kiruclanz

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2011, 06:25:27 PM »
OOC Section
Name: William
Age: 17
How long have you been in the community?: 8 months
Do you understand that you must be active on the faction?: Yes.
You do realise you cannot let anyone in the Property when it's closed or the Staff Only area, right?: Right.
Give atleast a 2 paragraph backstory regarding your character joining the Citadel Daily(Must be a Backstory of you in the city, you cannot have you character be under the age of 19, and you cannot have you being a child or any gay shit in the Backstory, must be a week or so before you joined the Citadel Daily): the first day I was transfered from city 45 to city 18 was terrible. During that day I missed the rations was mugged by some citizens and beaten by the CCA for absolutely no reason. The day after I witnessed a man being publicly amputated by the CCA. Two days later the CCA had a lockdown over the city me and a ton of other peopple trapped inside the CCH. A few hours after it had started a couple of people got out only to be stopped by the CCA and killed. The next day the lockdown was lifted and all returned to normal. At noon we went to get our rations when I realised I was losing money fast the 60 tokens from the rations werent cutting it so I said to myself I need a job now I am going to join the Citadel Daily.
Extra Comments:

IC Section

Name: William Stanford
Surname: William Stanford
Age: 22
CID: 80108
Why do you wish to join the Citadel Daily?: Having nothing to do all the time and simply waiting for my next meal is not exciting enough.
What Job do you wish to have?(Writer, Journalist, Editor, Supplier-need business flags-, Secretary, Advertiser): Writer
Have you ever been detained? If so, explain: Yes I have. I was in my apartment when I heard a struggle downstairs I went down to notice two men fighting. I watched for a moment when the CCA came in and arrested everyone on the scene i hkad nothing to do with it.

Sign here

William Stanford
Denied. Poor grammar. Backstory is only 1 paragraph.

OOC Section
Name: Bromine
Age: 14
How long have you been in the community?: Since the UCA's first application cycle.
Do you understand that you must be active on the faction?: Yeah.
You do realise you cannot let anyone in the Property when it's closed or the Staff Only area, right?: Yeah.
Give atleast a 2 paragraph backstory regarding your character joining the Citadel Daily: William Smith is the CWU's Co-organizer and thus, he must be informed of most citizen's activities and events going on in the city a lot of the time. Unfortunately, due to unheard of drama, the local newspaper had fallen into chaos and stopped providing news. Smith would not have it. Smith headed out into the city trying to find the newspaper's headquarters. After a while, Smith lost hope due to it's obscurity. William wandered into a nearby warehouse and happened upon the newspaper's HQ. William spoke with the employees and devised a plan.
     William ordered plenty of paper from the Union and recieved it. Smith decided to donate all of towards the newspaper, but alas, they had disbanded. William has since been awaiting reformation. Suddenly, one day, William noticed a tacked paper saying "Citadel Daily applications are open! Apply at the old headquarters." Smith didn't hesitate to head over and apply. A few days later, William received a paper delivered by a worker. The paper was from the Newspaper. The result surprised William.
Extra Comments: +support because I'm cool.

IC Section

Name: William Smith
Surname: Sir
Age: 37
CID: 16477
Why do you wish to join the Citadel Daily?: So I can help spread localized news around the city.
What Job do you wish to have?(Writer, Journalist, Editor, Supplier-need business flags-, Secretary, Advertiser): Supplier (Have LBM and all purchasable business options.)
Have you ever been detained? If so, explain: No.

Sign here
Dr. Mr. Sir Robert William Smith

Accepted. By the way, Surname means lastname. By name it meant first name, but I could see how you got that mixed up by puting "Sir." Either then that, accepted. Adding you to the roster, now.

I. HATE. BRONIES. Bronie haters will rule the earth some day.

Offline Kiruclanz

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2011, 07:48:59 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:


Anti-Civil Behavior on Catwalks
The CWU shop will sell
you the best items
for the lowest prices!

  Do we all know how to act Civil? Obviously not. Multiple Citizens were seen on the City18 Catwalks. They were up
there for several minutes, they were also warned/threatened to be amputated if they did not come down several
times. They would not come down and were shot down and amputated shortly after. We at Citadel Daily would like to
remind you to follow the Combine Civil Authority's rules and to act Civil at all times. We also disregard Anti-Civil
Behavior. The names of the Anti-Citizens on the Catwalks were kept anonymous by Civil Protection Teams.
A few City18 Citizens who witnessed the event comment on the events. One man comments,
"I know not to go up there, how could they even make it up there? They would have had to go through the Sector Six
" Another man quotes, "I'm a Loyalist. I got this armband because I am against things like THAT. I have this
armband also because I also report things like that,
" The Citadel Daily was created to help Citizens such as your self to
remind you to always act civil.

Unknown Scanner Death

A scanner was found destroyed on the ground above a scorch. It obviously fell onto the ground and exploded. No one knows
what happened and no one witnessed it. They found no bullet marks or fingerprints. It may have just malfunctioned. The CCA is
still trying to find the cause of destruction now. After they find the cause they will report it to us as soon as
possible. If they do find the cause you can read it in the next issue of Citadel Daily. The City 18 Administrator quotes, "Behavior such
as this will not be tolerated. If we find who did it they will be amputated immediately.
" Not even the DvL unit was able to find out the

"Let's have a Ration Distribution!"

During the latest ration distribution, every one of City18's citizens attended it. Ration Production was so slow, as the line grew, it grew.
The line was slow large it was out the door, it was like this for atleast an hour. Of course everyone was able to grab their rations and leave, except the leaving part was not so simple. At least eight people were blocking the exits. People were pushing each other to get in and get out, as well as Civil Protection pushing people for pushing people. A Fight was broken out between Civil Protection and a Citizen. The Citizen was Amputated Shortly after.

We hope you enjoyed the Citadel Daily! Tune in next week for our second issue!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 07:51:00 PM by Kiruclanz »

I. HATE. BRONIES. Bronie haters will rule the earth some day.

Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 01:51:40 PM »
// Will you be adding the names to which rank/position people have? And is this the official thread or is this the official thread:
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Offline Kiruclanz

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Re: NEW Citadel Daily Official Thread
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 01:59:12 PM »
Oh, forgot to lock it. Citadel Daily is dead. Sorry :(

I. HATE. BRONIES. Bronie haters will rule the earth some day.


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