Full Name: Magnus Wilson
Citizen identification(CID): 33500
Last Assigned Apartment Number: B3
Total Loyalist Points: 20
Sex: Male
Age: 25
How long have you been in City45:
I've been around for about 2-3 weeks now.
Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I've always wanted to join the CWU, because all of the experimental work and also being allowed to develop tools that may help the union.
Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
I've never been detained before.
Past experience with work/labor:
I've been working as Doctor Lauren Neil's assistant - as you may know she's one of the city administrator.
Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
CWU can posses.
1: A physicgun to move their objects around.
2: They can have different sort of foods - UU branded ofcourse. Like doughnuts for an example. That normal citizens may not get. These foods are given to the CWU primarily for luxury reasons.
3: They may posses a working uniform that normal citizens may not, they may posses a uniform to show that they are the CWU.
Tell us about what you can do.:
I can help out with my building skills. I'm a skilled builder - i used to set up shops for the citizens that wanted their own shop with a little "twist" to it. My will to serve the union definitely helps my encouragement to work hard, effictively, and with a smile on my face.
If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
I'd start off by telling them that they're very lucky they came to this wonderful city. And always remember to love, respect and be loyal to the CCA. I would also tell the person the different sort of factions there is like the CWU, Vortigaunts, CP's.
~OOC Section~
Name: WuTang Wilsan
Timezone: GMT +1
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13018607
Roleplay Experience: 3 years
Serious Roleplay Experience: 2 years
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
I would work on my projects/experiements that has been accepted and may help the union. Or i may be setting up a UU-branded shop with my fellow CWU friends. But for the most part i'd be working all day on my projects.
Character Backstory:
Magnus Wilson has always been abit of loner, he'd be studying in his house all day maybe working on his experiements. Magnus were very loyal to the union and did many jobs for the CP's. As a result Magnus gained 20 loyalty points and one day he heard in a broadcast that the city administrator Lauren Neil, were looking for an assistant. Magnus quickly ran home and wrote his application onto a piece of paper. Then he ran to the nearest CP and delievered the paper saying that it had to to be delived to the city administrator. The CP nods at Magnus and goes inside the nexus with the application paper. A couple of days later someone knocked on Magnus door. A tall DvL were right infront of him saying that he needs to face the wall, Magnus was very confused but ofcourse he obeyed and so he was tied up. The DvL told Magnus to follow him and so he did. This time Magnus wasn't taken to the detainment block but to the top of Nexus were a woman in a suit were sitting in her chair. They had a long conversation and in the end Magnus was told that his application was accepted and that she wanted to gratulate him with his new job. He was also told that if he wanted to work at another place he was allowed because seeing as he could only be used sometimes in the office he might aswell use his time off-duty smart.