Author Topic: Bad Roleplay on a C.P.'s Part : Rule Eighteen Broken.(wasn't sure where to put)-  (Read 4365 times)

      I am not sure where to post this since there isn't a complaint section in the Half-Life 2 roleplay forum. There is a request a ban for a (PK/TK) section though, but that isn't where this goes. A CP ruined my epic roleplay, at least for me, read the story to find out what happened and why I am so pissed. the whole story is down below if you want to take the time to read it. I do have a condump of the entire event I had prior to meeting the combine, but to keep the post short, I will not include it.

     Me, Hohin Kohmah, and the Attacker, Louis Azzaretto, are the main characters in the fight, it started with us. [The 6.52 feet] and the ^^[Fairly Tall, Confident] guy were both in the fight, except Fairly Tall man left early for a CP. and --[6.5 feet guy] got stabbed as we rolled out onto the streets.   

So to make a long story short. A fight of three happened at the UCH apartment in the back and it rolled out onto the streets. A CP comes by and the attacker runs away. There is a crowd of witnesses now, at least six people, including the three in the fight. I explain what happens and the CP remains totally oblivious retaining some benign question that is a tangent about a stunstick some random stranger talked about that no one actually had. The fact he was getting everything wrong and ignoring what I was saying and what was going on around him and then running off because he became too confused instead of roleplaying it out, was really bad. I had been in the fighting event with this guy for a good ten to fifteen minutes, It felt like such a waste of time due to this one rage quit CP. All the people in the fight were there role-playing their roles after a fight. All the other CP in the server were circle jerking in the Nexus at the time so no one else would come out and help. It effectively ended the RP that a lot of people got involved in.

The text is a bit lengthy, but it will explain everything that lead to my frustration that brought me here, in detail.
                                 Condump Copy and Paste
(And it was all great until this guy showed up.)

C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017 says "<:: Great..."

--[6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] says "Thats not him"
Hohin Kohmah says "Help me!"
Hohin Kohmah says "He has a knife!"
--[6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] says "It was Louis hes gone mad!"
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: !
C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017 radios in "<:: I'm there, the suspect ran off."
^^[Fairly Tall, Confiden...] says "What are you doing with a stunstick?"
^^[Fairly Tall, Confiden..] says "That's contraband!"
     (I don't even know where Fairly Tall guy went during the fight, to call the CP maybe?)
Hohin Kohmah says "Is Louis gone?"
    (I am now off the ground since Louis (The Attacker) can't 'roll' anymore and is gone)
--[6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] says "His name is Louis"
Hohin Kohmah says "He attacked me, Louis"
[O-OC] Chavo 'Grandpa' Lorentos: Civvie with Stunstick
[ADMIN] Ti'raki: -- Warning.
[LOOC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: Wait wait wait
Hohin Kohmah says "He has a knife to me."
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: had*
** [6.52 feat || Ae:53 |...] groans holding his stab wound
[LOOC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: A stunstick?
[O-OC] Vice Consul William House: how did a civvie get a stunstick?
--[6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] says "Aaaaahhh this hurts"
[O-OC] Chavo 'Grandpa' Lorentos: No idear...
Hohin Kohmah says "This scottish man has been stabbed!"
[O-OC] Adam Henmon: How did a Civie stab someone with a stunstick?
    (Random people OOC, none of this RP is happening IC, thanks people. They could all RP this IC and not ask questions and be   confused OOC.)

[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: @Scottish bleeding man, /me bleeding or something
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: because you did get stabbed ic
[O-OC] Vice Consul William House: How did h get a stunstick? lol
    (More OOC, people that are not even at the event.)
Hohin Kohmah says "This man needs medical attention immediatly"
[O-OC] Adam Henmon: Fail RP?
[O-OC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: I have no idea what is going on here...
     (We just told you what happend IC.)
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: WE just told you mate, read dammit
** [6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] bleeds some and becomes abit wobbly on his feet
[O-OC] Chavo 'Grandpa' Lorentos: I dunno, I just see a guy with a stunstick whose talking about someonegetting stabbed, but he's holding a stunstick.
    (I look around, no one is holding a stun stick. And he is talking to the wrong people. I am not holding a stunstick and I am the one talking about someone getting stabbed)
Hohin Kohmah says "I got into a fight with a man."
[O-OC] Matt Pir: dafuq
Hohin Kohmah says "We took it out onto the streets"
[LOOC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: I'm sorry but a stunstick and a knife?
Hohin Kohmah says "This scottish man tried to help."
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: no stunstick ffs
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: dunno where u got that from
[LOOC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: Then why are you screaming about a stunstick?
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: I didn't?
[O-OC] Adam Henmon: Well here are like 3 Vorts on. Maybe one of them helped kill an officer without being noticed and they retrieved it?
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: -.-
[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: Can we do this or is your slow ass going to ruin this?
[O-OC] Matt Pir: No officers are even patrolling lol
--[6.52 feat || Age:53 |...] says "Im .... starting to .... see some dazzys"
[O-OC] Adam Henmon: Black magic?
^^[Fairly Tall, Confiden...] says "Sit down"
^^[Fairly Tall, Confiden...] says "And push the wound"
[LOOC] C45.CCA.ZEALOT-03.017: Right, I don' have to deal with this, get someone else to do your damn stunstick vs knife RP

(Breaking rule 18 and in general bad RP on ZEALOT-03.107. I was a dick, but still, come on ZEALOT.....)

[Fairly Tall, Confiden...] says "Apply pressure to it"
[PM] Louis Azzaretto: Mano e Mano.
[LOOC] Matt Pir: lol
[O-OC] Hohin Kohmah: Nice fucking fail RP 017.
[LOOC] UU.C45.CmD.15240: no one here has a stun stick

(You don't say CmD?)

[O-OC] Vice Consul William House: lol
[O-OC] Hohin Kohmah: Well guys I guess this whole rp event doesn't matter


To save you my frustration. Could someone at least slap this CP, whoever he is, on the wrist or something? I like playing here and I don't want this to happen every time I see this guy or someone alike.

                                                                                                                                              -Thank you for your time, please consider this.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 05:24:50 PM by ?FLM?DestinedEntity »

Offline raged

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um i'd probably be asking the same questions to be honest although i wouldn't run off

Yeah, I thought he was probably confused at first walking in to that, but he should of been paying attention to IC and not O-OC. And that stun stick thing went completely OOC after one guy mentioned a stun stick amidst a brawl call in for the CP. Him running away though at the end is the choice that he made that completely offset everything, and he probably could of figured it out given enough time, we were all there. But a panic is a panic, I guess. I still wish someone gave a care what had happened though.

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I'm sorry if I interrupted your "epic roleplay" and I'm really sorry I walked off but the mix of the mingerunning/abuse isn't something I was willing to take. First: I had NO IDEA what the fuck was happening, my radio was experiencing chatter along with your bazzilion lines of text flooding my screen. You then abused me when I asked you explain, the knife was un-authed probably (seeing how he mingeran) And I'd dealt with several "fights" earlier that day- ALL of them were minges/poorly rp'd. You also broke a rule here though by flaming the shit out of me when I was there and after. You don't need me to continue the rp anyway, you can just take it from where you were. 

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

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Tell me, what was the fight started for? Let me guess. Nothing. I'll state rule 18 right now.

18.  If you start an RP, plan on finishing it.  Do not leave a RP halfassed, waiting for someone else to finish it.  This means do not RP a building destruction without plans of fixing it up.  Doing this will cause the RP to be voided and whatever effects that it caused (down building, etc) to be removed.

017 in this case did not start the RP, he walked in and saw a batch of people who- unlike what you think, he might see several times in a day. It's usually some fight with no real reason and then the pain-rp and the following RP is done at such a poor level that it's not enjoyable to deal with.

Did you bother to ask if the knife was auth'd for? If not, the RP is void to begin with. Now, had this fight actually had some meaning and the attacker didn't just lolran at the sight of the po po, the perhaps it would've been worth dealing with. To be honest, I would've done the EXACT same thing, I'm tired of this shit, this isn't serious RP. Serious RP isn't fighting for now reason and then mingerunning when the odds aren't in your favor.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 08:15:33 PM by Orange »

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Regardless of what he did, although nothing harmful in this case, there was no need to flood OOC with your complaints filled with unnecessary flame just because he wouldn't go with your rather flawed roleplay including a knife which didn't even have auths.

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I'm sorry, but from what I can tell this is far from "Epic Roleplay". "Epic Roleplay" doesn't involve the attacker mingerunning. I can't stand it when I approach a fight, to find out that one of them can't RP. I completely understand 017's actions, to be honest.

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From what I see 017 did not break any rules at all, though you, how the hell did you get that knife. Or did you just asspull it because you want guns?
I am ded not big surprise.

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Admin note: Please, don't post single words.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 02:15:13 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Zail

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As you ACTUALLY can see in the logs, an admin were on the server at that current time

[ADMIN]Ti'raki: -- Warning.

Also, this admin appeared to be me and I was currently, at that time, available as far as I remember.
If it had been such a big problem, you could have considered requesting me, instead of starting a flame war.
As other people has stated, I barely believe this was an "epic role play."

1) The attacker runs, without any RP as far as I can see.
2) Was the knife auth'd?
3) It's hard to understand a situation, when you get flooded with tons of OOC, LOOC, radio, IC chat and /me's.
4) As I see, you told him what happened once. When he asked for it a second time, you went:

[LOOC] Hohin Kohmah: WE just told you mate, read damnit.

This is considered already a beginning rage / flame attack.

5) You stopped your own RP, when the unit arrived. HE didn't stop you, you did yourself + your mingerunning attacker helped the RP to the end.
6) Flaming over OOC is not allowed, which is a rule you broke in your end.
7) The unit decided, he wouldn't bother with; an un-auth'd asspulled knife, a mingerunner and people flaming at him.
8] Due to the OOC -regarding the stunstick- the unit clearly lost track of what was going on and non of you bothered sitting down, telling him what happened.
9) Role-play is slow paced and relaxed. Not fast, allowing nobody to catch up on, what's going on.

In my opinion this entire RP should be voided and no mistakes were done in the units side.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 02:53:20 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

     Alright, so I learned a lot from this, thanks. He wasn't in the wrong, I was in the wrong, and I didn't even know a knife had to be authorized. Slow paced roleplay would of been a better action taken on my part instead of trying to rush a single CP with a ton of incoming messages and people talking ooc. Sorry for flaming you, I had been awake for twenty four hours and I was a little off my edge.

 I said I wouldn't include everything to keep the post shorter, but the fight was started as a revenge sort of thing, so there was a reason, too long to explain.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 04:24:22 AM by ?FLM?DestinedEntity »


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