Author Topic: Amanda Whitley's Authorization Application  (Read 2970 times)

Offline Toxilium

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Amanda Whitley's Authorization Application
« on: July 22, 2012, 04:47:56 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: mrsmiley92 username (Uncel dolan Steam Friends)
Age: 20
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 10 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4 years

Character Section

+ Sub-surgeon medical experience
+ Former Resistance member

Name: Amanda Whitley
Age: 31-33
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
[[For the sake of this story, I'm going to assume 2016 takes place about 10-12 years after the Seven Hour War. I know for a fact in your canon it takes place 1 year after the Resonance Cascade, but bear with me for the story's sake, else I'm voiding 3.5 years of character development.]]

Amanda grew up as an only child on a small farm near Winnipeg, Manitoba to an Anglican family. Her mother was a part-time veterinarian's assistant who primarily helped farm animals around their community. Occasionally, she would bring Amanda along with her to visit these sick animals and sparked her interest in saving lives. Flash-forward to high school graduation, Amanda decides to apply for a degree in Journalism at the University of Manitoba. After a year in the program, she decides it doesn't suit her and her parents recommend the nursing program. Amanda applies for the Faculty of Nursing during the summer and is accepted. It is a four-year program ( ).

However, half-way through her final term, the Seven Hour War takes place and the Whitley's are placed in Winnipeg under Combine rule. Shortly later, her father is taken away by Civil Protection when refusing to comply to a search order. Amanda is then separated from her mother, whom is moved to a different city. Amanda, now alone, struggles to deal with her situation in the Combine-occupied Winnipeg and thus begins helping a local Church assist in aiding the sick. This time at the Church re-kindled her faith which was struggling over the past few months. The Combine shutdown the Church clinic and detain the pastor, whom is presumably executed in the Nexus. Amanda along with the other nurses and doctors are relocated to other cities around the world. Amanda is shipped across the ocean to City Eighteen (TnB's old city before City 8).

[[From here on, everything was done IC over the course of 3.5 OOC and 4-5 IC years.]]

Several years pass and Amanda is slowly beginning to succumb to her depression. She has nearly given up on her faith and has very few 'friends' in the city during this time. She is working as a street cleaner during this time in Precinct-1. Being the only woman in her cleaning crew, she was subject to ongoing sexual harassment. Amanda learns to ignore it and even retort in some instances, shaping this mid-20 year old into the toughened, cynical person she will eventually become. Amanda happened upon a lucky stroke of fate one night while drinking herself into a stupor at an underground pub in Precinct-13. She befriended a man named Rodger who was apart of C-18's Resistance. This man saw Amanda as a woman desperate to leave the city and someone who could help provide medical expertise. After about six months, Rodger along with several other Resistance members, escorts a group of about a dozen civilians into the Outlands. Though rusty after 5 years, Amanda quickly re-learned what she had known before through several medical journals and books provided at the Outlands clinic. These books were outdated, but Amanda quickly remembered her old skills and applied herself to assisting the sick and wounded Resistance members and refugees.

After a year in the Resistance camps, Amanda, now 30, had developed a romantic attachment to a Resistance soldier nicknamed 'Onyx.' He introduced her to the higher ranking members of the Resistance, including then-commander (lol, I know) Rex Lee and his second-in-command, Katherine Craft. It was during this time that Amanda received the nickname 'Ruby' from Onyx based on the vibrant colour of her hair and "inner fire she possesses." During a mass Combine raid of her Resistance camp, Onyx, Lee and several other members of the Resistance were detained. After a month of waiting, news from one of their inner-city mirrors had revealed these members all executed or deported. This sparked a deep depression that nearly resulted in a suicide by Amanda. She knew the Resistance still needed her medical help, thus she knew her purpose was greater than her own selfish needs. Nevertheless, she remained cold, ignoring her friends attempts to help.

Sometime later, Amanda had received orders of deportation to City Eight, which was located somewhere in Japan. She complied, hoping the change would be positive. Craft gave her orders to meet up with the Resistance group in City Eight somehow and inform them that others exist around the world who also resist the Combine authority. However, Amanda soon learned the Resistance effort in City Eight was broken and in shambles. One of the cell leaders, Bill Smauz, worked with Amanda to try and strengthen the resistance effort. Though very reluctant, Smauz and Ruby developed a romantic attachment during this time.

Although their efforts were going well, the CCA caught wind of a resurgence of resistance effort in the city. Amanda, Smauz and many other members of the resistance were arrested and detained in the Nexus. Over a month of grueling detainment awaited them. After thirty days, they were separated into three groups by chance. Group A, which included Bill Smauz, was immediately gunned down in front of the other two groups. Group B was led off and their fate was unknown (presumably to be detained indefinitely or deported). Amanda's Group C was led to a large prison cell, where inside the only noticeable thing was a screwdriver. The door was locked and they were given no food or water. For nearly 48 hours, all members of the group sat around in silence, each one slowly breaking in their own right. Amanda used her absolute hatred of the Combine for murdering Smauz before her eyes to focus her diminishing energy. Her focus allowed her to survive the first attempt as one of the members of the group murdered two others with the screwdriver. He aimed at Amanda next, but she and the other woman remaining overpowered and killed him. The other woman was now in possession of the screwdriver and Amanda knew they would only release one survivor. By some act of God, the Civil Administrator happened to be visiting on this day and ordered Civil Protection to stand down. Upon opening their cell door, the woman with the screwdriver charged at the jailer, stabbing him through the shoulder. He shortly followed up on this by planting a bullet into her forehead. Amanda was released, having been the only survivor (other than Group B presumably).

Amanda continued to live on, shoving her latest experience under a cloud of emotional baggage. She worked at the CWU briefly, then was a shopkeeper's assistant. During this time she barely spoke and was a general loner. A former mirror from City Eighteen arrived one day by train and met with Amanda. He informed her that Craft and the others had gone into hiding and that Amanda should try to re-locate cities in order to avoid an inquiry. This mirror disappeared shortly after giving Amanda this information, who contacted an old ally with connections to the CCA. Giving nearly all of her tokens and possessions to him as payment, she managed to take the next train, which happened to be going to City Forty-Five.

The rest is history. Amanda came across a certain establishment in Precinct-3 while looking for a place to drown herself in a night's drinking. She befriended the staff and was put in charge of raising and running a back-room clinic. What she will do now, only roleplay can tell.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Able to treat minor injuries (cuts, scrapes, bruises, etc.)
+ Able to treat some major injuries (stabbings, gunshots, broken bones, some very basic surgery)
+ Able to use biogel, scalpels, stitches, etc.
+ Able to perform other miscellaneous nursing tasks
+ Very adapt at working under extreme pressure
+ In-field knowledge makes her adaptable and more knowledgeable than most nurses (somewhere in between doctor and nurse level of medical knowledge)

- Not able to perform complex surgery (heart, respiratory, brain, etc.)
- Sometimes carries medical supplies, some of which is contraband and easily found
- Unofficial medical clinics are unauthorized by the CCA and grounds for detainment/worse
- Nearly all her experience is in-field with Resistance, dirty instruments and ad-hoc clinics, which may lead her to make life-threatening mistakes
- She is not as experienced as a full-fledged doctor and I will not RP as such
- Cynicism and hatred towards CCA may result in her not helping certain people, namely loyalists, CCA, etc. on a case by case basis
- I have been doing medical RP for over 3 years, but people still get on my nerves sometimes if they don't know what they're doing or complain I'm taking a long time

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I will use this authorization to //officially// run the clinic. Until now I was running it on my own accord, but did not realize an authorization was required. If Amanda enters the Outlands with the rest of the Castle, she will be using her expertise there to assist the sick and wounded. As she is the only one in the Castle with any medical experience, her role is vital in keeping it going.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
As I said, I have been running the clinic for about a week now. I was informed just today that I required an auth and am sorry for unknowingly circumventing server policy.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 11:20:14 AM by Toxilium »

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Re: Amanda Whitley's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 03:00:06 PM »
Nice backstory, and I've seen you around, but never really watched you Roleplay, so if another admin can vouch for this player, please do.

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Re: Amanda Whitley's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 06:12:56 PM »
Sure, I'll support this. I've watched you roleplay ingame and I'm confident that you can handle running a back-room clinic.

Offline Kom????k

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Re: Amanda Whitley's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2012, 07:07:24 PM »
Alright then, its been a good amount of time.

Accepted. Please remember to Roleplay the defects as well as the perks.


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