Author Topic: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-03.050's private logs ||::>  (Read 2593 times)

Offline Khub

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<::|| C45.CCA.GRID-03.050's private logs ||::>
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:51:55 AM »

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<::|| Private log :: Subject: Oh, logs! ||::>

     Well, I have been investigating my new datapad and found out that this thingy has also access to logs. They are probably accessible via consoles too, but I didn't notice this feature on them. I don't know what all should I log here, so I am going to write here everything I find important. Lets begin from the very first things.
     There are five days of my life I spent in the Combine Civil Authority, but in this tiny timespan, I have learnt so much things I haven't over my whole life. So much things. And - that interview moment, that was my most terrifying moment in my life. No - not most. Second. I was scared like .. well.. I don't know any good comparison to this. Just scared like hell. I knew some other people applying for being a CCA Officer, but I have no way to find out if they were accepted or weren't - I wonder what do they do with loyalists who fail their interview? They are probably kill-.. amputated as HC shows them some parts of Nexus. They are not wanted to tell the Nexus structure to anybody. Why was this moment only the second most terrifying moment in my life? I have worse one..
    I was being given the Orientation training with some unit, I don't remember its digits, I would have to look in my manifest. We have been shown the CA Office elevator and told we can't go there until we are allowed to. We were going to somewhere else and then -- we saw him. The Sectorial commander. We saw him several times that day.. It is really scaring to see him. He owns the whole city, the whole world. His word is enough to get me killed, as well as any other unit. So much privileges.. But he took us up that elevator, to CA office. We were told that its City Administrator's office only by its name, and it is being used by the SeC as well. Then the CA forgot to name him as "Sir" in his sentence, and he started to ARGUE with him! I don't know anyone else who has enough courage to do this.. It was simply really terryfying..
   I am going to write more later, I am going to 10-50 with some recruit now. Haha.

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« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 11:46:14 AM by Khubajsn »

Offline Khub

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.UNIFORM-04.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 05:57:01 AM »

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New Log Opened: 002

<::|| Private log 002 ||::>

     Few things happened since my last log, so I have decided to write another log. District one is code 100, so I have stopped patrolling and found some time to write my next log. Hiding in training centre, haha.
     City consists, or consisted of two serial killers. First one called himself "Reaper". At first there was a note from him on the BOL wall. I don't have neither idea how could he put his note there. Later that day, we have recieved a request from some citizen, that is there smell coming out from one apartment. I and some another NOVA 04 unit went in. First apartment was cleaned, the citizen probably forgot the correct one. So we breached into second apartment and found couple of evidence. Knife (murder weapon), bloodied boots, we took DNA samples from some bottles inside the refridgerator and I found some hair sample in a drawer. That was okay, until we entered the bathroom. It was covered in blood. There was a hook with skull attached to it, the hook was bound to overhead with rope. There was a bucket filled to its half with blood and there were some murdered citizen's viscera's around the bathroom. It was really scary to collect the evidence in there, but I think I did well. Not sure if I want to join NOVA division thought, as that 04 I was there with told me that forensics crime scene investigation is often his job in NOVA. Thinking about joining GRID, but I need to find someone with permission to transfer me. Talked to GRID OfC today, but he told me that he can't transfer me. I need to look for GRID DvL, C45 CmD or even for C45 SeC. Not sure if I have enough courage to bother the sectorial commander with this.. I will maybe need to send a message to some GRID HC.
     Enough for now.

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 02:29:32 PM by Khubajsn *Cz* »

Offline Khub

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-02.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 02:43:34 AM »
UNIT:  050

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New Log Opened: 003

<::|| Private log 003 ||::>

     Hm, a good couple of things happened since my last log - my rank could say that itself, as my last log was from UNIFORM Oh-Four and this one is from GRID Oh-Two. After my join to the GRID division, I begun feeling happy. I chose the right division, that's what I know sure. There obviously is some true reason for posting this log in. It seems that I have did very well since the GRID High command has given me an invitation to join the MECH squadron. I feel very honoured by this. More logs as more things come.
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Offline Khub

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-02.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2012, 04:26:04 PM »
UNIT: 050

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New Log Opened: 004

<::|| Private log #004 ||::>

     It seems that my logs keep being more and more rare. I don't find writing them often important any much. It would just be wasting of time if I was writing a log for three cycles each time I am on duty. And the things repeat. Level three trespasser, detained, released. Rations started, distributed, ended. Nothing interesting any much. However, today, I found time to write a log up. I think I need to sum up several things that happened in past three days.
     At first, it seems I did bad. I was in apartment, it was A right wing, bottom floor. There was a crime scene, I was helping there. It seemed that the the former NOVA OfC 275 led the crime scene investigation. I was doing pretty much thinks. A big closet was blocking the bathroom, it was nailed to ground so I had to get a saw. Then I gathered the traces around the apartment and I also was carrying things to help him. However, my performance was not good. It was low. But I still don't understand, how he told me to "raise my negative attitude". Yeah, why not have good mood, when manipulating with corpses, blood, saws, crosses and such? I really didn't understand that. But yes, I have showed some disrespect to his orders as well. And I paid for it. Today in the morning I was on 10-50, when I was called into HCMR. The Universal Union commander 15240 told me that due to my recent low performance levels, I am being given a blackmark. He also explained me that this is the second, and last chance the Union is giving me. Next failure will not result in blackmark. Oh, it will, but it will count up to an OWR then..
     A bit later in the morning, there were necrotics coming on. Lots of necrotics. They were coming from the sewers system probably. Ha, I hope they killed all dumbs who live in these. Uhm, but in the city. A judgement waiver was applied in effect! Judgement waiver! I have once experienced a judgement waiver, that was a good long ago, in some city I was in as a citizen. That day, I was complaining that it is boring and I was a bit angry that I was locked in building. Now, I was in real danger, as I was going with the APEX divisional leader 435 over the whole city. A district sweep was initiated. There were several necrotics in the UCH itself, they were dealt with before we went on district sweep. There were necrotics in the Diordna as well. Ha, I remember 435: "I hit the button, you shoot the shit.". Nice explanation. Haha. After D1, we proceeded to D2. We searched the CWU HQ - cleaned. Then we went throught the rest of the buildings in district two. They have a bar in there, I didn't know about it before. However, the bar has also a connection to the sewer system. It was flooded there with necrotics! We ran back to the HAP. One of the active commanders went in with 435 later, as I was out of ammunition plus I had hallucinations. They stopped both for me and for the APEX DvL 435 when we stand at the D2HAP for a while - he found out that the bar was probably under effect of some bad environment. I don't care what's up with that bar. However, I was scared like shit. At the D2HAP, we thought aloud with 435 what may be causing the hallucinations. For a moment, I thought about something.. Was 435 hit by any necrotic? No. Was I hit with any necrotics? YES, I WAS.. That bad thought scared the shit of myself.. I imaginated being amputated just for being in duty.. However, it should be a kind of honour. Deserviced in action. Good one..
      The next thing I am going to talk about is.. Some units kept complaining in radio about interrogation door, that it is broken. At the end, 619, now UA - but he has grenades, so I think he was an OfC, searched for GRID unit via radio. So yes, I went to fix the door. Nothing hard. Question of ten minutes. Cut off the old hinges, weld on new ones, put on the door, oil the hinges. It was successful, and after the new NOVA DvL, 275, put on new bio-lock, I was done. I made a repair log and went on patrol again. Then, I heard 275 over radio telling me that my door is on fire. I almost sweared throught radio.. The bio-lock was bad one and ignited the door. I also had to run into GRID testing room for CO2 extinguisher, as the water one didn't help - cause of the oiled hinges. Then I had to check the stability of the interrogation, if the room was not affected by fire. After venting the soot throught a ventilator with filter, the room was washed with help of 270 and there was a new door put on. 270 also gave me advanced intel training before I went 10-7.
     Enough for now. I will write up a log when too much things happen.

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-02.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 10:54:46 AM »
UNIT: 050

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Unable to find folder 050/data/logs..
Retrying search... failure
Searching in archive... folder found, copying to root folder..

New Log Opened: 050/data/logs/005

<::|| Private log #005 ||::>

[Section 1]
     Well, I have just awoken from stasis. I got terrible headache. Tried to get some NOVA unit to look at me but none was on duty as for my knowledge. Something was wrong with my uniform, I have found out what very soon. The oh-three armband. I didn't understand it until I have logged onto the cafeteria terminal. It's twenty fourth of April, 2016. I must have been in long-term stasis cycle. But why? I should figure that out as soon as possible.
     These few minutes I was on duty, maybe it was an hour, showed me that many things have changed. I have heard some sort of firearms training or practise from the firing range, so I have decided to go there and ask for new weapons, as mine were stripped from me as my uniform was changed, I guess - by the way I have lost my modified 9mm SCIP and MP7. I will have to redo the changes.. Back to my first thought - there was some oh-one from APEX running the excercise. I have stood to attention and saluted right after the entrance door - the unit paid attention to me about five minutes later, when they've done their shooting practise. A bit out of etiquette standards, isn't it? The practise was disbanded after the Sectoral Commander, one-five-two-fourty entered the firing range and reminded us that no units are on patrol. I remember 15240 as commander, seems he is doing his job well.. I should start doing that also..
     I will keep intense logging, just to get basement information in case something went wrong with my physical status in that long-term stasis cycle. I need to meet some NOVA unit as soon as possible.

[Section 2]
     I have done few patrol routes today the headache seems to be falling apart. Slowly, but still, it's not as bad as it has been when I have awoken. Some female citizen has stopped me and has given me some poster. Probably some another 647E organization. I have notified the right people about contents of the poster, it was.. a bit scary? I regret that I haven't managed to be issued a brainwash back then when I have been GRID divisional Officer and when two-seven-oh told me that I am way too friendly to ground units.. The text made me feel a bit weird. I should get my NOVA check as soon as possible, still didn't manage to find a NOVA unit on duty. None.
     I should also get my datapad's battery replaced when I find some time, it has just gone dead, I hope it's just the battery depletion. Oh well - and my tokens pouch stayed at my old uniform. It's gone and now I got just twenty tokens again, excellent. It shouldn't take long to get it filled a bit again, if I don't mess up of course. Hoping to see some of "old" units I know, for  now I have seen just our sectoral commander. That's not anybody I could just walk to and chat with, I guess.

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« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 11:53:20 AM by Khubajsn »

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-03.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 05:41:11 PM »
UNIT: 050

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New Log Opened: 050/data/logs/006

<::|| Private log 006 ||::>

     Finally, I have noticed someone at least a bit friendly to me. It is my division's member, unit 630. He is an 03 as well as am I. He's okay to talk with. His suit got some extra things inside, probably some project. It also seems to have heating problems, he has to take regular breaks after certain amount of cycles, else he would probably get ignited. I will try to get more info about his helmet, seems to be interesting. I've met 630 in MoC, as I've been fixing my datapad there. Battery has died. Thanks god it has been just the battery, these datapads ar terrible to be repaired. Schematics are difficult and..
     Anyways, after I had some chat with 630, we have headed out on patrols. Some female has reported other one in UCH, reported as smoking contraband. We didn't find her, neither the contraband though. Whilst I was on patrol again, a bit later ration distribution was initiated. It was led by 087, and units involved were me, 630, recruit 822 and acting divisional leader of GRID; 270. I hiped to get some nice spot but all got taken, so I took detainment. The distribution went smoothly, no code three's or four's. After the RD finished, we have had an report on UPA in workforce intake. It was true report. We got the 10-107, and I and the recruit were told to get her to detainment, as 087 was about to reward the requester.
    We got the female into Nexus detainment and awaited next orders. I was about to print detainment sheet for the suspect, when 087 told the recruit to amputate the female. Not sure why. Treatment was already in use, so I thought I should lend the recruit my sidearm. But.. if he used it, he could get double blackmark for it.. And me? Better to not know.
     I have asked via radio if I really should do that. 270 came direcly into detainment and yelled at me asked me, if the recruit has just carried out level one verdict, with my weapon. She seemed so angry. Never seen her like that before.. It all ended up in 087 being yelled at from 270. But the 270's tone of voice. What.. what happened to her?
     When I first seen 270 as from my stasis awake, she talked to me. First she said something I understood as some sort of 'welcome back', but then she continued. She acted like if the stasis pod glitch was MY OWN FAILURE!! She told me I could have said something, like if it was planned. Also that she would expect more from me, former officer unit.

I don't understand this behaviour. Are things getting better for me even? Maybe I should've stayed in my glitched stasis pod. Everyone would be happier.

I will add up more here, just tired and confused now. These beds are so different from stasis. I wonder if I even get to sleeping tonight.

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« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:57:49 PM by Khubajsn »

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-03.050's private logs ||::>
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 05:05:49 PM »
UNIT: 050

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New Log Opened: 050/data/logs/007

<::|| Private log 007 ||::>

     Another day has passed since my "return", or how should I call it. I have done tens of patrol routes today, not that I could say the city got boring. I personally hope the 647E group [REDACTED] is so active just at their propaganda. They seem to be hiding very well, one of our loyalists today reported their new propaganda inside UCH, at the staircase on the right from the entrance. We locked up the UCH and searched all citizens inside, noone had a spray can though. We went out and after few cycles, the painting was back there, just on the left this time. Pretty annoying, had to rush over to MoC both times to get a spray can to get rid of these dumb things.
     I have managed to catch a NOVA unit to check me, I seem to be fine. I got a prescription of Ibuprofen for my headache, though I must say it is almost gone now. I have worked pretty hard on getting schematics of MoC and it's surroundings from the mainframe, as I need it for my project #11. I have merged all important info together and sent it over to 270. If it will be denied, I will probably get very angry. Spent several hours on it and anyways, I have gotten most of required resources to MoC. I just need 270's authorization and few next units to work with. I have also created some sort of to-do-list, as I was looking through my project logs - most of them were incomplete, I plan on getting them back. Same with my shockcuffs and anti-theft for my SCIP and MP7. I loved that, they just stripped it off me.. Happy that at least my back-eye stood with me.
     Met some unit with funny digits; 060. Outranked me though, same as 999 I remember from time before the incident with stasis pod happened. We've been so big friends, I would say, I got even warned for being too good to him. Seems he doesn't even remember me, didn't react any much. No welcome. Nothing. Expected more, to be honest.

     Heading to these half-rusted beds, they are so uncomfortable. Maybe I should find that GRID unit with cryostage; just until I, hopefully, get back to rank where I can use the comfortable stasis I am used to. Signing off now.

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