Author Topic: The Candyman  (Read 2316 times)

Offline Sectus

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The Candyman
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:28:47 AM »
I wasn't sure where to put this. Feel free to move it if necessary.

Character Name: Steven 'Candyman' Rhodes

Age: 35 [Born October 3rd, 1981]
Fatal Flaw/Defect: Mentally Unstable, Unpredictable.

CID: -

Physical Description: Tall and looming with well-kempt brown hair, sharp teeth, walks with a slight wobble at all times.
Spoiler for Image Referance:

Mental State: He has a very high IQ, and is supremely intelligent. This intelligence can sometimes lead him to think differently than most normal humans, meaning he has trouble conveying some ideas to others.

Physical State: His physical form is quite pathetic, quite different from his metal state. He is physically weak, and cannot perform most tasks that require physical force. He uses his intelligence to get him out of certain situations, and relies mainly upon knives and blades to keep him safe.

Steven originally grew up in a small town in Kentucky known as Oaksville. He grew up as an orphan, and never had the chance to meet his parents. All during his teenage life he stayed in the orphanage, doing not much more than reading, writing, and constantly re-watching the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory movie. The orphanage owners had noted that he had an abnormal obsession with the movie, the scene involving the candy shop owner singing of the candy man in particular. As he grew older, his caretakers became less and less comfortable with being around him. They had good reason for this fear however, as Steven had been staying in the orphanage less and less as well.

Steven's time on the streets taught him to fend for himself, as he would often be confronted by intimidating gang members that would beat him to a pulp and steal anything of value he had on him. He learned over time to fashion knives and weapons out of common items one could find on the street. Broken pipes, abandoned plastic forks, anything he could find, he found that he could hurt, or even kill someone with. This adaptation usually led to him harming people that he assumed would hurt him, but were in reality perfectly innocent. He managed to cover these incidents up, and was never connected to them. As time wore on, and Steven's mind started to become less and less tied to reality, his caretakers became even more eager to see the last of him. During a chilly evening in late fall, he had been watching the candy man's song over and over again as per usual, when he cracked. He sat in his room for about fifteen minutes, fashioning a bent piece of metal into a shiv of sorts with a file, and wrapping cloth around the end of it to make it into a handled blade. Once his weapon was complete, he stood, perfectly calm and left the room. He proceeded down the hall to the owner's office, and stabbed his caretaker twenty-seven times. The caretaker died at the fourth stab.

After this event, he was never seen near the orphanage again. Though he was suspected to have committed the crime, the police were never able to tie the caretaker's death to his name, and he was allowed to roam free without capture. Now comes his true life on the street. He spent most of his adult life wandering the streets, drifting from groups and gangs, taking initiations and rituals to enter each one. From his time in gangs he learned how to fashion metals down to the bare parts of weapons, and turn even common house-toys into proper weapons that would fire bullets as efficiently as any regular gun would. Though his weapons were indeed useful, and very convienient, they had a higher chance of failing and locking up than other guns would. While they were not perfect, they did serve their purpose. After experiencing a near-death experience in one of these gangs, he decided it was time he quit his kid-life, and attempted to adapt with normal society.

Despite his shady past, he was able to find a good, albeit low-paying job, and managed to work his way through a cheap college to get a degree working with a small medical center in northern Kentucky. He worked with this facility until the day of the seven hour war. At the time of the invasion, he managed to hide himself in the radiology department until the loud booms and roars of gunfire and death had left the air. The facility was soon raided by the combine forces, and he was dragged off to a city center to begin his new life under union rule. Seeing the atrocities and horrors the combine committed caused his mind to revert back to his "cracked" state, and he now lives in Precinct Three, silently plotting his next move, all just to rattle people's cages, upset society, and upset the norm.

Strengths - Skills/Traits: Above Average Intelligence, Able to make knives, blades, or blunt-force objects out of any common item he finds lying around.

Weaknesses: His intelligence is of the sort that he is unstable, so he may sometimes have fits, or lose his mind for short periods of time.

Accent: Northern Kentucy

Mannerisms: Hates being dirty. Keeps himself clean at all times. Always makes eye contact with both friends, and his victims. Does not enjoy being referred to as "Steven" or "Rhodes". He created the name "Candyman" as a way of transforming himself into what he feels is a better person. - My Tumblr Review Page - My Twitter Page

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Re: The Candyman
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 02:14:11 PM »
It depends.  Is this supposed to be an authorization application, or just a character profile?

Offline Sectus

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Re: The Candyman
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 03:57:11 PM »
Character profile. I already have the auths for the stuff mentioned. - My Tumblr Review Page - My Twitter Page

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Re: The Candyman
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 11:12:41 PM »
Moved to the IC section.


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