Author Topic: Outland Group Appeal.  (Read 4434 times)

Offline |T??G| Saimon-avatar

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Outland Group Appeal.
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:36:27 PM »
Steam Name: Saimon-avatar
Steam ID: steam_0:1:19224887
Character Name: Jacques 'French' Laux
Tyrone Moore
Reason for the switch:
Our characters (Mainly mine Jacques).) got into some problems (IC problems)we decided we had to go back to the city if we wanted to keep our characters alive.
If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:
Jacques had been hearing about a psychopath serial killer at the city. He meet some people that wanted to put an end to this killer, so he joined them. After some investigation they knew he was Irish and his last name was McCrearies. They had it all planned out, they were going to put an end to his monstrous actions. They were going to get him at his own home. After some time, they didn't find the man called McCrearies. They stopped waiting for him, and they all left wondering where was this man.
Jacques had been looking for this man, any information regarding him. He heard rumors that McCrearies had left to the outlands hopping that the CCA would stop looking for him. That's when he meet a man called Harris, he was going to help him on getting this man.
Jacques had been looking around the canals, trying to find any tunnel that could lead him to the outlands, he found a small tunnel at some dark place of the canals. Somehow he knew that, that was the place he was looking for.
Harris had not showed for some time, Jacques was anxious. He started walking around D6 looking for him, he entered a room that had a horrible smell. He opened a container that was full of human organs. Jacques stepped back covering his nose looking at it, a man came into the room looking at the organs. They both walked out of there and got to meet each others. This man was called Tyrone, after Jacques telling his plans to Tyrone, Tyrone was willing to travel into the outlands with him. He knew how to fish, and some other good stuff. So, he was going to need him.
Some ours later they both took all food and water they could into his bags and went into that tunnel Jacques had found.
After a long walk through the sewers of C45 they both saw a light at the end of the tunnel. They ran towards it yelling in happiness. They came out and found themselves on a large road. There was a sign that said 'Belles'n they followed the road and found a town. They looked on it, but they found nothing. So they continued and found a small camp with a pretty big lake. Tyrone went to fish as he was the one that knew how to fish while Jacques made a fire and took some of the fruit he had on his backpack out. They ate, and went to sleep.
They woke up one cold morning, they had a talk and ate the last food they had. They both took separated ways, Tyrone was going to look for some supplies and Jacques was going to look for the man called McCrearies. They both accorded on going back to the camp at 4:00 pm. With no luck on finding McCrearies, Jacques came back to the camp finding Tyrone sitting on the grass and wearing a COTA vest. Jacques was amazed at what his friend had bought. Tyrone also showed him some shotgun shells, some SMG ammo and some food. They both ate and talk, when the clock ticked to 5:19 pm. Tyrone old Jacques about a trading post he had found on the road. They both went there and Jacques meet a new man called Marlow. He thought Marlow was a good person, that he would never have any problems with him. Many people were coming and going from that trading post, some of the looking for food, most of them looking for ammo. After some chat, Tyrone and Jacques continued exploring the outlands, they had heard about a bunker. So, they wanted to go to that bunker. They traveled there and meet a girl who had some pistol ammo, luckily this girl was mentally disturbed or something ,so she traded all her ammo for one single flashlight to Tyrone. They continued to the bunker and found out that there were no people on it.
Jacques had been wearing some nice elegant shoes he obtained at the city, but those shoes were not made for traveling long distances... He had to get some boots. They both found a old storage room with lots of locked boxes. They opened one using a old metal they had, the box was full of useless stuff. Toilet paper, old shoes and clothes. Although there was a pair of black boots. Jacques took them and threw his shoes into his backpack putting the boots on his feet. Suddenly a alarm got triggered, they decided on walking out from the bunker before anything bad happened.
Jacques woke up, noticing that Tyrone was gone. He found a note saying 'I'll go and get some toys, you go and find McCrearies'. He ate some potatoes he had buy on the Marlows trading post. He went out looking for McCrearies. Some ours later he found Tyrone near the Marlows Traiding post, this time he had a flash bang, and a SMG. Jacques told Tyrone that he had meet some people that told him that McCrearies was back at the city, so he decided to help Tyrone on getting the supplies. After talking with many people at the trading post, Tyrone managed to exchange some pistol ammo for a shotgun with out shells. Luckily Tyrone already had some shotgun shells. Tyrone was ready to go, he had all the gear he wanted a SMG a shotgun and a Kevlar and a Flash grenade. Jacques had nothing... Just those boots he took from the box back at the bunker. Tyrone gave his flash to Jacques he said "Try and exchange it for a pistol. Call it through the radio, 133.5". Jacques took his radio and changed the frequency then radioed 'I'm trading a flash grenade and some medical supplies for a single pistol." Suddenly, a woman's voice could be heard "I'll trade it. I don't have ammo for it, so I'll trade it. Meet me at the Inn".
Jacques and Tyrone moved to the Inn, were they found this woman. She had pretty golden eyes and a Gashmask with some goggles. They made the exchange and left the Inn. While walking down the road, they saw a strange thing falling from the sky landing on a cliff that was near from them. They both decided to go and investigate. When they got to the cliff, many threes were burning, there were small headcrab traces all over the place, they knew that it was a head crab canister. They stepped back, that's when a headcrab jumped on Jacques arm biting it. Tyrone took his SMG out killing the headcrab. A second headcrab appeared out of no where jumping on Tyrone's Kevlar, he was pushed away. The headcrab jumped once more this time landing on Tyrone's arm and biting it. He kicked the headcrab out and leaned against a three. While Tyrone and the headcrab were fighting, Jacques was healing his wounds on his arm that was caused by the headcrab. He took something for the pain and proceed on healing Tyrone's arm. He also gave him something for the pain. As soon as Tyrone stood up, Jacques heard something behind him, he quickly turned around watching as the headcrab jumped towards him, he reacted in a fast way pushing the headcrab out of the way, he took his backpack throwing all the stuff inside of it. He threw the backpack on top of the crab taking it as prisoner. They both took the headcrab back to the town, on their way Tyrone told Marlow through the radio. They both were going to see each others at the Inn. When they arrived, the place was crowded. Marlow had brought one of his friends. It was the girl with the Golden eyes and gas mask. Jacques threw the headcrab to the bed. With out a warning, Marlow took a syringe out then stabbed the headcrab with it saying "This will relax it, don't worry."
Jacques didn't liked this, but he letted Marlow do what he had to do. They took the headcrab in a cage back to Marlow's post.  While they were walking down, marlow and his friend (Golden eyes female) started saying "Anyone but Marlow and Quinn needs to leave. We are going to heal the headcrab." Jacques and Tyrone did not liked this as they struggled on getting a living headcrab. After an argue they all had, they decided to step back and see how Marlow was 'saving' the headcrab from apparently nothing. Some minutes later the girl approched Tyrone stabbing him using a blade she had on her boot, Jacques quickly moved to their position taking his pistol out before she could do something. Tyrone was stabbed in his foot. Jacques began yelling and pointing the pistol against the girl. They all argued for a long time, the girl was about to die by Jacques hands. That's when Marlow asked her to go to the inn. He needed his supplies. Tyrone patched his foot with some bio-gel and some bandages. Jacques and the girl known as Quinn walked to the Inn, they were going to take Marlow's supplies. They took them with no difficulties, while they were heading back, Tyrone radioed 'Marlow killed the Headcrab'. Jacques looks back at Quinn saying "That's it. I told you, if the headcrab dies. You and Marlow will die." He pointed his gun at her, but she quickly jumped out of the way running back to the inn. Jacques shoot two bullets failing. He chased her towards the inn, were he was ambushed by Quinn, he was stabbed by her shoe with the blade on it, he had been stabbed in the leg. He stepped back pointing at her. A man with a shotgun appeared, Quinn shouted "Kill him beans! He is trying to kill me!" Jacques sais "No! You brought this on yourself! You took my headcrab against from me then your fucking friend murdered him!" Tyrone showed up, 'Beans' was poinitng at Jacques with a shotgun, many people appeared, they all seemed Quinn's friends. They all stood around Jacques. 'Beans' told Jacques to walk away, he didn't want to kill Jacques. Jacques did it as he knew he was surrounded by Quinns friends. As soon as he was at a safe distance he started running, he could see some of Quin's friends chasing him. As Jacques was fast, he lost them on the forest, he then met up with Tyrone at the bunker, they had a chat, they tried to fix things over the radio but Quinn didn't accept. Tyrone knew Quinn and many people on the outlands, he told jacques that the best thing to do, was running back to the city. He agreed. Jacques changed to his old shoes and took his shirt off and painted his pants with mud, that way no one would recognize him, as many people were looking for him. They both ran back to the tunnel. Tyrone took his SMG, shotgun and Kevlar with him, as it was many weight, he gave his SMG to Jacques. Jacques took his pistol and Tyrone's SMG. They both went back to the tunnel that brought them there.
As they saw the light of the tunnel, they started moving faster, they came out from the tunnel, they were all dirty with mud and nasty things. They were finally back at the city.

//How did Tyrone obtained his Kevlar and SMG?

Wandering on the outlands, after talking with French Tyrone began to scavenge, searching for ammo, medical supplies, anything he could use. He climbed up a small cliff, he started at a rock, there was something buried at the side of the rock. he smiled and started digging, he found out that it was 9mm ammo. Later he found some shotgun ammo near a small bridge...Staying to search for goods he found some more pistol ammo near a house, after some time he found some SMG ammo near a rock along with some old clothes, there was also blood stained on the rock. He climbed one tower and there he found some more shotgun ammo, than we went to marlow’s camp, at marlow’s camp he saw a mysterious man , he traded  some pistol ammo to the man in exchange of a SMG... Sometime later he was talking with a woman and with "French", he decided to see if the woman wanted to trade her pistol ammo for his flashlight, she actually accepted... At the same day he found a woman(I not telling her name because of various reasons) that wanted some pistol ammo than, he decided to trade it for her  scrapped COTA  vest...Later on the same day he found some more pistol ammo near a house that was near the bunker, he guarded the ammo for some time till he found a woman (another woman) on marlow’s camp and decided to see if she wanted trade her shotgun for pistol, she accepted...On the next day, Tyrone climbed one rope, he began scavenging, he could not belive it, he found more SMG ammo bellow some pilled rocks that had a cross on them. He took the SMG ammo and headed back to the camp trying to find Jacques.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 12:42:35 AM by Kom??Як »
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 11:00:51 PM »
You'll have to loose the weapons if you want to enter back into the City, as for the scrapped ota vest... I suppose that's ok.

Offline |T??G| Saimon-avatar

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2012, 11:11:35 PM »
You'll have to loose the weapons if you want to enter back into the City, as for the scrapped ota vest... I suppose that's ok.

I don't get why are we going to loose our weapons, we Rp'ed getting them, and we Rp'ed taking them back to the city. It's not like those things are that heavy. Besides,  people at this un outlands appeal : took all their things, to the city. (Including a AR2.)
Besides, we are two characters. We are well nourished. We can easily carry them back to the city, we are going through the canals, that way no one can see us.
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

Offline Globey

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 09:03:21 PM »
I'd be in favour of allowing them back with their weapons. The players in question are rather good RPers, Besides that, the precident has been set by the other group appeal.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 01:32:04 AM »
Alright, this is accepted, but the only weapons you will be allowed to keep is a pistol, nothing higher. Also, I will need all the names of the characters that are switching.

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 11:56:30 AM »
Why only keep the pistol?
 I dont see a IC reason to leave the other weapons behind

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 02:34:29 PM »
Why only keep the pistol?
 I dont see a IC reason to leave the other weapons behind
They're heavy, and they're going on a long trip back to the city. They won't be able to carry enough food, water, and everything they need as well as shotguns and such.

Offline |T??G| Saimon-avatar

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 03:13:25 PM »
Why only keep the pistol?
 I dont see a IC reason to leave the other weapons behind
They're heavy, and they're going on a long trip back to the city. They won't be able to carry enough food, water, and everything they need as well as shotguns and such.

I know the weapons are heavy, but we were two. Tyrone could have taken a pistol and a smg. Jacques could have taken a pistol and a shotgun. Pistols are about 2 pounds, we can put the pistols in our pockets or anywhere in our pants. Shotguns are probably 4 to 5 pounds. We can tie them around our backs. A smg would probably be 3 to 4 pounds. No big deal, put them inside our backpacks.

Jacques is now carrying 7 pounds (In case the shotgun weights 5 pounds).
Tyrone is now carrying 6 pounds (In case the smg weights 4 pounds).
Any person can carry 7 pounds with out struggling in his backpack.
Now, let's sum the weight of the food.
Food for about 6 days travel can weight about  9 pounds. (And that's in extrem cases as they are traveling very light. They would be carrying mainly fruits and beans.)

So, Jacques is now carrying 7 pounds+ 9 pounds = 16 pounds= 7.25 kilograms.
So, Tyrone is now carrying 6 pounds+ 9 pounds= 15 pounds =6.80 kilograms.
Let's add another 7 pounds for the medical supplies.
Jacques has 23 pounds =10.43 kilograms.
Tyrone has 22 pounds = 9.97 kilograms.

Let's add another 6 pounds incase they had anything extra (Like clothes, empty bottles, I don't know.)
Jacques has 29 pounds = 13.15 kilograms.
Tyrone has 28 pounds= 12.70 kilograms.
Plus Tyrone's ammunition
Ammunition: Around 13 pounds =5.89 kilograms.
Tyrone would be carrying 41 pounds=18.59 kilograms.
Jacques would take half of the ammunition so they both are carrying the same.
Jacques takes around 7 pounds of ammunition.
Jacques is now carrying 36 pounds =16.32 kilograms.
Tyrone is now carrying 34 pounds = 15.42 kilograms.

A normal soldier can carry 36 kilograms plus 4 kilograms of the weapon = 40 kilograms.
I know Tyrone is not a soldier, but he is carrying 15.42 kilograms in total. Any normal person can carry that with out a problem.
Jacques used to be a ex french soldier, ex french spy and ex french GIGN member, he can easily carry that, he can even carry heavier things.
Besides, as I mentioned, someone has already carry a shotgun, a AR2 with ammunition and SMG's to the city and it was accepted. They were traveling with more weight.
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2012, 04:13:05 PM »
Past applications are not a factor, this is the present, thing are changing.

Only pistols will be allowed, and I still need a list of Full Names for all those going back to the City.

Offline |T??G| Saimon-avatar

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2012, 07:29:16 PM »
**Sighs** Alright, no weapons bigger than pistols are allowed.

Saimon-avatar:   Jacques 'French' Laux
DragonKiller:    Tyrone Moore

So, we are going to loose the shotgun and smg with all the ammo we had for them right?
Why can't we exchange the ammo and weapons we had (Smg and shotgun along with all the ammo for those) for at least one 9mm pistol and some ammo boxes for it?
Sounds fair, as we worked really hard on getting does things just so that we can't bring them back to the city.
Besides IC we wouldn't say : Oh, we left the good weapons behind because he couldn't carry 4 pounds more with us.

Can I ask why do admins hate any kind of anti-citizen rp on the city?
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

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Re: Outland Group Appeal.
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2012, 02:21:27 AM »
You can trade whatever you want, or do whatever you want with the items you have, but when your characters are unoutlandafied, anything higher than a pistol+ammo will be deleted from your inventory.

Also, we don't hate anti-citizen RP, we encourage it... and let me remind you, that you Do Not Need items/weapons/anything but your imagination, to roleplay... any kind of roleplay.

As to the reason we are not allowing all these weapons back into the city:
we let it happen twice, both times the situation got out of hand, and we had to either ban weapons from the citizens of the City, or do a complete inventory wipe of all weapons on all civvies in the City.

We're gonna try again, and let weapons into the City, but we're being careful and selective, be grateful that you're getting any weapon at all.

Accepted and Locked.


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