Steam Name: Tannerdrg
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1.49301608
Character Name: Sinclair "Reaver" Williams
Reason for the switch: Reaver left the city so that he could acquire arms and munitions to be brought back into the city. They were obtained ICly and will be spawned by me when I receive V flags. Not that they have been attained, I am moving him back in.
If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands: Reaver obtained the aforementioned weapons and such, a kevlar vest and several explosives that were to be moved back into the city. I /me'd out hunting for game, as well as stockpiling food for the journey. I brought with me three people to help carry the supplies. Joseph, Faith and another. Don't remember full names. The others are walking with Reaver to the sewage pipe exit, which Reaver will drag the bags through solo, making two treks back and forth.
Time when it happened(if mis-click) No mis-click, gurl.