Author Topic: <::||04.922 Private Logs||::>  (Read 1619 times)

Offline Blue Haze

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<::||04.922 Private Logs||::>
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:37:12 AM »
UNIT: 922

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<::|| I am Civil Protection Unit 922, NOVA 04. As far as I remember at least. This is what I knew. There was a bombing in the CA's office and I brought the mutilated body of the female CA to the Med-bay. I was there. I worked on her. Applied what I could to keep her breathing. She didn't make it. Less than an hour later, I wake up in the Med-bay after being unconscious. Apparently the bombing happened a long time ago, and I am suffering from memory loss.. I was told that I was APEX now, that there was a riot and that I was beat multiple times by a citizen, that I had a concussion and that it was a ticking bomb ready to explode (Maybe shouldn't use that analogy after the CA's bombing). Anyway.. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm behind on training. I was told to stay in the Nexus for a while. I guess I just have to wait it out. [922] off. ||::>

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Console Shut Down.


Trent (Davidson) Marlow - [ALIVE] - Getting people to do work for him, living near the Inn, back from his retreat.

Kelly (Lillians) Striker - [DEAD] - Found outside the old Bunker with many wounds suggesting a poison headcrab attack. All supplies but her clothes missing.


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