Author Topic: Kelly Striker's Authorization Application  (Read 2476 times)

Offline Blue Haze

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Kelly Striker's Authorization Application
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:17:06 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [Kai Daniels] [RSO2012]
Age: Thirteen (13)
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Since Garry's Mod 9 RP was popular
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Atleast eight months (8 months)

Character Section

-Basic weapon training.
-Some breaching procedure.
-Small LED light.

Name: Kelly Striker
Age: Twenty Six (26)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Panting, Kelly she looked up at the man she had been with. They were in the City 34 slums, and if the civil authority caught them, they'd be put to a quick death. Luckily, the units following the directives suppose to be met were all recruits, and other lower ranking units, not permitted to patrol through those areas.
"Remember what I taught you," the man said, "If you take any shots, you gotta get to cover. Firing alerts your target, and once your target sees you, you don't wanna be in their line of fire. Do it again."
She quickly aimed the MP7 with the safety on, running through the old apartment. She aimed towards the nonexistent man that had his back turned to her. She pulled the trigger, two rounds flying towards the man in her mind. She quickly dashed against the wall outside of the room.
"Ha! You're gettin' better I suppose. Ever seen the units breach?" The man asked.
"Karev, you know I have. We were in the apartment last week during the raid. Those guys nearly killed you."
"Eh, alright. You know, they breach by firing, but they always prepare quite a bit. That gives who ever is inside plenty of time to get ready."
"Your point?"
"You gotta learn to kick the door open." Michael Karev said as he closed the door. He quickly raised his right foot, swinging it forward, the door flying open, "And now it's your turn."
She tried it on the other door. She sent herself flying back as the door barely moved. They practiced for hours, skipping a ration cycle.
"AH!" she yelled out as she pushed her foot into the door, the door flying open before yelling "Ha! I did it!" multiple times.
The two practiced side kicking the door as well. He explained to her, though front-kicking worked, it wasn't as effective as side kicks, and explained that side-kicks took slightly more preparation.

Later he strapped a small LED flashlight to her weapon, due to the sky slowly falling into a darkness. Michael went around all the areas, collecting what he could. He found a broken wooden pallet. He drew a figure on it, telling her where to aim if she wanted to hit, and how to aim. He would place his hands on her weapon as she aimed, simulating the kick of the gun as it flew back.
Kelly practiced pretend shooting the target repeatedly.

The night was growing cooler, and Kelly put on her grey jacket as she watched Michael walk away, gathering more things left by people passing through. Suddenly, she staggered back against the walls, shielding her eyes from what look as a flash of lightening striking her pupils. Then she heard a familiar, but devastating beeping sound. Her vision came back, seeing the scanner and it's optical sight rotating. It moved towards Michael. He heard the noise too, quickly swinging around, firing his pistol at the small scanner. It started smoking, the device hurling it-self towards him. The scanner hit the ground, breaking into multiple pieces next to him. He tried to get himself coordinated before the sound of a bullet zipped passed them both. Another passed, along with a third, that entered Michael's left leg.
"Run! Gah!" he yelled out, firing at the unit that had entered, "Get to Ineu region! Go through Rally point in the canals!".
She as fast as she could. Finally, she found the grate, pulling it off, running through the tunnel, exiting into a large canal.

She loaded the last magazine she had. It barely had three rounds in it. She continued through the small path she was following. It had been a long time since she got away from the city that she barely made it out of. Now she slowly walked towards a door labeled "DO NOT TRESSPASS". She found it an appropriate time to enter. She quickly and swiftly brought her leg up, slamming it into the door. It sent a jolt through he body, but the door opened. Quickly she aimed the weapon, flicking the flashlight on. Without even thinking, she fired, doing exactly as Karev had taught her, three bullets flying through the air. They went straight into the creature resting on a man's head. Both the creature and the man fell. She stepped over them, continuing. The door was barricaded with a single lead pipe. She pulled the pipe out from the handle, throwing it behind her onto the body. She opened the door. She was in a dark tunnel. She continued, walking up the road.

She slowly looked around, seeing the town that she had stumbled upon. Slowly, keeping her weapon ready, she climbed over the wooden railing, jumping down. She walked closer towards the building. She quickly kicked the door open, though it was unlocked and could have been opened by pushing it, and aimed her weapon to the left, then right. She walked up the stairs.
"Did you hear that?" a voice said.
"Hear what?"
To her surprise, the room was full of five, maybe six men. They all stared at her in fear, suddenly she felt like a monster.
"Oh god.." one said, followed by "Of fuck." by another.
"What the hell is this place..?" she asked
"The Clinic.. They help people"
"No... I mean... The town..."
"It's... Beles Town.." the man answered awkwardly

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Basic knowledge of using a gun. (Not picking up a gun with ammo and firing, sending the bullets in every direction thinkable)
-Knowing how to kick doors open, giving her an element of surprise if trying to enter a room.
-LED light can provide.. Er.. Light..

-LED light requires batteries that eventually run out
-Basic knowledge of a gun does not make you a sharp-shooter.
-Kicking doors open can cause people to think you're hostile if the room is full of friendlies.
-Being taught how to use a weapon doesn't make your hand to hand combat any better.
-Ammo is a pain to find.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to Roleplay my character, improvising what ever comes at her. Maybe joining JURY, or another group due to being knowledgeable with a weapon.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I will not use these authorizations to repeatedly take advantage over players
EDIT:Edited a few mistakes regarding setting and spelling errors.
EDIT2:Added a few defects
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 12:27:53 PM by [Kai Daniels] [Unit 922] »

Trent (Davidson) Marlow - [ALIVE] - Getting people to do work for him, living near the Inn, back from his retreat.

Kelly (Lillians) Striker - [DEAD] - Found outside the old Bunker with many wounds suggesting a poison headcrab attack. All supplies but her clothes missing.

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Re: Kelly Striker's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 05:50:36 AM »
I've seen your roleplay before, and I don't see a problem with this app either.

+Support from me.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Kelly Striker's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2012, 04:29:15 AM »

Have fun.


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