Heh, this is an overdue introduction, should have done it before. I joined Catalyst Gaming solely on recommendation by GRID, a Steam friend of mine. I have a good over 4 months of roleplaying experience, and I seriously hated the rule breaking situation in DeathmatchRP, so I moved on to real, serious roleplaying. I heard Catalyst also supported Spacebuild, so hey? How bad can it be? I joined HL2RP first and instantly cut off any ties I had to DarkRP, I mean DeathmatchRP. My Steam name is Zaughi. Game genres I enjoy? RPGs, shooters, MMOs, even games like Blockland. (Planetside 2 and Everquest 3 coming out this year, suck it XBOX 360 fans! PS3 and PC FTW), WHOOOO!!! Now, it's probably against the forum rules to say "OE MAH GAWD AHD MEH OEN STEEM" in my introduction. So seriously, I'm not even gonna try. Thank you for reading. Oh yeah, one more thing. I own at shooters.