Author Topic: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-01.350's Medical Logs ||::>  (Read 1367 times)

Offline Hazard Time

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<::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-01.350's Medical Logs ||::>
« on: March 11, 2012, 03:29:36 AM »
UNIT: 350

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<::|| Unit 350, rank 01 of NOVA division.  I thought I would start keeping logs of my patients, like insurance in case the High Command want evidence.  I'll start about a week ago:  //Dates are OOC.

Case 00001:
Unit: N/A
Date: N/A //Can't remember date or name
Details:  When the city went red after some dumbass citizens thought they actually had a chance at throwing us out of the city, Unit X and Commander 03109 entered the airlock to attempt to break up a mob that was forming outside of the Nexus.  Before they had a chance to step out, they were swarmed by angry citizens.  Someone tell those idiots not to attack a High Command unit with an AR2.  Unfortunately, Unit X got in the crossfire and his arm was raked by dark energy bolts.  He suffered severe nerve damage, but nothing that I couldn't repair.  He is expected to make a full recovery.

Case 00002:
Unit: 531
Date: N/A //Same date as last case
Details:  I don't know the full background, but officially, 531 was shot by 03109's AR2.  His shoulder was badly mangled, and his pinky and ring vapor were vaporized as was his left foot.  Something tells me this wasn't an accident, but I'm not one to get involved in High Command affairs.  I was able to patch up his shoulder and give him a synthetic foot, although he will have to continue service without his left pinky and ring finger.  He can cry me a river.

Case 00003:
Unit: 337
Date: 3/9/12
Details: I responded to reports of units receiving fire from District 6.  When I got there, I was referred to 337 who had been shot in the left bicep.  He was high on adrenaline and refused treatment at first.  It took lots of persuasion but I finally dragged him off, reluctantly, to the medical bay, where I removed the bullet.  Further study concluded it was 9 x 19 millimeter parabellum.

Case 00004:
Unit:  498
Date: 3/9/12
Details:  Those citizens never learn.  This time, however, they appeared organized.  A large mob of them held the Nexus under siege until we fucked their shit up.  Some rebels decided to join in the fun and some units took damage.  Elite Protection Unit 498 was my case.  He took shrapnel to his abdomen and had lost a lot of blood.  Almost immediately after I got him on the operating table, he went into cardiac arrest.  A concerted effort by Officer 918 and I resulted in 498's survival.  We were able to get the shrapnel out soon after, and Officer 604 appeared quite pleased.

Case 00005:
Unit: 480
Date: 3/10/12
Details: I don't know the background, but I responded to reports of an explosion in the GRID Mechanical Operations Center.  There, I located 480, who had been performing some kind of experiment before I had arrived.  The result of a chemical reaction gone wrong, I observed first degree burns on his face and hands.  Before I sedated him, he wouldn't stop talking about sabotage.  Once I got him to the medbay, I used his thighs as donors for a skin graph, which was successful.  I would have preferred him to stay in bed, but the persistent bastard got right up and back to work.  I have to respect him.

Case 00006:
Unit: 480
Date: 3/11/12
Details: Just a follow up surgery for 480's burns.  Removed excess scar tissue and sewed him back up.  He should be good for service.  However, for the first few weeks I would discourage strenuous activity lest he tear his sutures out.  ||::>

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« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 07:34:35 PM by Hazard Time »


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