In my opinion, forum debates such as this one are next to impossible for two main reasons.Firstly: nobody has/ cites any reliable sources.I can pull a lolfact out of my ass to prove a point, and with the right language skills I can make said lolfact sound as official as you please.Another problem is that people aren't always respectful of opposing viewpoints. A few posts up, people were calling religous teachings "bullshit" and deeming those in top religous positions "pricks."Nobody will gain any understanding with this kind of stuff happening, and the "debate" runs an unnecessarily high risk of turning into an emotionally-driven flame-war.Right now, this "Serious Debate" doesn't seem to be more than simply arguing for the sake of arguing.
know that people have their reasons for coming over onto our land, be it legal or illegal. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is their lack of understanding of our systems, customs - hell, even our language. For the sake of courtesy, I wouldn't dare visit another country with intentions of living there unless they understood english, or I understood their language to a semi-competent degree.This is more a personal thing, but I have a dislike of their accents, particularly when they speak english. I find it difficult to understand. The accent masks things. One good thing about them though, is they'll gladly take the jobs us brits won't. Just learn english properly.My citations? None. This was all done through personal experiences. Problem?