Author Topic: Half-Life 2 short story "The Final Stand"  (Read 1788 times)

Offline Darkshifter98

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Half-Life 2 short story "The Final Stand"
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:23:34 AM »
(// I made this story out of boredom, and it doesn't affect current Outlands or City canon in anyway... atleast for now ;))
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The final stand
An unknown Stadium covered in overgrowth, somewhere in Eastern Europe
Unknown date

Boone stood on the edge of the stage, in the middle of the flickering spotlight, he held his spas 12 in his right hand, the barrel pointing at the stage. He assumed that Alliance had already got the refugees far away enough from the stadium. He walked out of the spotlight, behind the torn remains of the curtain. He walked behind a small piece of machinery. It controlled everything from the song playing to opening the top of the stadium. He pushed a lever forward, and he heard the loud creaking of gears overhead, he looked up, and saw the night sky pouring into the darkness of the stadium. The gears stopped with a loud creek, before the stadium went silent one again. Boone let out a long breath through his mouth, which came back at him under his olive drab OTA Elite helmet. When Alliance was evacuating the refugees, they said someone had to stay behind, or the Overwatch Transhuman Arm would be all over them in a matter of seconds. His friend, Zak Grant, had originally volunteered, Boone decided that he would have to take the sacrifice and stay. He told Zak he would stay, after a bit of an argument, he managed to convince Zak to go with his friends in Alliance and protect the refugees in the convoy. But Overwatch wasn’t his only problem, under the stadium was an Antlion nest, and the stadium had been shelled, meaning headcrabs would be about, and surely Overwatch would come to check out the commotion. It was not the place to be. However, with the headcrabs and zombies coming to the stadium to see the light show, Overwatch coming because they think refugees will be here, and Antlions coming because it will piss them off, it will be the perfect distraction. Boone looked to his left and right, before activating something he called “The master button” which activated the song, lights, and fireworks. Boone walked out back to the center of the stage, in the flickering spotlight. The song started slow, and Boone almost remembered it from somewhere. He lifted his shotgun up against his chest, holding the barrel with his left hand, and stood while the song started to begin. He looked into the night sky, and remembered the song from his youth. Metallica, Turn the page. Now he would die listening to it as an adult. The song began to get faster, and he saw his first guests. Antlions burrowed out of the ground, snarling angrily.

Boone pumped his shotgun, standing in the flickering spotlight, waiting for the Antlions to make their move. He saw a dark, bug-like figure fly through the air in front of him, he raised his spas 12, and fired just as the creature entered the light of the spotlight, landing in a heap behind him. As the Antlions continued to climb out of the ground, the ones not in the ground sprung forward with wings fluttering. He aimed his shotgun upwards, firing into the air at the flying creatures. They fell down all around him, legs and heads torn apart by the shotgun’s blast. He began to back up as the Antlions started to crawl up onto the stage, squeaking at him angrily, he heard a different kind of squeak behind him, and turned to see a headcrab springing towards him. Boone lashed out with the butt of his shotgun, smacking the little abomination to the side, it let out a pained squeak. Before it could do anything else, Boone raised his shotgun and blew it to pieces, he turned back to the Antlion’s surrounding him on the stage. He started firing into the small crowd of Antlions on the stage, blowing Antlion blood and grey matter on the stage floor. He started backing up deeper into the stage, shooting Antlions out of the air, when he heard a single moan, it then turned to two, then four, then ten. Then howls started to ring out in the stadium, and loud screeches as a fast zombie jumped out of the wave of Antlions, screeching as it flew through the air towards Boone. The creature landed in front of him, letting out a loud screech as it lunged forward, Boone put his spas 12 between it and him, he jabbed the barrel into what was left of its stomach. He pulled the trigger as blood shot out of its back, it still stood, disoriented. Three Antlions jumped onto the stage, snarling as they charged towards Boone and the zombie. Boone brought his foot back, giving a swift kick as he pushed the zombie towards the three Antlions. They stopped, clawing and biting at what was left of the zombie. He aimed his shotgun, pulling the trigger until the Antlions and the zombie stopped moving, lying in a bloody heap on the stage. Boone advanced to the edge of the stage, and saw the floor below covered in a sea of Antlions, zombies, and headcrabs, all fighting amongst each other. He was about to start picking off enemies in the crowd, when he heard vocoded voices behind him and a banging on one of the doors backstage. Boone turned, yelling “Fight amongst yourselves!” Before running off back stage, where he could hear a beeping coming from one of the doors. The beeping beeped faster and faster. Boone unclipped a grenade from his belt, rolling it in front of the door just before the door was blown off its hinges. Four Overwatch units walked through the door, the first one looked down at the beeping grenade at its feet. “<:: Bouncer, bouncer!” It yelled, it started to turn around but its comrades were blocking the door way. The grenade exploded, blowing the four units apart. He grinned under his helmet, running back out towards the stage, where the Antlions and zombies have started fighting on the stage. He raised his shotgun, firing into the crowd, he took a step forward with each shot, driving them back into the seats. He heard a click come from his shotgun, and cursed as he threw it to the ground, and unslinged his MP7. By now the song has gone into a fast crescendo. Boone fired into the crowd of zombies and Antlions. He heard something above him, and saw a dropship hover above the stadium. He then saw a rope fly down in front of the stage, and out came unit after unit rappeling down, firing down into the crowd of Antlions and zombies.

Boone started to retreat back towards the curtain again. By now they had cleared a small patch in the crowd so they could land on the ground without being overcome by the sea of monsters. Boone aimed up, firing his MP7 in bursts. Unit after unit went limp and fell off the rope, landing in a heap on the ground below. Boone started hearing a kind of hissing coming out of the army of Antlions, and saw three Antlions fly through the air, a sniper round rang through the stadium, and penetrated through one of the Antlions, it exploded into a green, gooey mess,raining down on the zombies and Antlions below. The two remaining ones landed on the stage in front of him, they were blue in color, and looked much different then the Antlions he had been fighting. One of them let out a hostile hiss, and launched a glob of acid towards him, Boone jumped back, and watched as the acid burned through the stage. Boone raised his MP7, firing bursts into both of the Antlions, dispatching them quickly. They then started flying towards him, accompanied by the regular, green variant. Boone raised his MP7 into the air, when the fireworks started to activate during the song, they flew through the fireworks, bursting into flames. They hit the ground hard, scrambling on their backs as the fire slowly killed them. Boone held his MP7 at his hip, firing up into the Antlions flying towards the stage, some flew past him as they burst into flames from the launching fireworks. He saw three of the doors in the seats burst open, and saw Overwatch pouring out of them like ants, firing into sea of Antlions and zombies. Boone aimed his weapon down, firing his MP7 at the hip, into the sea mixed with Antlions, zombies, and Overwatch. Zombies began to climb onto the stage, letting out moans and smelling of death. Boone started to back up, firing his MP7 into them as they climbed up, falling back into the seats. He heard a moan behind him, and turned to see a zombies claws raised, he howled in pain as the zombie brought its claws down across his chest, leaving a giant, red and angry scratch down it. Boone jabbed his MP7 into the zombies chin, pulling the trigger as grey matter splattered on the stage, the headcrab slid off the zombie, limp as it flopped onto the ground. The remains of the host fell back, its face frozen in a permanent scream. He turned back, firing at the horde of zombies on the stage. Some started falling forward as Overwatch started firing at them. With his back against the curtain, he continued to fire at the mob of zombies continuing to advance towards him in a slow stagger. His MP7 made a loud clicking noise, Boone threw it to the floor without comment, quickly unholstering his USP match, he held it one handed as his left arm hung by his side, he continued firing into the crowd of zombies, pulling the trigger as fast as he could. The crack of a Sniper rifle rang through the stadium, Boone nearly fell to his knees when the bullet penetrated his side. He leaned on the boxes that littered the stage, he began to sidestep behind the curtain, firing towards the flickering light, knowing enemy’s would be in that general direction. Another crack rang through the stadium, and Boone fell onto his side as another bullet went through his ankle. He rolled onto his back, holding his pistol in his right hand, he used his left arm to push himself further back behind the curtain, lifting his back to further drag himself. He was in a last stand position. Blood poured out of his side and leg, and the cut on his chest wasn’t looking well either. The finale of the song was starting, with the guitar solo ringing through out the stage. He backed up until he was against the curtain, resting as he reached it, his pistol aimed down the corridor. “Here I goooo, yeah, yeaaah!” rang through out the stage as the final guitar solo commenced. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small cylinder with a big red button on the top. “Here I go, yeah!” He held it in his left hand as the lyrics rang out. He put his finger on the button as the sound of Overwatch gear approached. “There I go woah, wooooah!” A squad of Overwatch units appeared at the other end of the corridor, approaching Boone quickly as the lyrics rang out again. “<:: Affirmative, we got him now.” One radioed. It stopped in front of him, noticing the detonator in his hand. “<:: Shit!” It yelled, starting to panic. “There I goooo!” The lyric rang out, Boone pressed his finger on the button, it began to beep, and all he would need to do is release. The final few notes started to play. “Astalvesta.. baby..” Boone spit out. The song started to quiet down, as “And I’m gone...” rang out quietly through the stage among the sound of the guitar. Boone let go of the button as the lyrics rang out, the stadium was filled with a bright light as the explosives were set off, filling the stadium with a ball of flame, killing everyone inside.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Zak Grant brought up the rear of the convoy, his OSIPR held in his arms. He turned as “And I’m gone...” rang out behind him in the stadium. He stood for a few more moments on the top of a hill, where a good look of the stadium was seen. He jumped as the stadium exploded into a ball of flame. Everyone in the convoy stopped, turning around to see the explosion, everyone looked at the ground, coming to the conclusion that no one could have survived the explosion. Zak stood silent, staring at the fiery remains of the stadium. He felt a hand grip his shoulder, and turned to see a member of Alliance and friend, Dave Woods, looking out at the explosion as it settled. He gave him a pat on the shoulder, before walking back down the hill. The convoy started to move again. Zak took one last look, before turning back and following the convoy, away from the massive graveyard.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The spotlight stood by a few wires. the wires hung from a few twist bits of metal. The stadium was in ruin, pieces of the dome hanging, and eventually falling with a loud bang, before making the stadium silent again. The spotlight flickered, and among the rubble, and among the bodies, was an olive drab Overwatch Elite helmet. It lay in the light of the spotlight, the light from the spotlight reflecting off the damaged optic. The helmet lay on perfectly straight, waiting for its next owner, or perhaps, its previous owner. 
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:00:26 AM by Darkshifter98 »
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Offline The Joke

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Re: Half-Life 2 short story "The Final Stand"
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 06:21:15 AM »
//Wow...Just incredible dude, seriously, you write the best stories :D. But did this happen IC or IC a while ago, or is it just a story?
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

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Re: Half-Life 2 short story "The Final Stand"
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 06:35:37 AM »
This is pretty epic, I would LOVE to see more.

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: Half-Life 2 short story "The Final Stand"
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 11:59:55 AM »
//Wow...Just incredible dude, seriously, you write the best stories :D. But did this happen IC or IC a while ago, or is it just a story?
Its not supposed to affect out current canon, meaning, atleast in our canon, it never happened. So Mike Boone is still alive.
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