Not the same person, but, hopped on the server today and GRID 238 ignored information I had on anti-civil acts, flicked her stun-stick on withoutRP, told me to move, and proceeded to spam push me out of the way.
are you circumcised: kind of
I agree about some CP minges. Today, I got arrested and my sentence was ten minutes, the cop came back an hour later with the excuse: "Had a sh*t, then fapped". Seriously. There was another cop trolling around in the nexus, not letting me out when I asked.
As soon as I get enough loyalist points on one of my characters, I'll apply for Civil Protection, hopefully them viewing the fact that I Roleplay almost everything (Unless its a minge running in which I'll stop them then get an admin or try to teach the new player) then maybe they can learn from example of how similar ranking individuals can roleplay to instead of taking such horrible shortcuts.
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n