Author Topic: <||: APEX-04.777's Private Logs :||>  (Read 1765 times)

Offline TheKrusader

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<||: APEX-04.777's Private Logs :||>
« on: December 18, 2011, 11:07:06 PM »

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<::||So, I was previously informed that I had a cousin in the CCA, and that he was positioned in City 45. I wonder what he’s like now, has he changed?  They told me his digits but they must have slipped my mind, I’ll probably remember soon enough. A while back I requested a transfer to that city, and I wasn’t the least bit hopeful about it getting accepted. But this morning, I checked my datapad and my inbox had a new message. It reads as so: “777, your transfer request was received. You will be moved to City 45 during your next stasis cycle.” I can hardly contain myself; just thinking about it makes me excited. I’m going to finally see my cousin, whom I have not seen since, well who knows? Anyways, I’m going into stasis so that I cannot inflict harm upon myself and others.

I am now at City 45, and yet I have no idea who my cousin is; I do know that he’s in APEX, though. I’ll probably recognize his body posture or something like that, how much could he have changed anyways? Not much I presume, or at least I hope so. Well, I will ask around for him, mostly in APEX. Maybe he heard of my arrival and told some of the units here. But until then I will wrap up this log and finish it another time.

Addition to LOG: I just remembered his digits, they were 935!||::>

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« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 11:08:51 PM by The Krusader »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <||: APEX-04.777's Private Logs :||>
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 03:22:29 AM »
// you sadistic.............
I have no words for you
never change <3

Offline TheKrusader

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Re: <||: APEX-04.777's Private Logs :||>
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 07:28:44 AM »

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New File Opened: LOG.0000002
Audio Activated

<::||   Well, I finally found my cousin… I was told that he was in the Med-bay, so I went up there. Upon my arrival I saw an OfC, 158 I believe. At first, I thought he was my cousin. *her voice sounds forced* Alexander. But he stated that his family was killed by the CCA, as if he didn’t care. From that exchange of words I knew he wasn’t my cousin, but I knew that he knew him. I then bombarded him with questions like ‘what rank is he?’ and ‘is he a good person?’ He replied with ‘He was an EpU’ and ‘He was a very good person’ I was confused, he kept using the past tense when regarding my cousin. I continued prying him with questions, maybe one too far: ’Where is he?’ After I asked there was a long pause in the conversation, a dead silence. We just looked quietly at each other, he seemed as if he was building up the courage to say something, and he did. ‘You were informed correctly, 777; your cousin is in the Med-bay, I’m just not him.’ He stopped for a moment then continued on to say ‘777, 935 took his own life, he’s gone.’*her breathing becomes rapid, then broken by heavy sobs.* He said he would give me alone time with 935, but it means nothing to me now that he is…gone…I came all this way and spent all that effort for what? Finding the only family member I could trust gone? I didn’t even get to say good-bye…
   I need to speak with that OfC that was in the Med-bay with my cousin. Maybe he knows more about Alexxander. He can tell me what kind of person he was, maybe ever what/who caused him to commit such a horrendous action. *the sound of crying and the repeated whisper of ‘Alexxander’ is heard, the audio log cuts out*

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 04:09:09 PM by The Krusader »


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