RTLK resigned
OCRP got updated to 1.5
HL2RP got a new map update
Raiden returned
Kronic became admin
Branden became admin
Bluff became admin
Kom became admin
Yankee was temporarily demoted and reinstated following one of the reasons RTLK stepped down.
GMPTR was made into a beta and released today
Making a vortiguant became available via authorizations
Added a small HL2RP update
Added a bans system to the site via servers drop bar, there is now a bans area for Outlands and City
We added the Internet censorship bar to the logo due to the government is thinking of censoring us
Many new things happend IC on the servers also which changed much. We have a new GRID DvL who is awesome and also some new OfC's.
Impulse FM was taken down due to RTLK leaving
The forums category's where updated and new things where added towards the bottom
Much more!