I've no issues using a 42" TV screen as my main pc screen playing any game.There would be no issue in you having such a large screen as I can play just fine.One thing I would be against though is the 3D.What is the real point? On top of that the disorientation that your brain takes (even if you don't feel it) on such small screens does cause a lot of people headaches and such.If I were you. Buy a fuck-off big screen without 3D, using the money saved to increase screen size.
I'm about two feet from mine too.You'd be surprised how much awesome it feels having such a big screen.Anyway, onto your topic. I'd get The first one.I.E http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001493But really. Think about the 3D. Do you need it, what will you use it for, and can your graphics card even support 3D?Cause you could get a much higher quality screen less the 3D for a lower price.