Author Topic: <::|| UNION General Information ||::>  (Read 1427 times)

Offline Teitoku Ippan

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<::|| UNION General Information ||::>
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:48:58 PM »
UNIT: 522

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Subject: UNION General Information

UNION General Information
Basic Sociostability, Ground Infantry and Recruitment Division

UNION is where all new Recruits who have been accepted into the Combine Civil Authority begin.
UNION is a division that doesn't specialise in advanced sociostability, mechanical or medical areas.
UNION mainly deals with recruitment, recruit training and basic sociostability.

For units to promote to the next rank, they must complete all of their training requirements plus have met the time requirements.
Units that feel they are ready to be promoted within UNION must talk to either the Divisional Leader or the Officers of UNION.
These units will then be considered within a three day period by High Command.
When the unit being considered has been approved for promotion, the unit will receive his new rank, armband and equipment.
Units who are declined for their promotion request will have to wait another week to be considered for promotion again, following intensive retraining in areas required.

Current UNION High Command & EpUs

Divisional Leader: 522
Training Officer: Vacant
Command Officer: 713

EpU: 312
EpU: Vacant

Officers of UNION will specialise in doing the area they are in, such as the Training Officer will focus on being more in the Nexus, training UNION units and the Command Officer will focus on being more on the field, providing commands to units.
This doesn't restrict them in doing the other Officer's duties if they are off duty.
There will be two EpU ranked units within UNION, no more. UNION does not require EpUs as much as APEX.

Wish to transfer out of UNION? Talk to the Divisional Leaders of the division you are transfering out of and into.
When the transfer is accepted, you will begin as an 04 in the new division.
Regret transfering and wish to go back into UNION? Talk to the Divisional Leader of UNION and explain the reason for your regret and why you wish to return to UNION. Your previous rank is not guaranteed to be returned to you.

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 05:51:53 PM by Abbott à²?_à²? »


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