The reason why I do not think this community should have this gamemode:If we make a TTT server a new part of the community will be formed, they will probably not know how to Role-Play but will still join the other servers CG has. Once they connect to our servers, extreme derp. 'Nuff said. Kthxbai. Soisoisoi. Ok. Why. Hi.
Quote from: thunderbleat on November 13, 2011, 10:16:12 AMThe reason why I do not think this community should have this gamemode:If we make a TTT server a new part of the community will be formed, they will probably not know how to Role-Play but will still join the other servers CG has. Once they connect to our servers, extreme derp. 'Nuff said. Kthxbai. Soisoisoi. Ok. Why. Hi.That is a really close minded thought...What about all the new players we get now then? You say they aren't welcome because they don't know how to roleplay? Of course not. Everyone is welcome to join all our servers, and anytime is a first time. You had to learn to roleplay yourself when you first joined a RP server as well right?
Were going to have one, its just not gonna be till I sit down and just code the fuck outta it and make it unique for cf.
Quote from: RKS | RTLK on November 16, 2011, 03:52:21 AMWere going to have one, its just not gonna be till I sit down and just code the fuck outta it and make it unique for cf.Sounds awesome, It'll be the first TTT I see that actually looks different from others. Hopefully it won't take too terribly long.