Author Topic: The Story Behind Anthony Delgrosso  (Read 1519 times)

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The Story Behind Anthony Delgrosso
« on: December 18, 2011, 02:29:32 PM »
This story can put a hurting on the eyes, there for, i'm going to release it in chapters. The chapters are not very long and based on your request I will continue to post the continuing parts to the story. Please leave feed back if you take the time to read, thank you very much, and enjoy.

The story starts off moments before Anthony is released into city 45 from the train station, date and time unknown.

Chapter 1

   Anthony's Memory was flashed when he entered the city. He knows he had a child hood and understands how old he is, he just doesn't remember anything that happened before the train ride into City 45. He simply got off, and the only thing he had, was a jumpsuit, and his keen senses.

   One day, not knowing the city very well, Anthony traveled through the plaza, into sector 6. There he met two people, by the names of Jack Price and Henry Young. Anthony And Henry first met at the entrance of sector 6, and continued to the rubbage canals. There, Anthony, having only his primal instinct, took a metal shard from a broken down car, and put it in his pocket. He had also noticed, the man he was traveling with (Young) had a glass shard on his person himself.

   They had traveled a while, then they came across a bar, Young knew exactly of the place, as if it were his home. Anthony told him he had seen the place in a dream, he then turned to him, and told anthony to never return there again, with an awkward smile on his face. Anthony nodded and we proceeded.

   As they traveled through the ghetto's of city 45, they came across another male, Jack Price, bald, with a large bulging backpack. He said he had food and supplies. Anthony being flashed of his memory and confused as what to do, his primal instict caught in, and he pulled the shard from his pocket, and went to mug the man for his food items. Jack Price got away safely for Henry Young held Anthony Back.

   It was not much longer until Jack Price had come back around the corner, my friend appologized for Anthony, and so did Anthony himself. Jack Price and Henry Young talked for a while, Anthony standing there quiet, listening. Jack pulled from his backpack, a stationary radio. It was very large, and Anthony knew right then and there, he shouldn't have had it.

   Anthony then sprinted away from the two, running down the ally way, heading back for the city plaza in sector 1. He went to the nexus, banged on the door, and told the combine of what the men had been up to. The combine responded quickly, talking their chatter into their radios. It didn't take long, and they seized Henry Young. He was last seen being taken into interogation, and hasn't been seen since.

   After a while, Anthony had roamed the city feeling pretty good about what he did, he did stop a couple of guys from causing him a lot of trouble in the future. One day, Jack Price found Anthony, and beat him senseless leaving him in a distant sewer. Anthony was horribly injured, bloody bruised. He limped his way back to sector 1 once again and told the combine what happened. Jack Price was never found.
Character Status:

Citizen Forname: Anthony
Citizen Surname: Delgrosso
Citizen Identification: 56514
Citizen Status: Healthy
Faction: Loyalist (Unemployed)
Last Seen: Plaza - Sector 6


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