Surely you are suppose to fix ALL bugs before improving. I mean, the sprint bug is still there. That's a big one. I'm just saying my views really. I just think its better if you fix the bugs then improving on anything.
Okay, so the only bug you are complaining about is the sprint bug? Well that is fixed on the next update so i guess we have fixed the gamemode now?
It was a very small change but i never knew where the problem was until Hey Honey told me where to look and it was sorted in a few minutes.
I have a quick question: I voted for the limit system because pretty much EVERYONE's inventory is above the limit.
However, if the new weight system applies, everyone needs to lower their inventory to the limit before they can do anything. Does this mean you also cannot buy items with the weight of 0 if your inventory is still above the limit?
No matter how much "shit" you have in your inventory, you will always be able to buy stuff that weights 0 as it does not take up any weight.
I also added so you cant craft if you cant hold the item in the new weight system.
This thread is also here to prepare people for whatever system wins. In this case, its the weight system. People have more than a week to get their inventory under 100 which should be rather system. In case everything goes wrong and you don't get it under 100, you can sell it to the cheapie.
Good to see the weight system winning; let's hope it gets added instead of the limit system. The weight system sounds far better
The weight system was added before this vote but we wanted to see if people really wanted it or the weight system. Obviously the winner of this poll (being the weight system) is/will be added to OCRP.
Again, to Aneeso. If you have bugs, post a bug report with all of them in because i cannot claim any bugs other than a few problems with broken legs and your sprint glitches if you break your legs and gets reviewed or something like that. Its small bugs where we would rather implant a hole new feature than fixing looking into stuff like that.