Author Topic: Character sheet sharing  (Read 1846 times)

Offline 429ghost

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Character sheet sharing
« on: October 22, 2011, 01:35:45 PM »
Character Name: John Farmer

Age: 37(born 1979)

Fatal Flaw/Defect: Being a Brooklyn native has John being very reactive when insulted or threatened, except by Combine whom he knows would kill him for the slightest disrespect.

CID: 55953

Physical Description: 5'12 - 6'0, about 150 lbs, Bald(but black when unshaved), brown eyes. Somewhat athletic physique. Citizens uniform, a little dirty being its the only thing he wears. Loyalist Armband. Birthmark on his elbow.

Mental State: Stable and coping with life under Combine rule.

Physical State: No diseases or conditions. One of the healthiest people he knows these days.

Background: (Warning: you might tl;dr)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, John was a street smart kid of Irish descent. Being the youngest of four brothers, John was always the "baby bro" in his household. His brothers include Mathew Farmer, the oldest, Mark farmer, and Jerry Farmer. They stook together for their entire lives, or atleast most of their lives. When John's mother Maria Farmer died of cancer, they were left to take care of their father who was too old to take care of himself. John always loved his brothers, especially Mathew.
Mathew always looked after John, saving him from getting jumped by street hoodlums, bailing him out of his occasional jailings, and a lot of other things. When they graduated from High School, Mathew joined the Marines. He asked John if he wanted to join too, but John preferred to stay with Dad, Mark, and Jerry. Mathew came back for his inactive years in 2000. Mathew was inactive for four years. During that time, he taught John a lot of stuff he learned in the Marines, including CQC. Then one night in 2004, John overheard a phone call between Mathew and his CO. John could only make bits and pieces of the conversation, but the entire thing became clearer the next morning. Mathew told everyone that he was given an offer to serve for longer, and that the offer given to him was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Mathew left to a base in Arizona the next day. What John knew was that Mathew, the brave and skillful brother he'd known all his life, was given an offer to join a classified special forces unit, the HECU. That was the last John had seen of Mathew.
A few months later, Dad's doctor told him he only had a few months to live. When Dad died, the Farmer Brothers then went their own ways. Mark moved to Europe with his Eastern European fiance, Jerry moved to Chicago due to a business offer(Jerry was the only one in the family who seemed to have a succesful future), and John stayed behind in Brooklyn taking a job as an Auto Mechanic. That was as well the last that John had seen of his brothers. It became appearent that Dad was what kept them together.
One day in 2015, John was working on his '69 Mustang when he heard a news report on the radio talking about some sort of nuclear detonation at the Black Mesa Research Facility. Curious, he went inside and switched the TV to Fox News where they were giving more thorough reports. They said that witnesses who were at a distance to the facility prior to the explosion reported strange phenomena occuring in the facility, as well as a military presence. Survivors from the facility were said to have given sketchy descriptions as to what happened. One survivor, Barney Calhoun, said what he saw in the facility was pure conspiracy. Other News channels were reporting things such as unusual storms brewing, and a FBI most wanted fugitive by the name of Gordon Freeman who couldv'e been partially responsible for what happened at Black Mesa. John turned off the TV and went back outside to his Mustang and closed the hood. He then went out for a drive.
About an hour later, the sky was very stormy and slowly turning to a midnight storm. Traffic was intense. John wasn't sure if he'd make it out of this traffic within the century. Suddenly, there was a slight earthquake. The storm was getting worse. Lightning started striking powerlines. When John looked up towards the sky, he could barely believe what his eyes wanted him to see. A series of portals began growing in the sky, seemingly tearing the fabric of the universe. From these portals came strange looking flying objects, some that had the front of a dragon fly and the back of a controlled propeller, these seem to be some sort of gunships assumed because of the barrel on their noses. Others seemed like rectangular stingrays carrying varying things.
John could see people getting out of their cars and people on the sidewalk alike looking up and staring in awe, pointing, fearing. At that moment, the gunships opened fire at anything in sight. Everyone began to run away, looking for cover. A gunship managed to blow up the car in front of John's with the driver still inside, the man made a brief scream as he was blown away along with his vehicle. Instinctually, John opened his glove compartment to take out a Glock and hurried as fast as he could to get out of his car, just as one of those gunships used some sort of laser that came out of its belly to destroy his car.
John took cover in the nearest building, several others were hiding in fear in the same building. He went to the upper levels and looked out the window to see the Manhatten skyline being shredded by these invaders. Chaos was everywhere, the stingray things were dropping these creatures or machines or whatever they were with three, very long legs. They began wreaking havoc accross the entire city. John could also see smaller versions of those creatures that were more agile as well. Police made futile attempts to fight off these appearent aliens. Entire SWAT teams died just as they came.
John waited until the aliens left the area to leave the building. People and bodies alike were all over, crying and screaming was present. Paramedics were overwhelmed with wounded. John went to one of the dead SWAT officers and took his MP5. John looked up to see a squadron of fighter jets trying to take out the gunships, but both their numbers were very large. From the distance, John could hear air raid sirens begin to wail.
From the nearest police car, John could hear military broadcasts to law enforcement and civilians alike. "Attention residents of the New York metropolitan area. A military evacuation is in effect. All citizens are advised to seek refuge at the following designated evac centers: John F. Kennedey International Airport, Kings County Hospital Center, La Guardia Airport, Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Columbia University, Liberty State Park, North Hudson Park, and Silver Lake Park. This evacuation is mandatory. National Guard has been dispatched to collect you if you have not already proceeded to your nearest evac center. Avoid contact with hostile forces at all costs. The Financial District is under heavy hostile attack. Avoid the Financial District at all costs. If you are bringing personal belongings, be sure to bring only one bag per person. Do not bring anything over 70-80 lbs. Pets must be on a leash or in a cage. Cell Phones and electronics based on a radio, WIFI, or LAN frequency are to be turned off inside of the evac center. Pay phones and land lines will be provided for communication. You will be screened for parasitics and other biological hazards before allowed entry. Be sure to have Photo ID ready for identification. Transportation by air, ground, and sea will arrive regularly to take you to a protection center south of the New York metropolitan area. Martial law is in effect. Disorderly conduct will result in arrest without trial. This broadcast will repeat every 30 seconds until evacuations are complete."
After hearing that broadcast and seeing everything that has happened that day, John knew that something huge, very, very huge, was happening. An alien invasion. He had to get to one of those evac centers. The nearest one was the one at the Museum in Central Park. He put the MP5 in his Jacket and began on foot towards Manhattan. He was not the only one walking across the Manhattan Bridge. Others heard the broadcast and, fueled by fear and confusion, intended to reach the evac center as well.
Choppers flew above the bridge, UH-60s heading toward the evac center and a police chopper hovering above the bridge to guide the evacuees. There was a military checkpoint up ahead. Just before John could reach the checkpoint, a gunship swoops in and deliberately flys into the police chopper, causing it to crash land beneath the bridge. It was followed by a stingray dropship. The soldiers at the checkpoint began firing at the dropship, including a gunner on the .50 cal of a Humvee. The dropship dropped its cargo, one of those long legged things that seemed to stride as they moved, just behind the crowd John was in. They began to run toward the safety of the checkpoint, including John. The strider started firing at both the checkpoint and crowd. John barely made it past the humvee before the strider blew it up with its laser thing that it rarely uses. Knowing that the soldiers at the checkpoint were now not enough in force to take on the strider, John intended to run to the Manhattan end of the bridge, pushing slowpokes out of his way accordingly. John was already towards the end with other runners who were terrified of what just happened. He looked back and could see that the strider was still where it was, and the soldiers' numbers were now obviously smaller. John was still running just to be sure, as were the others. He ran all the way until he was about 4 or so blocks from Central Park.
Being so close to the main battles, which were mainly south of John in the Financial District, firefights were now heard clearer and louder. John wanted to make it to the evac center faster. He went to the nearest parked vehicle, broke open the window, unlocked and opened the door, and started at hot wiring the car to turn on. With the situation at hand, the law would just have to bother him another day. He managed to turn the car on. He closed the door and went toward the evac center.
However, he took a detour in the wrong direction, into a firefight between the invaders and the military. John put the pedal to the metal and drove around the debris and obstacles in the road, while bullets and bullets made out of dark matter shot at the car in the crossfire. One of those mini-striders whose abilities were similar to a wild hunter walked infront of the car. John ran over the hunter. It laid on the hood dying. John braked in his tracks, the hunter flying off of the hood. John floored it again and ran over the hunter, killing it. John was finally out of the firefight, and was now driving north between the Upper East Side and Central Park.
John could see the evac center ahead. several checkpoints and a barricade blocked the road, which were followed by the Museum. John parked his car. He got out and looked at his watch, already three and a half hours have passed since this all began. He began walking toward the evac center. One of the soldiers at the first checkpoint said to John "Just up ahead, sir." John finally made it to the barricade. A gate was opened which allowed refugees to enter, John and some others who were behind him went in.
John was stopped by a soldier in a gas mask who asked for ID. John gave it to him and then the soldier directed John to a nearby tent where he would be screened for some sort of parasite that was going around in recent events of this invasion. John was examined by a scientist in a hazmat suit before being marked as 'clean'. When John asked the scientist what exactly the parasite was, the scientist said the usual thing someone who recieves government paychecks say: "That's classified, NEXT!" John left the tent and proceeded within the center.
People there were mixed with crying, nervous shaking, anxiety, and it was rare to find someone who was calm. UH-60s and Trucks came by every 20 minutes or so. Everytime they came, it was always too packed for John to fit. Nonetheless, John hadn't felt any safer that day than he was now. However, his safety would end soon.
About two hours or so after he arrived at the center, the battle had been turning toward alien favor. John was waiting for the last choppers, which he was sure he'd catch this time, when a massive explosion was heard from the south. An alarm sounded along with something being said on the PA "Attention military personnel, Financial District hostiles have pushed back defenses and are heading due north to this position! Assume combat readiness! This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!" By now, pretty much the entire military personnel at that evac center were heading toward the south gate to defend against the aliens from the Financial District who were coming this way. John could tell his chances of being saved in time are slim. Nearby he could see a commander requesting something over the radio "Overlord, checkpoint one is under heavy hostile attack, requesting carpet bombings, over" "Negative, Nomad 2-1. Virtually all bomber airbourne battalions closest to you are currently tasked with priority strategic bombings." "Well gosh dammit, can you atleast send the HECU teams toward our way to give a helping hand?" "Negative, Nomad 2-1. HECU teams Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie are tasked with an objective given directly by American Eagle to escort a VIP to the UN and establish negotiations with enemy high command. I'm sending some apaches along with the final evac to provide you some support. Right now, you are to ensure that the remaining civilians are evacuated safely. Just hang in there Nomad 2-1. Overlord out." As soon as Nomad 2-1 finished with Overlord, he recieved an update from the soldiers at checkpoint one. "Sir, the hostiles have broken past checkpoints one and two! We're giving em everything we got at checkpoint three but theres an entire freaking battalion of them!" "Hold em off soldier, Overlord is sending us apaches with the final evac, take full advantage of the Bradleys and M1A2s until then." "Sir they already took out three of- OH SHIT! GET DOW-" An explosion was heard for a brief second, followed by static. John looked to the south gate and could litterally see the battle ensue just beyond the barricade.
He could not believe what he saw. Atleast 20 hunters, 10 striders, and 4 gunships were attacking. It's gonna be real hard for the soldiers to take them on, almost impossible. It was at that moment that the evac choppers finally arrived, followed by the fleet of 10 apaches. When the UH-60s landed, John and several others ran to get on the nearest one. John took a seat inside and buckled himself up. Just as the UH-60 was taking off, the aliens broke through the barricade and the remaining soldiers tried to fight them off, even though it was futile.
John's UH-60 was finally out of harms way from the evac center, unfortunately the same could not be said for the last UH-60 to take off, which was shot down by strider fire. The fleet of UH-60s was now flying above the East River. John could see something going on at the United Nations building, some sort of machine was making what seemed like electrical pulses toward the portals, which stood in the exact position in the morning sunrise as they did 6 and half hours earlier, from the top of the building. Standing next to the machine was a middle aged man in a brown suit, possibly the VIP spoken of earlier, and a team of soldiers, possibly the HECU.
John remembered Mathew being part of the HECU. He began to wonder whether Mathew was one of those soldiers down there, but it was unlikely. After seeing what those aliens can do, Mathew was probably dead by now. But then again, after knowing his brother his entire life and knowing his tenacity and strong will to survive, John thought twice about his underestimation. The mystery of whatever happened to Mathew might be answered by that HECU team.
John's thinking was interupted by a gunship that was coming toward the UH-60, it fired at the pilots, killing them both. The UH-60 began spinning out of control. John braced for impact, while the evacuees were screaming. The UH-60 was just above a street along the East River, it flew in at low altitude, and hit with a hard impact. John was knocked unconscious.
John woke up about 30 minutes later, the United Nations building towering above the helicopter wreck. He looked around at everyone to find that he was the only survivor. The radio was going crazy "VIP is proposing surrender terms--Today is a historical day--Whats the status on the extraction?--Hostiles have seized fire, should we seize fire as well?--Whats going on? Sitrep!--American Eagle is confirmed KIA, Vice is MIA--I NEED A GOSH DAMN SITREP!" John looked up at the building, he saw a portal unique from the others just above it. He could hear bits and pieces of the VIP making a lecture "On behalf of...due to massive casualties...propose a surrender...enslavement of the?...appoint me as?...on behalf...we accept..." John could barely stay on his feet. He fell to his knees and passed out.
When he woke up, he found himself in an infirmary. He asked the nurse in a strange blue uniform what had happened. She told him that he was in a coma for 10 days and that he was tranferred to some city called City 17. John looked down to find that he was in the same type of uniform that the nurse was wearing. John left the infirmary and entered a plaza, what he saw before him was a dystopia.
John later found out that the Black Mesa Incident was a resonance cascade that allowed a race of aliens from another universe who come from a borderworld called Xen to enter our universe. The government wanted to cover up that Xen has long been interacted by human presence, so they nuked the facility. This was unsuccessful in stopping the resonance cascade and portal storms from bringing the Xen aliens to Earth, who were later followed by a Universal Union of that universe who have been oppressing the aliens of Xen, the Combine. Upon discovering Earth, the Combine declared war on the nations of the Earth for its natural resources. The Combine defeated all the nations in no more than seven hours. The war was later named the Seven Hour War. Dr. Wallace Breen, former administrator of Black Mesa, used technology built by his company to communicate with the Combine and propose a surrender in condition of the enslavement of the human race. As a reward, they appointed him as administrator of the Combine's Earth territory.
John lived life under Combine rule, which included the supression of religion, social status, knowledge, sex, welfare, free-thought, and free-will. He lived in City 17 for one year. In 2016, John was transferred to City 45 where his story currently continues.

Strenghts - Skills/Traits: Street smart.

Weaknesses: Short temper

Advanced Details: (not too sure, I might edit this later)

Research Notes: 3.5% of the population of Brooklyn are Irish. The governments of Earth set up protection centers for people during the Seven Hour War.

Research References:

Accent: Brooklyn/New York accent with a hint of Irish.

Mannerisms: Generally friendly until pushed. Respectful.

Character log(may be subject to change):
October 15th(RL date), 2016 - Arrived at City 45.
October 22nd(RL date), 2016 - Survived a wind storm.
October 26th(RL date), 2016 - Earned Loyalist Armband and official Loyalist status.
October 27th(RL date), 2016 - Applied for Civil Protection.
October 28th(RL date), 2016 - CP Application accepted.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 01:45:38 PM by 429ghost »

Offline Pirate Robot

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Re: Character sheet sharing
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 02:03:06 PM »
It's a pain in the ass reading that wall of text.
Use Paragraphs..

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Character sheet sharing
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 02:52:26 PM »
It's a pain in the ass reading that wall of text.
Use Paragraphs..


Offline GeneralTrivium

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Re: Character sheet sharing
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 04:17:43 AM »
There is an IC Section for stuff like this.


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